Forget about Eminent Domain!

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Sep 13, 2004
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I was in fear of Obama taking land away from ranchers and farmers by eminent domain in his need to gain power over the people.

I received the email letter, and we all need to think about this.

Coming to a town near you..........

Obama's Land Grab

The Obama administration is currently proposing a new rule to regulate every ditch and puddle in the nation as a "water source" under the Clean Water Act.

Even worse, they want to bypass Congress and sidestep the Supreme Court along the way.

If they get away with this scheme, we can expect new layers of red tape and control over people responsibly using their own land. It must be stopped!

Please sign CFACT's petition and together let's tell EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers to "ditch" this ill-conceived land grab.

The public comment deadline is less than 90 days away - and we need your help to swamp the administration with these petitions!

For Green-Left ideologues dreaming of using the Clean Water Act to redefine the "waters of the United States" and bring vast amounts of land under control of the Environmental Protection Agency - this proposed water rule is a dream come true.

But the EPA is already out of control. It slapped a fine of $75,000 (PER DAY!) on Wyoming homeowners Katie and Andy Johnson for building a pond on their own property! How's a hard-working welder like Andy Johnson supposed to stand up against that?

Those who understand what this new proposed rule would really do want no part of it. That's why the bureaucrats want to keep their science secret and speak a language all their own.

That's also why farm bureaus across the nation kicked off their "ditch the rule" campaign, which CFACT is proud to advance.

We need as many signatures as we can get. Please sign CFACT's petition today and circulate it to as many people as possible.

CFACT is the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, one of the nation's premier organizations dedicated to bringing a positive, market-oriented, and scientifically sound perspective to environmental issues.

Since our founding in 1985, we have fought tirelessly to protect American families, jobs, and businesses from the economy-crippling regulations being pushed by Green environmental extremists - regulations just like this insane land grab proposed by the federal government.

Won't you stand with us today by taking a moment to sign CFACT's petition right away?

Farmers and ranchers are especially threatened. This rule can literally cost them their farms - not to mention impact everyone's food prices.

But they're not alone.

Over 26.1 million U.S. homes rely on septic systems to process household waste. That's over 20 percent of all the homes in the nation the EPA will be able to target for control if they have standing water on their property or live anywhere near property that does.

This rule will also hammer communities and businesses across the country. As the President of the American Farm Bureau recently noted, this "proposed rule would impact everything from local governments trying to start or expand infrastructure projects to community gardens ... the rule will dictate land use across the United States." Even fireworks could be halted altogether in some places!

Millions of homeowners are in for a bureaucratic nightmare!

State and local governments have our non-navigable waters well in hand. They know better than bureaucrats in Washington what oversight homeowners, farmers, businesses and developers need to responsibly use their own land.

EPA has no valid scientific basis for pushing this rule. EPA's cost-benefit analysis is deeply flawed, employing decades-old cost estimates that were not adjusted for inflation, nor current economic and market conditions.

Let's cut straight to it. This rule is not about the environment. It's an attack on property rights and giving radical Green gadflies power to interfere with how other people responsibly use their land.

Will you stand by and let them succeed?

Stand up for your property rights, your neighbor's... everyone's.

Our government is bloated enough. Time to put it on a diet.

Sign CFACT's petition opposing this foolish land-grabbing water rule today and help us get thousands of signatures more.

Together let's tell the Obama administration to "ditch this rule."

Sign petition here..........
It would be a total wreck for farming and ranching
We'll be importing our food and forced off the land

We can fight it now but the day is coming
We'll be as dependent for food as we are oil

Most are completely unaware or carefree
The government wants to control us by any means it can. When it doesn't like what we are doing, they will dangle it in our faces.
Then the people they hire across the nation will feel "Powerful," and they will pick and choose who they want to take down, often because of their own personal desires.
Once the ball is put in motion, it cannot be turned back.
Another thing I'm hearing in my part of the world is most lakes are really low or dry
We had good rains but the lakes aren't filling up
All the talk is its because all the farmers and ranchers have ponds that catch the water before it can go into a river to fill the lakes

Without pond water lots of cattle don't have water
Without water your out of business

Another is the rivers are silted in because if cultivation and chemical runoff from farm ground is polluting the lakes

Lake mead is really low when those cities run out of water the SHTF
Shanghai":288iozf7 said:
It would be a total wreck for farming and ranching
We'll be importing our food and forced off the land

We can fight it now but the day is coming
We'll be as dependent for food as we are oil

Most are completely unaware or carefree

I think that's the goal is it not? Inner city ghettos could careless about any farm.
I am sure that there are situations where things would need correcting from abuse and misuse. Pumping lagoons into rivers is not good. It does need to go across the crops. It is liquid fertilizer, and will be a great source of nutrients to the land. I am sure that all of this is expensive, and hopefully the operations that need this type of thing, make enough profit to justify the expense. Some things are common sense.

