Media Blasting* PICS*

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I luv herfrds

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Feb 24, 2007
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The guys we hired came out yesterday and started media blasting the house.
The east side was the worse with the heavy layer of stain on it, but they got a good portion of it done yesterday. Some of the areas will just have to be sanded to get the stain off.
Came back this morning and finished what little bit was left there and have moved to the north side of the house.
They said it is coming off much easier and their goal is to get the northside done today and try to get part of the west side done too.

Here's the pics I took this morning.

East side


Left on stain

You can see that they tried to get it off, but too much of the log was being taken away for that little bit


That t's me off just looking at the pics, can't even begin to imagine how you must feel . :mad:
Looks like the guys are doing a good job and moving along at a good pace.

Have you gotten any reply from the letter you sent tthe store yet ?
I don't even want to know what the stripping is costing you. Looks like they're doing a good job though
Nothing yet HD. They have til next Friday to respond. Then I go see the Judge and get the proper papers.
I'll send you a pm. Got an ace up my sleeve and I don't want it on the internet.

hookline the bid is $5500. Got my fingers crossed that they come in under it.

The guys take turns at the blasting. That hose is heavy and trying to hold it up for so long by one guy is difficult.
The only time I hear the air compressor stop is at lunch, refilling the grit in the tank or they are moving the scaffold or ladder.
They got here at 7:30 am this morning. Nice guys.
Talked with them yesterday when they got done for the day and the one guy told me to make sure we power wash the house before trying to put any stain on it. Said it will wash all the blasting grit off and get it out of the little cracks. Told him we planned to.

Now trying to decide if we should do 1:4 bleach treatment or just use the X-180 wood restorer I bought. Definately going to caulk between the logs before we stain this time.
We had planned to chink the house this fall with the present stain, but not now.
Seeing that I power wash for a living, I wouldn't use any bleach or chlorine when you wash it down. You probably don't even need to use the x-180 since your just trying to get the grit out. Its going to be all about the water flow more than anything. Not to state the obvious, but start at the top down, and use the wand at an steady angle from one side so your pushing the grit the same direction at all times. If you do the standard sweeping motion you'll be pushing it left and right and won't get it all
Well they got the north side done and got around the corner of the west side and part way down the west side.
They are having trouble reaching the top 2 logs on this west side. Don't know what they are going to do. They are stopping for the day and will be back on Monday.

hookline the reason I was thinking of the bleach solution or the X-180 was so the logs would take the next stain better, but with it now being "new wood" might not need to do it.
Will treat the house again with the Board Defense after washing it. Got enough left in the 5 gallon bucket we got before to do it. Only used half the bucket the first time.

Going to head up and start sanding the 4 logs on the east side. Now I won't be covered in grit. ;-)
You won't get a better prepped surface to work with than the media blasting. All the bleach will do is eat at the softer organic parts of the wood. As long as its stained shortly after blasting, dirt won't get a chance to build up so there's no need for the bleach
They almost have the west wall done, then they will start on the south. Might be done today. South side shouldn't take too long because there is so little stain left.

gimpy the Board Defense is disodium octaborate tetrahydrate.
Last time I put it on forgot and licked my lips. Bleah. Pretty nasty stuff. Gotta remember to wear my mask this time around.
They got done today.





Ordered 10 gallons of stain today.
Starting over again. :bang:
DB here is a link to what has been going on recently. yep just put it up last summer and stained it.

Vett we are going to get some house wrap and rent a high lift platform and re-do the gable ends. I know it bothers me too. Been looking into composite shingles and planks to do the ends with.
We just blew our entire budget for the year on the media blasting, so we will see what happens.
Might just tighten that belt another notch just to get some of this stuff done.
I hesitate to make suggestions as it's not my house...since you have a metal roof, what's your thought on metal wall sheets in an appropriate color? Wouldn't have to worry about painting or staining...
Why did you not just leave the stain alone? Why all the work , to what avail? Stain is to protect the wood, right why strip it?
We thought about the metal siding, but we would personally like to have a wood style look to the gable ends.

Black coos the stain was peeling off of the house and was no longer protecting it.



I'll tell you guys what. A 2" booster hose, 300 gallons of water and about 125 psi sure does wash that grit off rather nicely.
Did like you said hookline no back and forth motion just one direction. Worked nicely.
I washed the house on Tuesday ended up with an unexpeted shower on one corner due to the wind, but it got done.

I started caulking between the logs to seal them all up. We had planned to caulk the house this fall, but since we had the stain removed figured we had better get that done now.
Got the east side all done and part of the south side. Hubby is going to set up the 2-ton grain truck so I can work on the southside out of it like he did putting on the stain last year.
Before you all say something I am using Energy Seal which is a caulking made by Perma Chink a log home product company.
It is more for sealing then looking nice. Chinking is for looking nice. I already asked the difference.

Yes I climbed a ladder today. What I was using before was our local fire truck. I was standing on the tool boxes that are mounted on the side. Yes I know a no-no, but at least it helped me get the courage to get back up on the ladder today.

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