help with feeding

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my parents are kinda doing the same thing for me Casey, though my parents are 70 and still in good shape. As far as taking care of the cattle, I think that's the easiest part of what's ahead for you, making money and keeping afloat is what's not easy, particularly if you are going to have a mortgage on the place. There's always these forums you can ask about cattle and their problems, but for money problems, everyone has a different opinion, and bear in mind that everyone is still trying to figure it out for themselves... You're lucky that cattle prices are better now than they have been in some time which will help a bit with the money... Do you have a profession outside of farming to make extra cash on the side if need be? Also, unless the place is really big and the reliability of the equipment is very important, stick with the old stuff, especially if you're good with a wrench. When you make lots of money and uncle sam wants tax, then buy new stuff

best of luck!
well our land is free and clear, but looking into buying more land. and yeah cattle prices around here are pretty good right now, but that can change tomorrow lol. and yes i do work full time as a paramedic, so that help out on the farm. everything is so hard for farmers to survive in the united states its not even funny. i know of at least 17 farms that went under in the past year and a half.
You should try reading the the tag on a sack of the salt mix. Should tell you whats in it. Around here it is salt cotton seed meal and pulverzed corn.
Around here it's not any better, the only reason there are still farmers in the area is that they've had their places at least mostly paid off when the bad cattle prices were around.. That, and there's a good market for yuppie dude ranches.. rich doctors with loser sons that need to write off money

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