I hate City Hunters

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I don't know about down there but up here the DNR are likely to be the ones doing it.
Caustic Burno":1m0671e8 said:
Everyone here is trying to kill and trap every hog there is and they are hauling them in. Heck a pack of the devils can make a hayfield look like someone has been in there with a D-9.

Where do wild hogs come from?

GMN":2nr9t3sx said:
Caustic Burno":2nr9t3sx said:
Everyone here is trying to kill and trap every hog there is and they are hauling them in. Heck a pack of the devils can make a hayfield look like someone has been in there with a D-9.

Where do wild hogs come from?


I've trapped 48 in the past six weeks or so. "Game Preserves" would like to buy them. They are not getting them.

I give them to people who want to smoke them. I have castrated the pigs and I am feeding them out. They are very good eating and taste nothing like pork. I am just tired of smoking a big one every weekend.

There is a network that buys them for market meat. Most go to oriental people in New England. Others are shipped overseas. Anything weighing 150 to 250 pounds brings 30 cents a pound. Over 250 brings 50 cents a pound. Plus you get a "head bonus" for anything you take in.

I've got a trophy boar in my pen right now with decent cutter teeth hanging out. He'll go just under 250 pounds. I could haul him to the buyers an hour away and get about $80. I usually wait until I get about 5 of them. If you want him you can have him. But if you take him, he's only going to leave my place field dressed.

I could sell hogs to people like the idiot who turned them loose on Caustic. I don't. The only fence that will hold them has to have a top on it. They can jump 6 foot fence.

Cow panel will not hold them. They will get their head through the grid and wiggle and squirm until they either break the welded wire or else die. I've seen both.

Sheep panel with a 4 inch grid will hold them. They cannot get their head in the 4 inch grid.

I don't know of any "game preserve" surrounded by 4 inch grid sheep panel and the top completely covered. If I sell them a hog it will eventually escape and reak havoc on some farmer/rancher. So I don't sell them to such folks.
kjones":13bukyol said:
Awhile back ,there was a couple of city hunters arould here that went to a farmers house to ask if they could retrieve the two black bears they had shot on his property. Well turns out the were no bears, they were black angus cows. Now what kind of moron can mistake cow for bears? Those idiots shouldn't bet allowes to hunt anything!

That is why alcohol and hunting don't mix. Idiots! :mad:
Caustic Burno":2b44ll9w said:
Everyone here is trying to kill and trap every hog there is and they are hauling them in. Heck a pack of the devils can make a hayfield look like someone has been in there with a D-9.

Thats the only way they can hunt - if the animal stands still and waves at them. If they had to hunt the ones that are already there, they would be whining that they never have any luck getting any!

I have a idiot city boy who owns a 80 behind my property and he went and put in a brand new mobile home, plumbing, new garage, went through the woods with a glorified "brush cutter" making trails, and has huge bonfires going every night while he and his buddies get trashed. AND then he has the audacity (sp) to call me and ask if my kids had been back in his woods cause "he hasn't seen a deer in months" ........
GMN":1lsyzsrp said:
Caustic Burno":1lsyzsrp said:
Everyone here is trying to kill and trap every hog there is and they are hauling them in. Heck a pack of the devils can make a hayfield look like someone has been in there with a D-9.

Where do wild hogs come from?


Originally farmers let therehogs run the woods and would catch up and mark their hogs. Your mark was recorded in the county courthouse. In the fall the families would have a hog hunt. Now you could go into the woods with a good cur dog and catch every hog. After the hog dog bayed the hogs the men would shoot what was needed mark any unmarked pigs and cut em at the same time.
The rest of the day was spent scrapping and butchering hogs for the smoke house.

Well kids left the farm and the hog hunting stopped this was not all bad as all the hogs were all decendants ot Yorks, Hamp Durocs etc. You could still clean every hog out of the country with a good hog dog. Now here is the twist some guy got the bright idea of breeding Russian boar with them and all Heck has broke loose every since.
Hogs that have Russian influence won't pack up and bay they scatter like quail. Now the hog problem gets worse every year.
Hogs are a plague of biblical proportion! This morning a sow and at least 8 lil pigs crossed the road in front of me - d***ed near made me wreck dodging them. It's hard to see them before daylight on a dark country road!
andybob":25yexfy5 said:
Are there no regulations controlling the movement, trade and release of alien species?
This type of irrisponsible behavior should carry heavy legal penalties.

In my part of Texas you aren't allowed to transport and release wild hogs over county lines. There are fines if you get caught.
I think that sometimes people take the "catch are release" thing to extremes not thinking about exactly what they are capturing and releasing. Does a lot more harm than good. I can't imagine anyone from around these parts who doesn't know about how destructive a pig can be. But then again, I'm not city folk, so I can't account for everyone's ignorance.

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