Garlic powder

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kenny thomas

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
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SW tip of Virginia
Lots of discussion in other threads about using garlic powder to help with flies.
Does anyone have a source for bulk garlic powder and a how much is required per 50lb of salt or mineral?
I bought some off amazon. Its hard to keep it from clumping up into rock hard chunks. I am not sure if that matters as I throw some chunks into the mineral and they are gone a few days later. I am not sure of the correct mixture but it isn't cheap. I would rather spend my money on good ingredients to spray.
If you want to get rich, start producing the garlic in blocks like salt.
I bought some off amazon. Its hard to keep it from clumping up into rock hard chunks. I am not sure if that matters as I throw some chunks into the mineral and they are gone a few days later. I am not sure of the correct mixture but it isn't cheap. I would rather spend my money on good ingredients to spray.
If you want to get rich, start producing the garlic in blocks like salt.
What I found is pretty expensive for sure. Some of my cows I have out on remote pastures and spraying isn't possible. Looking for another option.
From what I've heard guys are mixing about 1lb of garlic powder to 50lb of loose mineral. I haven't tried it myself but I might. I feel like the Altosid makes the Pattie's rock hard and they don't break down very well
Strange you should post on this subject. Just happens that today I peeled,, chopped and cooked a pound and a half of garlic cloves
in a gallon of Canola oil. I drained off the cloves and put the cooked cloves around the mineral feeder. What can it hurt I says.
I put about an ounce and a half of Permethrin (SP) in the mix and oiled the cows. I also treated the rope wicks. I have slick cows and
little or no flies. We shall see how it goes in a day or three. I have been feeding larva killing mineral tubs for about a week.
Don't know if I needed the Permethrin but it does no good on the shelf. If I fail to wake up in the morning we will know my
culinary skills were not appreciated. I would advise using the cloves (about 5 or 6 for 2 pounds) Canola around 7 or 8 for a gallon.
Cook the cloves low heat in the Canola. Otherwise they can stick to the bottom of the pan.
Garlic with cinnamon is said to work better than plain garlic. That's why most mineral has Cinnamon Garlic, not just garlic.
Remember, garlic repels flies, it doesn't kill them or interrupt the life cycle.
When the garlic runs out, the flies come back.
Good luck!
I can't find garlic blocks in any feed store here. I've purchased old -almost expired garlic powder in bulk and have been shaking it-spreading it on top of the mineral blocks....appears they like it. We don't have a big fly issue here in Texas too hot and dry in summer, Spring is when the flies are worse... i spray Permethrin (sp?) on them 1/2 oz per 1/2 gallon...that helps the most.
Lots of discussion in other threads about using garlic powder to help with flies.
Does anyone have a source for bulk garlic powder and a how much is required per 50lb of salt or mineral?
From what I recall it takes about 2% or 1lb of garlic per 50lb of mineral. US-grown garlic works better than imported because it has a stronger aroma.

The local Co-Op's used to sell mineral with garlic in it. I tried some a few years ago and did not see a noticeable improvement. But, maybe I didn't feed it long enough to be effective.

Edit: I found this at Southern States:
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Re-Garlic I am of the opinion the new anti fly tubs containing larva killer are much better for eradication than most topical applications
containing no insecticide. One downside of a fly tub is it does not take in to account flies from another source. This is my reasoning for
trying the canola oil laced with garlic cloves and low dosage of insecticide. There is a concern it may result in a super fly that will take a
hammer to kill so I plan to rotate locations and types of insecticides throughout the grazing season. I will stay away from the garlic
powder as it is dependent upon every cow ingesting it or one has a imbedded breeding ground. Genetic proclivity for not having flies
is another area of consideration that I have yet to entertain. Kit Pharo has some experience with this so there may be some contibutors
on these pages who could address the issue as well.......

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