Lease Advice

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Their house is probably about 20 yds from the hwy with no fence or gate type deal. I'll see if I can track down a phone number but if not I will be giving the ol knock on the door and sorry for dropping by unannounced line....I dont want to tick anybody off, just want to go about it the right way. I'm a ranch raised kid with manners so I'd hope to come off as a likeable guest haha..
I bet around 800 acres of my cash crops I raise came from me going up to someones house and asking them face to face without making an appointment.. If anything looking up someones phone number is more of a invasion of privacy than anything in my opinion.
ya if their house was way back off the road or behind a gate or something I might think otherwise, but it is literally right on the highway, I don't see much harm in dropping by one afternoon and asking, if they tell me no I'll just leave 'em my number and thank them for their time and head on down the road
Go for it, sounds like you know what to say and how to act, even if they say no, you will know you atleast tried.