Late Calves

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Mar 5, 2007
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I was just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem that we are this year, we AI and almost every cow has been late calving this year according to the calender. I currently have 2 that are now 7 days late, they are all bagged up and swelled but they have been that way for a couple weeks now. I checked them yesterday and they have not let the milk down so that is good, but when do you get worried there might be a problem.
it is hereditary too. my last bull sired calves that always went over, some 10 days plus. brahman cross cattle are said to go 295 days ?? i don't know how true that is. steers are said to be carried longer than heifers too. ?? lots of factors, i have seen bulls advertised that had shorter gestation periods.

I am interested in your method of castration. How young do you castrate? I guess I wait too long as mine are all calved as bulls :lol:

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

I've read that some bulls can cause a variety of up to 10 days either way. If the cow has the same genes it will really be a toss up if you used a cleanup bull after AI-ing once.
i band real early !!!! at preg check :lol: :lol:
only one bull for 4+ years and all over the dates that i knew of.
Jeanne, just when you thought you had the breeding early for heifers late for conception figured out ;-)

I know the feeling, I had two years in a row like that.
Seems like trhere isn;t a real consistant deal even with the same cow bred to the same bull. Some years they're almost all early, others they're almost all late. But then there will be the ones that fool you and are just the opposite of what they've been doing.
One cow that we've bred 6 times to the same bull. The calves have ranged from 12 days early to 8 days late. Calves are all the same size, pretty much anyway. Go figure.

KNERSIE":36g86hs9 said:
Jeanne, just when you thought you had the breeding early for heifers late for conception figured out ;-)

I know the feeling, I had two years in a row like that.
Yeah, go figure.
Actually, I had mostly all heifers in the beginning. As I posted previously, I only breed EARLY during the first breeding (about the first 30 days) - than I go for CONCEPTION. So it is quite typical that I get more heifers early in calving.
Last year & this year my last 2 weeks are "clean up" calves by Macho. Last year they were ALL heifers! bred natural service. Hope I get some this year.
Well, one of our late cows had her calf last night, a bull again, I have only gotten 1 heifer so far this year. I have 6 more to go so I hope I get at least a couple heifers, or picking replacements will be easy.
The only problem that I worry about when their late is how big they get this calf last night weight 106 but she didn't have any trouble so thats good, but that's a little big for my liken.
I know what u mean. I have four that were AI'd and they are four days past due now.
I just had one that went over two days.

Glad to here one dropped with no problems.

We have had mostly heifers.
I look at AI as a double edged sword. You know whe nthey are supposed to be due so you keep a closer eye on them at that time. The bad part is the same thing

We have a few AI heifers calving this year, and the first one was 6 days overdue, with a bull calf. The others haven't calved yet but it seems another one is overdue as well. Maybe it is the season.
I now have 4 overdue and another 3 due in the next 3 days. None of them look "imminant" - what I consider looking ready NOW. All are bagged up & getting loose ligaments, but none "bulging" ready :shock:
Jeanne - Simme Valley":jappyvoa said:
I now have 4 overdue and another 3 due in the next 3 days. None of them look "imminant" - what I consider looking ready NOW. All are bagged up & getting loose ligaments, but none "bulging" ready :shock:

But you know as well as I do that they can go from not looking like they're even close to laying down and popping out a calf in a very short time. Had a heifer calf 8 days early that looked like she was going to be close to on time. She had milk but no goo and nothing really going on, just laying around chewing her cud. Went to town for a part and when I got back 45 minutes later she was feeding her calf. Then there are the ones that look like you could drive a truck in there and looki around to see whats going on and they'll hang on for weeks like that.

Amen! to that Dun.
That's why the late ones have been going in the barn at night for past several days. They can be soooo sneaky!
They get to a point that I figure they can go anytime - but just don't "appear" "imminant".
Haven't had any "screw-ups" YET this year. (cow spit one out outside). If one goes into labor outside, they are real easy to slip into the barn - they love it!
Heifers or "new ones" get put in barn at night earlier than I think they are ready, so they get used to the program - IF I HAVE SPACE!
L Weir":xfadacoc said:
Ours have all been early and all bull calves.

Kind of blows the bulls are late and heifers early theory out of the water don;t it?

Well - open mouth & insert foot!!
Had an early one born OUTSIDE yesterday (bull!) with another late one put in the barn in labor - and she had a HEIFER!!
Me & my big mouth saying I hadn't had any screw-ups born outside. Mom was real good - she picked a nice clean snow area - problem was - calf couldn't stand - his little legs just sank bellie deep. It was either snow or sloppy areas around the feeders - so I put him in a "sled" & pulled him to the barn (with my 4-wheeler :p )
Yes, we have early bulls & late heifers - but on average - bulls have a longer gestation than heifers.