found a dead

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Jan 28, 2013
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calve today been dead at least 5 days!! We check our cows everyday not just look at but we drive around the herd on the golf cart and look at bags and rear ends! Our cows have a schedule each day they are in the same spot at the same time everyday and not one of them has been missing!! Not one has been out by herself nothing to let us know one had a new little one! Also I cant tell who had it! No one is bagged up nor does anyone look like the had a new one! This is the oddest thing I have ever seen its driving me crazy!! Don't know how in the world to tell who it was! We have just four girls that should be due and all are older girls that throw fits when we take their babies away!! I wish we had found the calve before the wildlife got to it maybe it was a preemie from one of bred first timers we have but you would think I could tell who it was!! Makes me feel like a newbie been at this for 20 yrs and this is a first!

Just needed to vent! :mad:
Was it close toa fence line? Any chance it's a neighbors that coyotes drug over on you?
A year or so ago, we found one along the road about 1/4 mile from the house. We raise Gerts, and the closest farm to us is another 1/2 mile away. This calf was black (we only had some Hereford cross cows along with the Gerts). Something must have chased it to kill it, or drug it off. That could've happened too.
We don't border any other cattle farms but who knows there is one down the pipe line from us. Don't think it could be a twin unless there is 5 wks between them. Still no signs of who had it so I guess we will just mark this down as one of those things that makes you scratch your head!
Thanks for letting me vent,
Well we now know who had the calf a little 22 month old that was 5 months along she is now back in heat so it was a premature baby its nice knowing
at 5 months the calf would of been the size of a large rat/ small cat, I had 1 that aborted at 5 months twice so ended up sending her down the road, the first time I did not find the fetus just hanging afterbirth and the 2d time I found the fetus and had preg checks done

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