finish this sentence....Its so hot...

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... I wore pants today. :D

We have a front that dropped on us overnight and it feels UNFREAKINBELIEVABLE :heart: :heart: :heart:

High today of 78 degrees and dew points in the mid 50's... you could almost swear it was nearing the end of Sept.

3rd crop needs to be mowed, started blooming, but big storms brewing for Sat and then Sun thru Wed forcasting some more much needed showers due to Tropical storms/hurricane residue. I'm ok with it tho, our corn and pastures needed the rain badly... we will wait to mow.

I'm just going to enjoy today and tomorrows weather :D :heart: :D

It's so hot here that the chickens are laying boiled eggs. Beef is medium rare.....on the hoof.

It's so hot I had to pour a bottle of Advil into my AC unit to try and get the temperature down.

It's so hot that you can drink the water straight from the stock pond cause it has already been boiled......
......I saw a Coyote chasing a rabbit and they were both carrying canteens.
the birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

the trees are whistling for the dogs

you can make instant sun tea.

you've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl.

you discover that in July, it takes only 2 fingers to drive your car.

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