Your opinion about male transgenders playing female sports?

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I could careless what sexual deviants do to each other in their own adult lives. As long as it doesn't include children. Pedophiles are in the same group and obviously can't be tolerated at all. I think everyone can agree on that.
However the current trend of teaching our young that it is acceptable, normal and even fashionable and "cool" is totally unacceptable.
I think Ken nailed it. In his post.
Most sexual deviants are the results of failed heterosexual relationships or lack of such relationships. Not nature. Again grownups can do whatever they want to each other, but it has absolutely no place in our schools.
While "failed heterosexual relationships or the lack thereof" may cause individuals to become confused and distraught, and therefore it may be a contributing factor to their giving in to "deviate behavior", it is still "nature"... that is, man's sinful nature, that causes each and every one of us to reject God's created natural law, and to give in to sin. And it is a trick of Satan to cause us to ask the same question that he tempted Eve with in the Garden of Eden..., "Did God REALLY say"...

Not hard to know the truth in this one......... just read Gen. 1:26-28... "male and female He created them". Not male, female, and then everything else under the sun that you can think up as a possible "deviation" against this "natural law". Now, for those who are not Christian, who are without believing faith in the God who created the heavens and the earth, and without faith that "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made", (John 1:3), well..., then I understand you're confusion.

There are no absolutes in your world then, ...there is no absolute authority to which you willingly submit, and for you then there is no absolute truth, or right or wrong.
You can't think yourself into being another sex anymore than you can think yourself into being 16 if you are 50. We are pandering to those that whine the loudest and not telling them to shut up. These groups are like the kid that is told no he can't have any candy when checking out at the grocery store and because he doesn't like the answer, he throws himself on the floor and screams and kicks at his mother until she says yes. Personally I don't care if you think dressing up like a girl amkes you a girl even if you have a beard, I just draw the line at trying to be forced to think it's wonderful when others do that
You can't think yourself into being another sex anymore than you can think yourself into being 16 if you are 50. We are pandering to those that whine the loudest and not telling them to shut up. These groups are like the kid that is told no he can't have any candy when checking out at the grocery store and because he doesn't like the answer, he throws himself on the floor and screams and kicks at his mother until she says yes. Personally I don't care if you think dressing up like a girl amkes you a girl even if you have a beard, I just draw the line at trying to be forced to think it's wonderful when others do that
I don't care if you swing by the chandeliers with a cucumber up your butt in the privacy of your own home.
I do care about your deviant behavior in public and trying to force people to think it's normal.
The homo's have ran a great propaganda campaign with the media trying to normalize it. Can't watch a television show without them. That's the reason I don't watch much TV.
Its just really actually sad that you care enough. I think the people with the mental illnesses that need help are the ones that care enough to make such silly statements. Why do you care what someone else does with their gender or who they have sex with? You think you're that important or you like being involved with making sexual choices for others? Is it a kink of yours?
Humans are preoccupied with gender identity and sex because we have a sinful nature, which animals don't. God has made the rules that apply to us, including surrounding our sex, and the nature of our sexual relations that are "appropriate" or not. Humans, because of our sinful nature, want to be the ones to decide those things... we want to be "like God" (Gen. 3).... God made the rules, we hate that He made the rules, we hate Him for being God and claiming authority over us to make the rules. Because He made the rules, we insist on rejecting them, and demand to do the opposite, and we don't want to feel any guilt for doing it, from Him or anybody else. We want "acceptance" and "tolerance".

Sorry cowskeeper, being transgender DOES make you perverted. And the shower part absolutely SHOULD bother you........ if it doesn't, then you've been "bent" by the "inclusiveness and tolerance crowd" already and bought into their narrative.
thank you couldn't have said it better and I was think of how
It doesn't matter whether or not you agree. The facts are quite clear - they aren't linked. It isn't a matter of opinion.

I've never been in a multiple occupancy bathroom that didn't have individual stalls for the toilets. That seems sufficient to me.

It doesn't matter whether or not you agree. The facts are quite clear - they aren't linked. It isn't a matter of opinion.

