la 200

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ok just wondering becuase the hired hand gave a bull 32 cc's of it and i was driving through the pasture and i found him dead.
i dotn know it was the last of that bottle. and all the other meds are in the hog barns
If it went straight into a vein it could have, bu unless he gave the shot out in the pasture it probably wouldn;t have gotten that far.
no he worked it in the chute and then took him back to the pasture. he was only a 2yr old and he was in great condition up to date on all vacs and evreything
wow, i'm sorry.
i would get it examined by a vet.
the La200 could it have been old...dark in color
it could have been anaphalaptic shock. It might not have been noticeable right away or the signs not recognized.
Could have been an air bubble in the needle.
Bad heart?
IBR...a PI that went unnoticed?
So many reasons best for a vet exam to be sure.
I doubt that it was an air bubble, when my dad was in vet school the proffessor took a huge syringe and sucked air, he then put it all in a heifer's neck and shet was fine, had a calf two months later. It could have been though. Sorry bout him though :cry:
Allergic reaction?????

It is a possiblity and just a thought. I might be grasping at air.
That really stinks though.
Anaphalaptic shock, thats my uneducated guess if anything to do with the antibiotic. Has this animal had liquamycin before with no ill effet?

I dont think it was the dose.