I don’t know why? (pics)

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Sir Loin

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
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Here are some pics I took yesterday but I can't remember why I took them.
Then I downloaded them, I don't know why!
Then I up loaded them, I don't know why.
Then I edited them to size them, I don't know why.
So now I am posting them, I still don't know why.
So take a look at them and if you don't like them, you shouldn't have looked at them.

If you have a question go ahead and ask, but be warned I may not have the answer. I don't know why.
Pic 1.

Pic 2.

Pic 3.

Pic 4.

Pic 5.

Pic 6.
What's the breed of the calf in Pic 2?
That's one of those questions I don't have the answer for.
I don't know who the mommy is.
But I sure do know who the daddy is! Old Lover boy was at it again.
Yes very nice pics. And as stated the first pic, Self would have it blown up to a very nice {large}size and have it hanging in my living room. You can find pics like that but to have it on your wall and say for years this is my own, you will probably admire yourself. Great work.

Nice SL....

Good looking cows and good looking country. We have been thru TN several times when visiting my son in college in Nashville. If I ever move from the state of GA, I'm going to be your neighbor. :)
I know why you took them...they were pleasing to your eye and then they were posted to be pleasing to everyone's eye. Great photography. I agree that number one is a keeper.
Well geeez, I certainly didn't expect that. Thank you all very much for your kind words.
But most of all thank you for reminding me why I took and posted those pics.

Now this is very hard to put into words for me so hang in here.
First: I know very little about photography so believe me it is the camera not me.
For the quality of pics I give all the credit to my Kodak Easy Share Z612.

Now for the hard part. And it's another I don't know.
As for the subject matter in those pics which were selected by none other then little old me.
I have been a cattleman all my life and for far to long cattle only meant dollars on the hoof and for far too long I haven't been seeing the beauty in cattle that I saw when I first got started in the business.

Now I'm not sure if it has been my retirement where I don't have to worry about making a mortgage payment and all the other headaches that goes with raising cattle and the fact that I am only the primary care giver to these cattle, as I am not the owner of these cattle.
Or if it is the fact that I am on this board with people like most of you who are just starting out in cattle and see the beauty in cattle and all around you.

So please forgive me if I post to many pics and please don't think for one moment I am boosting on the cattle or TN or Kodak, because for the first time in a very long time I am no longer seeing dollars on the hoof but instead the real beauty in what I have loved all my life.
This is the first year in a long time that calving season has returned to what it once was when I first started out instead of just a time of more long hours and hard work.
To be honest will ya this year I am like a kid in a candy store or a sex maniac in a whorehouse with a credit card, which ever you prefer, because it is calving season.
Now for you hobby farmers who have been dragging this tin man down the yellow brick road let me tell you that you have succeeded.
And for that I thank you, but do remember I do have commercial cattlemen's responsibilities to fulfill.

Now I'm not sure I properly conveyed what I wanted to say, or if my grammar, spelling or punctuation is correct so permit me to close with this little thought.

That pics like my pic #1 is all around you too, if you just take the time to look for it.
Then you too can hang your own love of life on your wall.
Again thank you all and may God bless you as he has done for me.
PS Warning: there are more pics coming.
Great pics SL keep them coming! It reminds me too why I've stayed in this business.

I would be considered a hobby farmer by quite a few here too, but I know why you took the pics, I know why you love the cows, I know why you love the land.

It's something that gets in your blood that can't be got rid of. And who would want to get rid of it?

After a day of dealing with people in town and conducting business on those terms, coming home to the farm and the cows is my piece of paradise. That's what keeps me from having the heart attack or killing people. Just me and my girls........

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