Fixin to get interesting.

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It seems there are at least 3 topics of conversation in this thread now. I only want to address the original poster;
Hook, I suspect this was unwelcome news. I probably would not have posted about it, if it were me in your flipflops ;-) . But brother I'm here to tell you I've been there, and from reading your post on this thread, you are already miles ahead. I offer my congrats to you and yours because of how y'all are dealing with this mishap. It makes me wonder how many pregnancies were planned vs not???? I know I wasn't planned. I also know 3 of my 6 kids were not planned, but in all those instances we were already married. It could have easily happened to me, but we were just lucky I guess. I can't begin to, and will not even try to imagine the circumstances in your daughters situation. But the fact is, it's happened. There is no undoing. There is only doing what needs to be done and you are doing the father/grandfather part already. I know this is and will continue to be a stressful time. But I can promise you this, and you can take this to the bank; If you give your daughter support, your relationship with her will only improve (not saying it needs improving, just saying that there will come a time that your relationship with her will change and you can't yet imagine the benefit for both of you). I'm not talking about financial support. Sounds like you already have that in proper order. We are talking about about a new life, a child/grandchild, and that will change your life forever. I'm not congratulating you on the mishap, but I am for how you have shared it with us and for how you are dealing with it. YOU will make a great grandpappy. I wish I could share the joy of my own unplanned children, and especially the joy of my grand kids here. There just isn't the bandwidth.
Just today I had to loan my truck to a customer who could not fly out because of weather. I had one of my employees and his pregnant wife drive me home. We came around a corner on the county road and there was a truck parked crossways blocking the road. It was my oldest sons truck. He was taking my Grandson sledding in the new snow. My buddies pregnant wife said "You can block the road for that out here????" I said "Yes, when its my grandson we can block a 4 lane". Of course I was exaggerating, but we stopped for a few minutes and I got on the sled with grandson. Had my buddy pick me up at the bottom of the hill. The pregnant wife was amazed at the entire event, and began think things forward to the day she would be able to do the same thing.
Like I said, not enough bandwidth. You have a lifetime FULL of fun times ahead. There will be plenty of stressful times too, but they pale in comparison. You my friend will do great.
Ouachita":2bgbtp8i said:
It seems there are at least 3 topics of conversation in this thread now. I only want to address the original poster;
Hook, I suspect this was unwelcome news. I probably would not have posted about it, if it were me in your flipflops ;-) . But brother I'm here to tell you I've been there, and from reading your post on this thread, you are already miles ahead. I offer my congrats to you and yours because of how y'all are dealing with this mishap. It makes me wonder how many pregnancies were planned vs not???? I know I wasn't planned. I also know 3 of my 6 kids were not planned, but in all those instances we were already married. It could have easily happened to me, but we were just lucky I guess. I can't begin to, and will not even try to imagine the circumstances in your daughters situation. But the fact is, it's happened. There is no undoing. There is only doing what needs to be done and you are doing the father/grandfather part already. I know this is and will continue to be a stressful time. But I can promise you this, and you can take this to the bank; If you give your daughter support, your relationship with her will only improve (not saying it needs improving, just saying that there will come a time that your relationship with her will change and you can't yet imagine the benefit for both of you). I'm not talking about financial support. Sounds like you already have that in proper order. We are talking about about a new life, a child/grandchild, and that will change your life forever. I'm not congratulating you on the mishap, but I am for how you have shared it with us and for how you are dealing with it. YOU will make a great grandpappy. I wish I could share the joy of my own unplanned children, and especially the joy of my grand kids here. There just isn't the bandwidth.
Just today I had to loan my truck to a customer who could not fly out because of weather. I had one of my employees and his pregnant wife drive me home. We came around a corner on the county road and there was a truck parked crossways blocking the road. It was my oldest sons truck. He was taking my Grandson sledding in the new snow. My buddies pregnant wife said "You can block the road for that out here????" I said "Yes, when its my grandson we can block a 4 lane". Of course I was exaggerating, but we stopped for a few minutes and I got on the sled with grandson. Had my buddy pick me up at the bottom of the hill. The pregnant wife was amazed at the entire event, and began think things forward to the day she would be able to do the same thing.
Like I said, not enough bandwidth. You have a lifetime FULL of fun times ahead. There will be plenty of stressful times too, but they pale in comparison. You my friend will do great.

