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3waycross":34pt0idm said:
Oldtimer":34pt0idm said:
All those that hate/fear ALL government and ALL Federal Agents need to remember that those Homeland Security Folks (like Border Patrol, Customs, Coast Guard, Secret Service) and the FBI/DEA/ATF Agents - along with the folks that make up our military that some now seem to fear, probably originally came from either your hometown or one much like it... These Federal Agents are not cloned aliens from another world- but most were recruited right from your local sheriffs offices/police depts., schools, streets-- and they all put their pants on one leg at a time as everyone else does...
I'm not a great FEMA fan-- and definitely not a Homeland Security fan as you never make a government bureaucracy more efficient by making it bigger/more powerful...

Over the 40 years I worked in Law Enforcement or with the Judiciary, I've had the opportunity to have many friends/co-workers that were federal employees/Agents - including a sister who retired a few years ago after a good career as an FBI Agent-- and have never heard one ever talk of any secret schemes to take over the country-or imprison everyone- altho for all those 40 years there have been those conspiracy theories floating around- and folks building bunkers/buying machine guns and ammo- storing years of food, etc... :roll: ... I think the big thing now- is with the internet and e-mails- more people can fearmonger faster by putting out false conspiracy theories anonymously...
But I don't buy into them...

I just have one question for you..............Would you fire on your own people if the order came down to go door to door to collect their firearms?

or you can look at it this way. If your son was in the National Guard and he was ordered to take your neighbors firearms for no good reason than some shythead in Washington decided that he didn't need them anymore would you tell your son to fire on him.

I had a conversation yesterday with a young man who is a devout Christian and a firm believer in the second ammendant. He is a member of a swat team in a fairly large western city. He tells me that he and his fellow team members have already had that conversation and all but a couple said they would lay down their weapons and walk away before they would do that.

Where do you stand?
I've had the same conversation with several and the consensus is they would walk. But the UN doesn't have the same desire to walk. There was a question asked of the current military folks if they would back the un recently. Somewhere on the enlistment work up. That's what bothers me.
Oldtimer":1umiqrxl said:
If you're asking me-- #1 It is not going to happen! Nothing will come out of D.C. changing gun laws to any degree which will affect me... And I'm as pro-gun as you can get....When I was Sheriff I issued more Concealed Carry permits than had ever been issued before out of that county in all the years put together...

I was asking you and as progun as you may be. You did not answer the question!
ChrisB":19wmevse said:
Oldtimer":19wmevse said:
All those that hate/fear ALL government and ALL Federal Agents need to remember that those Homeland Security Folks (like Border Patrol, Customs, Coast Guard, Secret Service) and the FBI/DEA/ATF Agents - along with the folks that make up our military that some now seem to fear, probably originally came from either your hometown or one much like it... These Federal Agents are not cloned aliens from another world- but most were recruited right from your local sheriffs offices/police depts., schools, streets-- and they all put their pants on one leg at a time as everyone else does...
I'm not a great FEMA fan-- and definitely not a Homeland Security fan as you never make a government bureaucracy more efficient by making it bigger/more powerful...

Over the 40 years I worked in Law Enforcement or with the Judiciary, I've had the opportunity to have many friends/co-workers that were federal employees/Agents - including a sister who retired a few years ago after a good career as an FBI Agent-- and have never heard one ever talk of any secret schemes to take over the country-or imprison everyone- altho for all those 40 years there have been those conspiracy theories floating around- and folks building bunkers/buying machine guns and ammo- storing years of food, etc... :roll: ... I think the big thing now- is with the internet and e-mails- more people can fearmonger faster by putting out false conspiracy theories anonymously...
But I don't buy into them...

I think that's all the proof we need fellas, it's obvious that Oldtimer is one of them. He's just trying to lull us into a false sense of security! Everybody - back to work on those bunkers!

(Sorry OT but being rational is no fun.)

Yep-- that's what is so funny-- so much of this hasn't changed in 40 years... Only the method of distribution...Back years ago it was all the radical magazines and printings--- now mostly its the internet...
BUT I heard the same things 40 years ago-- and none of all those years fearmongering has came to pass yet... ;-)

3waycross-- I have no answer- because I'm not going to speculate on something hypothetical that is not going to come to pass... I don't think they can even get any type of gun restriction (magazines, assault weapons, background check loopholes) to pass the Senate-- never the House...
What they may get is a bunch of funding for grants to put the cops (SRO's) back in schools again....I have no problem with that...
Yep-- that's what is so funny-- so much of this hasn't changed in 40 years... Only the method of distribution...Back years ago it was all the radical magazines and printings--- now mostly its the internet...
BUT I heard the same things 40 years ago-- and none of all those years fearmongering has came to pass yet... ;-)

3waycross-- I have no answer- because I'm not going to speculate on something hypothetical that is not going to come to pass... I don't think they can even get any type of gun restriction (magazines, assault weapons, background check loopholes) to pass the Senate-- never the House...
What they may get is a bunch of funding for grants to put the cops (SRO's) back in schools again....I have no problem with that...[/quote]

I think if you live long enough you might end up very surprised at what Washington can accomplish if they set their mind to it!