But we area talking about Obamma, and the word common sense; which of these words doesn't belong????
The water pollution and "controlling all waters" are two different things
The EPA has gone overboard in what it's terms pollution, look at some the stuff they've tried and got away with concerning air pollution. Some of it is completely absurd

If they are allowed to control ALL WATER, based on their past record it's going to be a total disaster for the US

Lots of day to day activities that actually cause no harm whatsoever will be shut down and what is allowed will be so bogged down with red tape and bureaucracy it won't be feasible
Not only just in farming and ranching but any industry that touches water in any fashion down to the water that runs off your house in a suburb or even washing your Prius
I agree that pollution is a completely different thing. But farms need water and so do livestock.

Without looking back over Bundy's ordeal, weren't they upset that his cattle were polluting the water there and messing up the turtles? They only used the turtles to have extra ammunition. It would have been much more difficult if they had just blamed the cattle. Farmers would have been really upset as our livestock needs water, and they were in the beginnings of taking it away.

I am concerned they will say we cannot have cattle or livestock around water sources as the rivers and creeks run to water facilities as they pollute the water. I see them pushing us off of springs, creeks, or any land that has a moving water source, or if this pond runs over, it will go into a creek near by. They won't need to bring in the turtles. They will just make a law, and that will be that.

I think that they will use every inch they can find to control small bodies of water if cattle are around it. They could use the turtles in Bundy's case, but most places, they will not be able to come up with a threatened species. It will be everywhere.

The government needs money, and they are going to take it from who ever they can get it from. Taking land away, and issuing fines that we cannot pay.
Obama plans on taking from those that have it, and the government will own it.
Cities have acres and acres of parking lots. Just look at your average Wal-Mart. Calculate the number of gallons that goes into the storm drains off of that parking lot. Think of all those streets. Look at those mix master junctions. It is no wonder the cities flood the river banks. No where for the water to soak in whatsoever. All the oil dropped off of cars and all their trash gets swept right into the river too. Can't imagine them arguing anyting over polution.

Water tables are dropping. Water wells are going dry. They are adding more parking lots. More roads and highways. Water cannot soak in to the soil.

one inch of water on one acre of parking lot is 27,154 gallons of water. No kidding. Do the math. Now consider all those mall parking lots that are acres upon acres. It rains 3 inches. That is a lot of run off. Plus all the streets and roof lines of those houses built one atop another. They have very little yard. Go to GoogleEarth and look at cities like Dallas. It is no wonder the Trinity River hits flood stage with just a little rain. They add more all the time. There's your water problem. No wonder the water tables are dropping and water wells are going dry.

Look at googleearth of the city. I dare you!
Chuckie":3s54aqvm said:
I agree that pollution is a completely different thing. But farms need water and so do livestock.

Without looking back over Bundy's ordeal, weren't they upset that his cattle were polluting the water there and messing up the turtles? They only used the turtles to have extra ammunition. It would have been much more difficult if they had just blamed the cattle. Farmers would have been really upset as our livestock needs water, and they were in the beginnings of taking it away.

I am concerned they will say we cannot have cattle or livestock around water sources as the rivers and creeks run to water facilities as they pollute the water. I see them pushing us off of springs, creeks, or any land that has a moving water source, or if this pond runs over, it will go into a creek near by. They won't need to bring in the turtles. They will just make a law, and that will be that.

I think that they will use every inch they can find to control small bodies of water if cattle are around it. They could use the turtles in Bundy's case, but most places, they will not be able to come up with a threatened species. It will be everywhere.

The government needs money, and they are going to take it from who ever they can get it from. Taking land away, and issuing fines that we cannot pay.
Obama plans on taking from those that have it, and the government will own it.

That is precisely my concern
The runoff from cattle into a pond(they control all water and by their standards will seep into ground water ) wet weather wash, creek, river and so on and not just cattle but chemical and fertilizer runoff from farm ground.
As well as hog and chicken operations and even manufacturing that uses any water down to washing down equipment.
I can't imagine what it would do to the oil and gas industry
We have a few here with the EPD who already think they have this power.

Remember the navigable stream I spoke of a while back? Lots of commerce potential in that isn't there?


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