Foot Rot?

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Well-known member
May 19, 2005
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Centerville, TX
Had a 3 year cow start limping about 15 days ago. Central Texas had record amounts of rain last month. No apprerant swelling anywhere. When she walks she gets to put weight on the hoof (Rear Right) then releases it. When she stands still, she lifts the back part of the hoof just slightly where her toes touch still the gound. When she does this, I can't see any foreign object under her foot. At the time she seemed to have trouble keeping up with the heard and stayed behind most of the time.

In reading these forums, I treated her with LA-200 6 days ago. Now she seems to limp a little less and is keeping up with the heard. Her appetite and mood is still very good.

My question is how long does foot rot take to heal? Should I think about retreating or buy a different drug? The LA200 bottle suggest Sub Q type injection. I did this, however it left some pretty good size lumps at the injection site. I assume the lumps are normal and will go away after a while (from what I read).
it can take a while sometimes. how much did you give? all in one site?
I gave about 45mL total split in 4 different areas on both sides of her neck. Not really sure if that was accurate for the foot rot symptom or not. That dosage was on the outside of the box, however references Pneumonia or pinkeye.
If there isn;t a really pronounced improvement in 2 days it's time to retreat and use a serious antibiotic. We use Excenel, some use Nuflor, but you need an antibiotic that will really kick any infection. We found that even though Excenel is a lot more pricey per cc then LA200, in the long term it was cheaper. No follow up treatments and use much less per treatment. I classify LA200 as penny wise and pound foolish. Plus the shear volume of the stuff if you have to treat a copule of times you run out of places to give the shots. Not clearing it up quickly and you can run the risk of a chronic problem that will keep recurring.
I thought I had one with foot rot but when the vet came out he said it was "hairy heel wart" my heifer did the same as your. the center of the hoof split area look like hairy warts. The vet gave an injection of Excenel - but we also used LA200 topically -- I've did the LA200 topically for several days and really saw quick improvement.

And since I'm not a big fan of LA200 - it was a useful way to use the stuff.
Personally, if you think it's foot rot, switch to excenel like dun said, also give some banamine along with. But, for it to be foot rot, there would definetly be swelling. If it's warts, it will look like small strawberries between the lateral and medial claw, and cleaning plus a little iodine will work. Good Luck
Vet was not available this pass few days, so couldn't get my hands on stronger Antibiotics. Cow is still limping from the right rear leg. I did however notice a little swelling in the leg area between the hoof and what I call the knee. Compared to her other leg it was just a little swollen.

I also had a chance to look closely at the bottom of her hoof as she was chewing cud. Everything looked okay there. No spreading of the toes or obvious infection or foreign object that I could see.

Went ahead and Sprayed 10% bleach / water solution on her foot as some have suggested and gave her another dose of LA200 since my vet was not available.

Thanks for all your help.
We've had a problem with foot rot this year in the bulls-- finally got all healed up- except one who's now getting better.....

My vet suggests 80 cc's of LA-200 Sub Q and 80 cc's intermuscular--and if possible to give them two treatments of that about 4 days apart....

Also if possible spray the feet or soak them in iodine-- seems to really help...

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