Interesting Twist

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We are rapidly headed towards 1930 Germany. The rhetoric is scary similar even to the name . In the 1930's they called themselves National Socialist German Workers' Party.
We have had groups that used hate for power and control. The mind blowing part is the masses that followed.
Native American eradication, slavery, foundation of the KKK, anti 14th amendment, passed the poll tax, passed the Jim Crow laws,fought civil rights. The leaders of these groups are brilliant narcissists but so was Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

I said all that to say this as a nation it seems we are loosing our ability of critical thinking and debate. As our history has shown when those abilities declined our national violence seemed to rise to the point of brother against brother.
These people are crazy one of the shooters manifesto was right wing the other was left wing.
CB, we already know that there is mental issues in both cases, and I'm sure you can trace it back to most shootings that resemble this, and same goes to the serial killers before them, your wasting your your time arguing with them and all there rhetoric, there are some steps that have to be taken in the high powered firearms, but you have to be a idiot to believe that mental health isn't the biggest cause.
80% of shooters have had an actively suicidal episode in their past.
20% had a parent who committed suicide.
10% admitted to being inspired to act by national news media coverage.
50% studied details reported by the news media to improve their plan on how to attack.

Of mass shootings prevented... 60% were stopped by a person close to them noticing signs of
depression and simply asking them about how they were feeling and then listening.

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