:clap: Very well said!
Hook, your daughter has already proven that she knows the right thing to do. She's young and probably has a bit of stubborn streak that gets her into trouble at times, but you and your wife gave her a good foundation that she knows how to use when the chips are down.

Don't pay any mind to Luci, I'm guessing he's the newest incarnation of little MF, and will end up in the same place he always camp.
Hook, I with everyone that's telling you to ignore Luca, he's just trying to shake the tree a bit and not being very smart about it. While your daughter's situation may not be ideal it is still a blessing and you'll soon enjoy the sweetness that comes with being a grandpa.

Your daughters situation is not a new one in this world. I'm 56, I have an older sister who is 57, my mother got knocked up when she was 18 they decided to get married within a couple of months of finding out the news. They have been married for 58 years. My number two son got his girlfriend pregnant, my first granddaughter. She is now 10 with a little sister, my son and the girls mother have been married for 8 yrs, their two year old daughter was the ring bearer.

Thing work out, enjoy your blessing to come and as deepsouth can tell you watch grandma with the checkbook when the little on arrives. :lol:
highgrit":36f870sc said:
Even if the woman's been raped? Or got pregnant against her will? Or Incest? We will never agree on the abortion issue. I've been trying to get my daughter to tell me how she feels on the abortion issue. She says we'll cross that bridge when we get there. She tells us she doesn't want children, and that's her choice. Just like Hooks daughter wants to have this baby, it's her choice. And I don't care what the father or his family thinks, its her choice. Good, bad or otherwise.
Planned Parenthood alone does close to 400,000 each year. Be honest many of those pregnancies do you honestly believe were the result of rape or incest???
TexasBred":3d1vyeuy said:
highgrit":3d1vyeuy said:
Even if the woman's been raped? Or got pregnant against her will? Or Incest? We will never agree on the abortion issue. I've been trying to get my daughter to tell me how she feels on the abortion issue. She says we'll cross that bridge when we get there. She tells us she doesn't want children, and that's her choice. Just like Hooks daughter wants to have this baby, it's her choice. And I don't care what the father or his family thinks, its her choice. Good, bad or otherwise.
Planned Parenthood alone does close to 400,000 each year. Be honest many of those pregnancies do you honestly believe were the result of rape or incest???

Very damm few. PP is birth control after the fact.

Read up on Margaret Sanger in your spare time.
TennesseeTuxedo":5frtcvh8 said:
Very damm few. PP is birth control after the fact.

Read up on Margaret Sanger in your spare time.

Absolutely....and read up on the association between Planned Parenthood and the Susan Komen Foundation.
TT and TB, I agree with both of you on the matter of abortion. For the benefit of the discussion started by Hook, would you men (and others) agree to drop this and focus on the OP's topic. I don't recall where he ever mentioned it.
I only ask this as a courtesy to myself, and to Hook. His situation that he has shared with us could become an inspiration for others. This world and the people in it are not perfect, although I'm a pefect example of imperfection.
Please allow this discussion to return to the specific persons involved. I would hate to see this get locked. I may be selfish with my desire to be able to come back to this same thread in 8,9 or 24 months, and see the result of a great man working thru one of life's most difficult situations. I have my own selfish reasons.

