What kind of prices are young pairs, bred heifers, and open replacement heifers bringing in your area?<p>Ed Hug<br>Scranton, KS
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<br>(User Above)":3qx9gi0n said:: Hi Ed,<br>: We are delivering three cows to Florida this weekend. Two sold for $1500 and one for $1700. These are 5 and 6 year olds bred to calve in May and June. Registered Murray Greys. Delivery is extra. (Missouri)<br>: Have a good one, Darla *.~<p>: : What kind of prices are young pairs, bred heifers, and open replacement heifers bringing in your area?<p>: : Ed Hug<br>: : Scranton, KS<p>Black or red solid pairs are sold around 600-800 red white face are sold 450-550 sometimes it goes to 600. Bred heifers black black whiteface or solid red are selling for 600 depending of how close they are about to calve if the yare calving soon they go over 700 or higher. Red white face are selling at 500-550 or less. Open replacement heifers black, black baldies, or solid red are selling at 400-450 or higher in some cases as for weight or age. Red whiteface are selling ridicuosly low at 250-350. Those are all in totals. This source came from my local salebarn. Red whiteface are doing poorly around my area(California) because of eye pigment. People are getting tired(including me) of pulling foxtails out of each and every Hereford calf. A waste of our time and money. If you compare an Angus and a Hereford faces you will see that Herefords' eyes are set up differently than Angus. For the sake of an arguement it just how it comes and go around here. Goodluck!!!<p><p>