I've never been in a multiple occupancy bathroom that didn't have individual stalls for the toilets. That seems sufficient to me.
I would like to hear how the facts are quite clear Buck. Because it's your opinion? There are studies supporting both sides for sure. As with anything else we could both start posting link's but imo that carries little wieght.
Although the study done by the boyscouts made some pretty sensible points. As many boys are molested as girls. Almost completely by males which makes near 50 percent of child molestation right there. By gay men. To me common sense dictates one of confused sexuality is more apt to be drawn to the bizarre ( they already are right)

You seem to be quite reasonable but your statement about never seeing a restroom without stalls makes me question your honesty. Maybe your much younger than I thought? I'm 53 and while it's been sometime Ive seen many public restrooms without enclosed stalls. Hell remember the trough out in the middle of room everyone stood around in a circle. Lol ...yes that's been awhile but you did say never....I'm not calling you a liar........but" COME ON MAN"
The bathroom thing doesn't make sense from either side. My 6 year old grandaughter will be more confused by a woman that looks/acts like a man in the rest troom with her than the other way around.

But the fact that transgender people say they are uncomfortable using their gender assigned restroom and then demanding the rest of the world to feel comfortable sharing a restroom with them is totally hypocritical.
Seems to be a lot of opinions on this, which is why I brought it up. My position on this is I don't think it is the FEDERAL governments position to make us except this (pushed on us). I am NOT comfortable with transgender boys playing in the same sport as my granddaughter and/or being in the same bathroom/showers. This make her confused/uncomfortable (what happen to her feelings?) as she has been raised as a Christian. This is not the position of the Christian belief, it was said above that these people were mental and we should therefore have compassion, most "mentally ill" folks I know are receiving help or are admitted. We just don't conform to their world. I thought the majority ruled in this country????
You came to Cattle Today one of the narrowest corners on the internet to ask this question haha. Now that is funny!

Sports should be based on biological born sex, not gender like you are asking. There is no denying that men by nature have a physical advantage.

The shower part doesn't bother me. Being transgender doesn't make you perverted.
Let me look that up, oh

Do you believe winning is all that matters in high school sports?
Winning has never been "the point" with sports. Everyone here has played sports at some point. There's a dozen positives. Fairness from the get go has to be considered. It's like they say with football the best college team could not be the worst NFL team. And whether that's actually true or not I don't know but I do understand the message behind it. I believe it's the state of Connecticut where there are dozens of girls who qualify to go to state track events only to be beat by boys. And not by a little. they are actually setting records for state in girls events as males. to me it is so asinine that we're even having this discussion. I believe everybody here understands what's going on. I have no trouble with someone who wants to be transgender. but if you are a male you should have to participate in male sports if you are a female likewise. I mean come on before long we're going to have six foot six boys dunking the ball over 5 ft 2 girls at the state finals. It's like in football baseball and many other sports there is a requirement for every player to wear a certain type of helmet to have certain types of cleats etc so I don't think it's a stretch to say that everyone on the field should have the same god-given equipment. Just my 2 cents.
Winning has never been "the point" with sports. Everyone here has played sports at some point. There's a dozen positives. Fairness from the get go has to be considered. It's like they say with football the best college team could not be the worst NFL team. And whether that's actually true or not I don't know but I do understand the message behind it. I believe it's the state of Connecticut where there are dozens of girls who qualify to go to state track events only to be beat by boys. And not by a little. they are actually setting records for state in girls events as males. to me it is so asinine that we're even having this discussion. I believe everybody here understands what's going on. I have no trouble with someone who wants to be transgender. but if you are a male you should have to participate in male sports if you are a female likewise. I mean come on before long we're going to have six foot six boys dunking the ball over 5 ft 2 girls at the state finals. It's like in football baseball and many other sports there is a requirement for every player to wear a certain type of helmet to have certain types of cleats etc so I don't think it's a stretch to say that everyone on the field should have the same god-given equipment. Just my 2 cents.
Good 2 cents more like a dime
The shower part doesn't bother me. Being transgender doesn't make you perverted.

Uh, wait, let's look that up cowskeeper. Let's go to the unchanging source of all truth for the answer, not to some arbitrary modern literary expert who may deduce an answer taken from the currently most popular ever changing norms of a sinful society. If you want to follow along, you'll find this in Romans 1:20-32.

"For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen," (the NATURAL knowledge of God), being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful......... but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and birds and four footed animals and creeping things."

I.E.: In their own mind/eyes, they foolishly think themselves to be wise... just as wise as God.... they believe themselves to be "like God", knowing both good and evil... the same lie Satan tempted Eve with. There is no God, they say... WE, the people that God created... IF there ever was or is a God... We, the created things in this created world... are "god"... WE now are the arbiter of "truth", WE now claim the authority to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong... good and evil... perverted or not perverted. ....Have you fallen into this deception of Satan too, making the bold claim that you have above? Are you asking the same question that he posed to Eve in the Garden of Eden... "Did God REALLY say....... this is right, and this is wrong? This is perverted, and this isn't?" Hmmm.... something to really consider carefully and objectively, since the honest answer has consequences not only in this life, but eternally. Do you in faith turn to Him for your answers, or do you turn to some human "expert"?