Edit to add; I'm not speaking for Hook, and I reckon I should have before I made the above post. It's just that his situation hits very close to home, and I would like to see his topic continue with updates. I just don't want to see this get locked.
Ouachita":1oe27z7s said:
TT and TB, I agree with both of you on the matter of abortion. For the benefit of the discussion started by Hook, would you men (and others) agree to drop this and focus on the OP's topic. I don't recall where he ever mentioned it.
I only ask this as a courtesy to myself, and to Hook. His situation that he has shared with us could become an inspiration for others. This world and the people in it are not perfect, although I'm a pefect example of imperfection.
Please allow this discussion to return to the specific persons involved. I would hate to see this get locked. I may be selfish with my desire to be able to come back to this same thread in 8,9 or 24 months, and see the result of a great man working thru one of life's most difficult situations. I have my own selfish reasons.

Edit to add; I'm not speaking for Hook, and I reckon I should have before I made the above post. It's just that his situation hits very close to home, and I would like to see his topic continue with updates. I just don't want to see this get locked.
Not a problem at all Quachita. I only mentioned it because Highgrit seems to think anything goes when it comes to a girl getting pregnant and abortion was one of the options.

I'm sure everybody means well but Hook has already got more advice than a man can say grace over. HE too might need a little relief.
Hook why would you want to post an intimate problem that is in your family. Do you really need any help or advice or comments from every Harry, Dick And Tom on what is going on in your life. Now keep the faith that every thing will turn out all right. There will be a lot of heart ache and happiness in the future.
Thanks everyone for the input even if we don't all agree. I knew full well when I posted it that it would get some decent discussion started. I expected nothing less with this group. But it's no secret that i enjoy a good debate also.we never expected to be dealing with this, but life has a funny way of throwing things at you. When you get the curveball, you gotta change you're swing. And a lot of home runs have been hit off of curveballs.
Well I was done posting on this thread but...I appreciate Cory starting a thread like this. You have to be thick skinned, no doubt about it. We have a daughter and this thread started another discussion about birth control, and responsibilities. As a father talking about birth control with my daughter is not a easy thing, for either one of us. But thinking that something like this won't or can't happen to your family is not logical.
Thanks again Cory, and the best of luck to you and your family.
This kinda hits me in my wheel house. Gonna have my first grandchild a grandson in 19 days ( whos counting) my daughter is 24 but not married at conception he wasnt my pick but hers, so I have to accept it and move on. He just doesnt like the cows and tractors like I do but thats ok thats the reason for chocolate and vanilla ice cream, everybody likes something different. So me and him are ok.
Just for a couple of other things on here, if my daughter,son in law, and grandson showed up here and said weve lost our jobs and cant get anything to eat, and I said(never would)give me that grand baby but you 2 hit the road and eat dirt if you have to. 2 things would happen, when I woke up from acoma from gettn hit with a skillet, all my things would be in the yard and they would all be in the house.
I look at things a little different, when I check out of this world there gonna get everything anyway, and if I can make there struggle a little easier I am dang well gonna do it.
I work with some of the toughest son of a guns in the world, and they tell everybody I wouldnt do this or that, until it happens, then there like everyone else, just men that love there families.
Hook or anybody else just from what I know, after the first week of shock, I started looking at tractors with buddy seats, gonna order some show type semen and if he likes that stuff ill have him some show animals, but if its not his thing that will be ok to. Cant wait.
hillsdown":1mj2ps17 said:
Hook, I wish your daughter continued good health during her pregnancy and hope both mom and baby are doing well.

