Sorry to hear that. There is usually no shortage of javas, for sure. Zapata is a very diverse county.I hunted down south once in my life,Zapata county, a friend took me and my grandson, we saw lots of deer but no shooters, my friend died week before last from a massive heart attack, we are the same age.
My grandson did get to shoot at some javelina.
It was un the upper 60s, sunny, with a light breeze today. That's about as good as it gets for us.Nice bucks, cool videos but you lost me with the flat land and snake boots in January. Not scared of the snakes but anywhere it stays that warm isn't for me.
It's down right addicting. My poor photo skills with my cell phone don't do it justice. I get about half of what we see. Some times they come in at a dead run with their tongues hanging out and some time they ease by like those in the video.I never got into rattling, looks like a lot of fun.