Wait... God has alot more to say about this, very specifically and directly. But pay careful attention.......... the error here initially is NOT deviate sexual behavior........... it is claiming authority that belongs entirely to the Creator God for ourselves, WE will now decide "what will be considered truth"... what is right and wrong... WE have the place and authority of God in our own lives... WE no longer "glorify Him as God". It is THIS lie, that then leads to "deviate and perverted behavior"... behavior that is declared as such by God Himself.

"Therefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the TRUTH OF GOD for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature" (man now is the higher authority), "rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is AGAINST NATURE", (perverted), "Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is SHAMEFUL, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which is due." (Do they now feel the penalty of a guilty conscience, a penalty of being labeled by others as deviates, perverted... if so, that is normal, natural, and right...because it is TRUE... they will "feel guilt" because God actually DID write a knowledge of natural law into the heart of every person... we DO have a conscience, even though we, and these individuals too, may intend and try to suppress it, and even though we may desire and DEMAND "tolerance" and acceptance by the public so that, we believe, we will no longer have to feel "guilty" about our pet sins and our deviated, perverted behavior).

"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, (the REAL essence of the sin, denial of the existence of God and His authority over them/us) God gave them over" (He withdraws from them somewhat His loving, calling, desiring hand, and allows them to wallow in their filth) "to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting, being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworty, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful....... who, knowing the righteous judgement of God, (there's that awful conscience again), that those who practice such things are deserving of (eternal) death, not only do the same, BUT ALSO APPROVE OF THOSE WHO PRACTICE THEM."

Is there a "penalty" to a society that refuses to call a spade a spade, and that instead "accepts" and "tolerates" these things as "normal" instead of deviated and perverted, "right" instead of wrong, "natural" instead of against natural law? You better believe it! Did you notice that pretty much every one of us must lay claim to this evil in one way or another? Who among us hasn't at some point been disobedient to parents, or hasn't been unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful at some point? We are all sinners... DEVIATES from the God expected norm. Why? Because at that moment we choose to lay claim to the authority over ourselves, and at that moment we choose to reject His moral law. THAT is the underlying issue.. and it is because of this, that we then BECOME deviates, and perverted.... the more we reject God, the more deviated and perverted we become. Over time, eventually, we no longer are satisfied just "doing these things among ourselves in the privacy of our own bedroom".... No... we eventually want to approve of others that do them too, and WE want THEIR approval, we want to rid ourselves of that awful guilt that we subconciously feel for our deviations and perversions. We demand PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE of our perverted behaviors. WE want to feel "free" to flaunt our perversion.

Sorry cowskeeper, being transgender DOES make you perverted.
Uh, wait, let's look that up cowskeeper. Let's go to the unchanging source of all truth for the answer, not to some arbitrary modern literary expert who may deduce an answer taken from the currently most popular ever changing norms of a sinful society. If you want to follow along, you'll find this in Romans 1:20-32.

"For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen," (the NATURAL knowledge of God), being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful......... but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and birds and four footed animals and creeping things."

I.E.: In their own mind/eyes, they foolishly think themselves to be wise... just as wise as God.... they believe themselves to be "like God", knowing both good and evil... the same lie Satan tempted Eve with. There is no God, they say... WE, the people that God created... IF there ever was or is a God... We, the created things in this created world... are "god"... WE now are the arbiter of "truth", WE now claim the authority to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong... good and evil... perverted or not perverted. ....Have you fallen into this deception of Satan too, making the bold claim that you have above? Are you asking the same question that he posed to Eve in the Garden of Eden... "Did God REALLY say....... this is right, and this is wrong? This is perverted, and this isn't?" Hmmm.... something to really consider carefully and objectively, since the honest answer has consequences not only in this life, but eternally. Do you in faith turn to Him for your answers, or do you turn to some human "expert"?

Wait... God has alot more to say about this, very specifically and directly. But pay careful attention.......... the error here initially is NOT deviate sexual behavior........... it is claiming authority that belongs entirely to the Creator God for ourselves, WE will now decide "what will be considered truth"... what is right and wrong... WE have the place and authority of God in our own lives... WE no longer "glorify Him as God". It is THIS lie, that then leads to "deviate and perverted behavior"... behavior that is declared as such by God Himself.

"Therefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the TRUTH OF GOD for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature" (man now is the higher authority), "rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is AGAINST NATURE", (perverted), "Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is SHAMEFUL, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which is due." (Do they now feel the penalty of a guilty conscience, a penalty of being labeled by others as deviates, perverted... if so, that is normal, natural, and right...because it is TRUE... they will "feel guilt" because God actually DID write a knowledge of natural law into the heart of every person... we DO have a conscience, even though we, and these individuals too, may intend and try to suppress it, and even though we may desire and DEMAND "tolerance" and acceptance by the public so that, we believe, we will no longer have to feel "guilty" about our pet sins and our deviated, perverted behavior).

"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, (the REAL essence of the sin, denial of the existence of God and His authority over them/us) God gave them over" (He withdraws from them somewhat His loving, calling, desiring hand, and allows them to wallow in their filth) "to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting, being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworty, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful....... who, knowing the righteous judgement of God, (there's that awful conscience again), that those who practice such things are deserving of (eternal) death, not only do the same, BUT ALSO APPROVE OF THOSE WHO PRACTICE THEM."

Is there a "penalty" to a society that refuses to call a spade a spade, and that instead "accepts" and "tolerates" these things as "normal" instead of deviated and perverted, "right" instead of wrong, "natural" instead of against natural law? You better believe it! Did you notice that pretty much every one of us must lay claim to this evil in one way or another? Who among us hasn't at some point been disobedient to parents, or hasn't been unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful at some point? We are all sinners... DEVIATES from the God expected norm. Why? Because at that moment we choose to lay claim to the authority over ourselves, and at that moment we choose to reject His moral law. THAT is the underlying issue.. and it is because of this, that we then BECOME deviates, and perverted.... the more we reject God, the more deviated and perverted we become. Over time, eventually, we no longer are satisfied just "doing these things among ourselves in the privacy of our own bedroom".... No... we eventually want to approve of others that do them too, and WE want THEIR approval, we want to rid ourselves of that awful guilt that we subconciously feel for our deviations and perversions. We demand PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE of our perverted behaviors. WE want to feel "free" to flaunt our perversion.

Sorry cowskeeper, being transgender DOES make you perverted.
I'll make it clear for you one last time.
Well first let me state your god rant means nothing to me. Actually that justification makes me respect your opinion less.

I do not think a transgender woman should be able to play women's sports. And vis versa. Sports should absolutely be determined based on sex, not gender.

but. The way the majority of you speak of gay people and transgender people is disgusting. Mind your own business. Don't be gross and worry who other people sleep with or what they have in their pants. Don't worry about the 1 in a million person entering a washroom that may have been born the opposing sex. Seriously who cares.

this conversation is annoying and the fact moderators let some of these comments fly shows a lot to what cattle today stands for. Really.
I'll make it clear for you one last time.
Well first let me state your god rant means nothing to me. Actually that justification makes me respect your opinion less.

I do not think a transgender woman should be able to play women's sports. And vis versa. Sports should absolutely be determined based on sex, not gender.

but. The way the majority of you speak of gay people and transgender people is disgusting. Mind your own business. Don't be gross and worry who other people sleep with or what they have in their pants. Don't worry about the 1 in a million person entering a washroom that may have been born the opposing sex. Seriously who cares.

this conversation is annoying and the fact moderators let some of these comments fly shows a lot to what cattle today stands for. Really.
I noticed on another thread that you do apparently own cattle so I apologize for saying you were posing as some other poster who lacked the courage to post under their known handle. I hope you stick around and post pictures and tell us about your operation in the future.

I'm glad to see you agree that boys and girls should compete athletically based on their birth sex not how they identify. We can all agree on that.

I would also tend to agree that what consenting adults do in private is nobody's business and should not be flaunted or expressed publicly.

I am curious as to why you care how this forum is currently being moderated.
I'll make it clear for you one last time.
Well first let me state your god rant means nothing to me. Actually that justification makes me respect your opinion less.

"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge... God gave them over to a debased mind".

Thank you for your honesty. I fully expected that would be the case. I remind you however, and the point of my post was to inform that it was not my "God rant", those are His words, nor is it my opinion that matters in the least.
@TennesseeTuxedo I agree on the curiosity of a brand new member being so concerned how this forum is moderated.
I think I'm going to close this thread due to a particular member that is not new trying to stir the pot a lot. It is disgusting and even posted in a post or two that they are just stirring the pot.
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