Best wishes to everyone involved, you all must be feeling very overwhelmed right now.
Hook":2odsppnm said:
If you don't think an unintended teenage pregnancy can happen in even the best, most highly regarded of families you're fooling yourself. Shyt happens. It's how you react that makes the difference and sets a person apart from failure or success.
Celebrate it? Sure. Why not? A joyful, innocent, beautiful thing is coming into our lives. He77 yeah we're going to celebrate it.
Support them? Absolutely. Just as we would in perfect conditions. Do everything for them? Nope.
Ouachita":1acosyo8 said:
It seems there are at least 3 topics of conversation in this thread now. I only want to address the original poster;
Hook, I suspect this was unwelcome news. I probably would not have posted about it, if it were me in your flipflops ;-) . But brother I'm here to tell you I've been there, and from reading your post on this thread, you are already miles ahead. I offer my congrats to you and yours because of how y'all are dealing with this mishap. It makes me wonder how many pregnancies were planned vs not???? I know I wasn't planned. I also know 3 of my 6 kids were not planned, but in all those instances we were already married. It could have easily happened to me, but we were just lucky I guess. I can't begin to, and will not even try to imagine the circumstances in your daughters situation. But the fact is, it's happened. There is no undoing. There is only doing what needs to be done and you are doing the father/grandfather part already. I know this is and will continue to be a stressful time. But I can promise you this, and you can take this to the bank; If you give your daughter support, your relationship with her will only improve (not saying it needs improving, just saying that there will come a time that your relationship with her will change and you can't yet imagine the benefit for both of you). I'm not talking about financial support. Sounds like you already have that in proper order. We are talking about about a new life, a child/grandchild, and that will change your life forever. I'm not congratulating you on the mishap, but I am for how you have shared it with us and for how you are dealing with it. YOU will make a great grandpappy. I wish I could share the joy of my own unplanned children, and especially the joy of my grand kids here. There just isn't the bandwidth.
Just today I had to loan my truck to a customer who could not fly out because of weather. I had one of my employees and his pregnant wife drive me home. We came around a corner on the county road and there was a truck parked crossways blocking the road. It was my oldest sons truck. He was taking my Grandson sledding in the new snow. My buddies pregnant wife said "You can block the road for that out here????" I said "Yes, when its my grandson we can block a 4 lane". Of course I was exaggerating, but we stopped for a few minutes and I got on the sled with grandson. Had my buddy pick me up at the bottom of the hill. The pregnant wife was amazed at the entire event, and began think things forward to the day she would be able to do the same thing.
Like I said, not enough bandwidth. You have a lifetime FULL of fun times ahead. There will be plenty of stressful times too, but they pale in comparison. You my friend will do great.

Life has no reverse only forward.
Lot of different forms of "support" from the dependent victim or the successful victor in life.
Even if you plan for your kids to get everything you have acquired in life doesn't mean they will
have a dime the day after your buried.
IMO the life lesson here is to manage the situation and it not manage you.
This is no different in money makes do difference in what you make, it is how you manage what you make.
Took my oldest the longest to learn I used to ask him if one man makes 100K a year and has nothing in the bank
but a note and another makes 50K and had 10K in savings who is the richest.
For years he would say the first.
I gotta get a pic of my black son in law and half black grandaughter posted on here and listen for all the pointed hats and sheets being pulled from the hiding place. :lol: Not my choice of mates but he's a good man, a HS principal and working on his doctorate in administration or whatever they call it so he can qualify to apply for superintendents jobs in larger schools. As I said..not my choice but boy have I was I wrong. At least she didn't marry white trash. :cowboy:
TB, I would never be allowed to bring my family to our family reunions. But I'm not going to quit loving or disown my daughter. I don't care if she married the potus, I would not be happy. I would rather my daughter be queer than to have a black baby.
highgrit":lphrsqn6 said:
TB, I would never be allowed to bring my family to our family reunions. But I'm not going to quit loving or disown my daughter. I don't care if she married the potus, I would not be happy. I would rather my daughter be queer than to have a black baby.

I would rather have black grandchildren than have my daughter queer. If she would be queer, she would not give me any grandchildren. :2cents:
ANAZAZI":10c8glci said:
highgrit":10c8glci said:
TB, I would never be allowed to bring my family to our family reunions. But I'm not going to quit loving or disown my daughter. I don't care if she married the potus, I would not be happy. I would rather my daughter be queer than to have a black baby.

I would rather have black grandchildren than have my daughter queer. If she would be queer, she would not give me any grandchildren. :2cents:

I agree. I'd rather my daughter come home with a black man than a white woman.