Your opinion about male transgenders playing female sports?

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I have a niece that has gone over to the other side. She has stubble growing on her face now and a deep voice. Not sure what is going on down below but bet it wouldn't be pretty. She reckons she is a bloke now but is a gay fella. I had a think about that and thought, yeh, that'd work.
The young ones just have it rammed down their neck now that being gay is normal and OK or to go over to the other side is normal. They get a little setback with their love life so then think ohh, I must be gay and then get trapped in that circle of people.
I'm just glad I'll be checking out of this world in the not too distant future. The world as it is today is not what I signed up for.

Isn't that part and parcel for gay people?
This topic is so foreign to the cattle industry as to be nothing short of ludicrous.. Not saying it does not occur but how many
farms or ranches have you driven by lately flying the 'rainbow flag'? It grieves me no end to see CT invaded by a bunch of'
genitly deformed 'popcicle perverts' . I am beginning to wonder now if that is why Crockett left Tennessee.....
So a 10 year old girl showering with a 10 year old transgender boy doesn't bother you? Or any boy for that matter?

I dont think that anyone chooses a life of being transgender for fun or because they are some how perverted like some of the old timers on here like to assume. Its actually a horrible and painful path. Riddled with abuse and assumptions. Death threats and violence. As you have read on here by the posters the majority of the population thinks they have a say in what someone else feels in themselves when it comes to gender. The fact that some of you think its your business is actually far more perverted than is person being transgender.

If my son was in a change room with a child that was transgender I would not worry for my boy. I would worry more so for the child that is transgender. My son is a typical boy that gets to enter the change room with confidence and without fear of violence being threatened against him due to his makeup. I am also not the type to think nudity is something horrible and shameful. If he doesn't feel comfortable he has the option to cover himself up or to look away. I will not though give my child the option to be rude and discriminate someone who is likely already mentally suffering because he thinks its wrong. Its really none of his business and i teach my child to mind his own junk. Its really too bad more of you weren't taught that.

To answer the actual question. No, I dont think that the male sex should be allowed to play female sports and vis versa. I think sports should be kept to biological sex because men are more physically inclined them women by nature. But I am also not worried about a transgender woman getting a glimpse of my vagina in the change room. Like I really could careless.
I support psychiatric care for all those troubled souls who question their sexual identities. Mental illness is real.

Like I really could "caremore".

Its just really actually sad that you care enough. I think the people with the mental illnesses that need help are the ones that care enough to make such silly statements. Why do you care what someone else does with their gender or who they have sex with? You think you're that important or you like being involved with making sexual choices for others? Is it a kink of yours?
I can't believe we have to do this - but perhaps it should come down to a chromosome level - every cell has either XX or XY. No, D2Cat, that still will not change their structural makeup.

Why are humans so preoccupied with gender identity? Animals are not confused.
You came to Cattle Today one of the narrowest corners on the internet to ask this question haha. Now that is funny!

Sports should be based on biological born sex, not gender like you are asking. There is no denying that men by nature have a physical advantage.

The shower part doesn't bother me. Being transgender doesn't make you perverted.
Humans are preoccupied with gender identity and sex because we have a sinful nature, which animals don't. God has made the rules that apply to us, including surrounding our sex, and the nature of our sexual relations that are "appropriate" or not. Humans, because of our sinful nature, want to be the ones to decide those things... we want to be "like God" (Gen. 3).... God made the rules, we hate that He made the rules, we hate Him for being God and claiming authority over us to make the rules. Because He made the rules, we insist on rejecting them, and demand to do the opposite, and we don't want to feel any guilt for doing it, from Him or anybody else. We want "acceptance" and "tolerance".

Sorry cowskeeper, being transgender DOES make you perverted. And the shower part absolutely SHOULD bother you........ if it doesn't, then you've been "bent" by the "inclusiveness and tolerance crowd" already and bought into their narrative.
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Follow the science, just like the mantra from climate change. Anyone looking to buy a transgender bull? If a person wants to be perverted enough to win at girls sports due to gender advantage, just make it a requirement that two snips take place before they are allowed in the sport. Snip, snip.
IF you believe that God created us in his image and likeness then this is not much of a debate. We were also given dominion over animals. That does not mean we should hate people of another race or gender or mistreat animals. I have my opinions on this like all of us but when it directly effects me or my children that is when I take exception. This is just another step in the process of humans falling away from God IMO. Christian values was always what set us apart from other countries and now we are really no different.
I dont think that anyone chooses a life of being transgender for fun or because they are some how perverted like some of the old timers on here like to assume. Its actually a horrible and painful path. Riddled with abuse and assumptions. Death threats and violence. As you have read on here by the posters the majority of the population thinks they have a say in what someone else feels in themselves when it comes to gender. The fact that some of you think its your business is actually far more perverted than is person being transgender.

If my son was in a change room with a child that was transgender I would not worry for my boy. I would worry more so for the child that is transgender. My son is a typical boy that gets to enter the change room with confidence and without fear of violence being threatened against him due to his makeup. I am also not the type to think nudity is something horrible and shameful. If he doesn't feel comfortable he has the option to cover himself up or to look away. I will not though give my child the option to be rude and discriminate someone who is likely already mentally suffering because he thinks its wrong. Its really none of his business and i teach my child to mind his own junk. Its really too bad more of you weren't taught that.

To answer the actual question. No, I dont think that the male sex should be allowed to play female sports and vis versa. I think sports should be kept to biological sex because men are more physically inclined them women by nature. But I am also not worried about a transgender woman getting a glimpse of my vagina in the change room. Like I really could careless.

I could careless what sexual deviants do to each other in their own adult lives. As long as it doesn't include children. Pedophiles are in the same group and obviously can't be tolerated at all. I think everyone can agree on that.
However the current trend of teaching our young that it is acceptable, normal and even fashionable and "cool" is totally unacceptable.
I think Ken nailed it. In his post.
Most sexual deviants are the results of failed heterosexual relationships or lack of such relationships. Not nature. Again grownups can do whatever they want to each other, but it has absolutely no place in our schools.
So a 10 year old girl showering with a 10 year old transgender boy doesn't bother you? Or any boy for that matter?
Hate to break it to you but it doesnt take a male and a female for sexual acts to occur. The school is either enforcing no sex or not... gender doesnt matter any more.

If you think the opposite sex or transgenders are the only threat you are wrong.
Hate to break it to you but it doesnt take a male and a female for sexual acts to occur. The school is either enforcing no sex or not... gender doesnt matter any more.

If you think the opposite sex or transgenders are the only threat you are wrong.
That's why I find the bathroom arguments to be so stupid. Pedophiles and creeps come in all stripes, regardless of biological sex. There are individual stalls in the bathroom, anyway.
This whole country has became one big jerry springer episode ..although its been heading this way for awhile, it's hit what seems like the pinnacle over night..
Its just really actually sad that you care enough. I think the people with the mental illnesses that need help are the ones that care enough to make such silly statements. Why do you care what someone else does with their gender or who they have sex with? You think you're that important or you like being involved with making sexual choices for others? Is it a kink of yours?

What I see here is some coward who creates and alter ego to say what he, she, it, isn't man, woman, it, to say using their established handle. That's your kink.
That's why I find the bathroom arguments to be so stupid. Pedophiles and creeps come in all stripes, regardless of biological sex. There are individual stalls in the bathroom, anyway.
It would not surprise me to see large restrooms that have a bunch of individual stalls for who ever in my life time.

Maybe we should divide them in to standing restrooms and sitting restrooms, regardless of gender. LoL

I see both sides and dont have a good solution.
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