Funny story

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Calhoun Farm

Well-known member
Nov 6, 2012
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East, TN
Wife just called me and said the baby sitter had just called her laughing. A little back story, my son is 14months old. One of the first words he learned to say was "cow". He knows what they are now and he points at them from our back porch all them time (he can see them thru the glass in our dining room). So anyway, the babysitter had him and the other kids outside today playing and my son starts wondering off. She goes to find him and brings him back, well he does it again. So she brings him back again and this time she notices she can hear cows bawling. My son was walking around her house trying to find the "cows" :lol2:
That reminds me of when my son was very small and just starting to say a few words. My sister, my wife, and Will went to pick my mother up to take her out to supper. My mother was riding in the middle seat of my sister's minivan next to Will in his car seat. She was determined to get him to say "Grandma". She'd look at him and say it over and over. He'd just look at her, grin, and not make a sound. Finally she gave up and said "I guess you're going to have a special name for Grandma". He immediately looked right at her and said "COW". My sister laughed so hard I thought she was going to run off the road. My mother didn't think it was that funny for some reason.