I personally never thought I would see the day that we would be giving 11 million Mexicans instant citizenship but it's coming and nothing can stop it!
Oldtimer":3jetyiz3 said:
If you're asking me-- #1 It is not going to happen! Nothing will come out of D.C. changing gun laws to any degree which will affect me... And I'm as pro-gun as you can get....When I was Sheriff I issued more Concealed Carry permits than had ever been issued before out of that county in all the years put together...

FWIW i salute you for that but if you think that our freedom at this point in time is anything but a heartbeat from being gone you are whistling past the graveyard. Folks like Ms Feinstein have an agenda and they won't quit until it's fulfilled. Take a look at what she proposed and tell me that the Senate wouldn't pass it in toto tomorrow if they didn't have to face re-election. Including Harry Reid!

There are people out there who count on fellas like you to drink the Kool-Aid right up to the point that you realize you are having lunch with the Reverend Jones at Jonestown!

I will ask you a serious question. How many criminals do you think have EVER looked at a sign that says Gun Free Zone and left their gun in the car because of it?

There's a reason they are called criminals. They don't care about the law. After being a Sheriff you should know that.
3waycross":28hyrtm0 said:
Oldtimer":28hyrtm0 said:
If you're asking me-- #1 It is not going to happen! Nothing will come out of D.C. changing gun laws to any degree which will affect me... And I'm as pro-gun as you can get....When I was Sheriff I issued more Concealed Carry permits than had ever been issued before out of that county in all the years put together...

FWIW i salute you for that but if you think that our freedom at this point in time is anything but a heartbeat from being gone you are whistling past the graveyard. Folks like Ms Feinstein have an agenda and they won't quit until it's fulfilled. Take a look at what she proposed and tell me that the Senate wouldn't pass it in toto tomorrow if they didn't have to face re-election. Including Harry Reid!

So- in other words our government is operating the way it was designed to- and has for 200+ years....
This is a write up regarding a given Sheriff in some local news:

(JANUARY 31ST, 2013) FSW

Grimes County Sheriff Don Sowell has written a letter to the citizens of his county spelling out his position on gun control.

He told his constituents that, as a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and career peace officer that he has sworn to uphold the 'sacred constitution of the United States and the 'great State of Texas.'

Sherriff Sowell went on to say he was not anti-government, just for the people, the law abiding responsible people.

He told the citizens of the county that a 'good citizen wants to go out and collect a machine gun, or a tank, and has done the paper work with ATF and all that, it would be a bad situation to make them a criminal.'

Sheriff Sowell agrees that something should be done to reduce gun violence, but putting more restrictions on law abiding citizens is not the answer. He says this can be done by enforcing existing laws and longer prison sentences.

Sheriff Sowell says that he will uphold the law if the gun policies change.

It's my understanding that the weapons ban of 1994 has been put forth to Washington for reinstatement. It probably won't pass with Congress but, if it did, current semi-automatic weapons (11+ rounds) would be grandfathered but with the mandate that an application be made at an FFL, for each weapon, and that the FFL would hold that weapon until you application was approved (could take a year or more). All of this in an effort to track the weapons.
A liberal can not answer a question straight up, beat around the bush some more. I fear people like you. I hope your right that it won't ever happen. Lots of cops, and some of the other people in the armed services of this country are power hungry punks. They were weird in high school and still are a little different to this day. And once they found power they made a career out of it. Our local Sheriff, and Police will not come out and try to disarm us, country folk are a different type of person, weather your a cop or farmer.
Oldtimer":1iy2dwye said:
3waycross":1iy2dwye said:
Oldtimer":1iy2dwye said:
If you're asking me-- #1 It is not going to happen! Nothing will come out of D.C. changing gun laws to any degree which will affect me... And I'm as pro-gun as you can get....When I was Sheriff I issued more Concealed Carry permits than had ever been issued before out of that county in all the years put together...

FWIW i salute you for that but if you think that our freedom at this point in time is anything but a heartbeat from being gone you are whistling past the graveyard. Folks like Ms Feinstein have an agenda and they won't quit until it's fulfilled. Take a look at what she proposed and tell me that the Senate wouldn't pass it in toto tomorrow if they didn't have to face re-election. Including Harry Reid!

So- in other words our government is operating the way it was designed to- and has for 200+ years....

yer good i'll give that...kinda like teflon
highgrit":325pp3dd said:
A liberal can not answer a question straight up, beat around the bush some more. I fear people like you. I hope your right that it won't ever happen. Lots of cops, and some of the other people in the armed services of this country are power hungry punks. They were weird in high school and still are a little different to this day. And once they found power they made a career out of it. Our local Sheriff, and Police will not come out and try to disarm us, country folk are a different type of person, weather your a cop or farmer.
Yeah, no answer yet.
You really have to watch the young ones wearing combat boots and all black uniforms.
We got a bunch of little wood be law men around here, they are sure enough the kind who thinks a badge made them god.ATF and the FBI has never been any thing but a bunch of badge toting bullies.
jedstivers":x7gekwug said:
You really have to watch the young ones wearing combat boots and all black uniforms.

Yeah, they look cool don't they? Really makes a bold statement as they are brow beating the criminal for not wearing his seatbelt.
Heard a bit ago the Obummers uncle Jesse wanted Obummer to send DHS to Chicago to patrol the streets and make it a safe place for the home boys.
Can't see why there would be any problems in Chicago cause they have some really strict gun laws there. You should be able to walk safely in the hood any time day or night.
FEMA came into Eastern Ky last year after the tornados swept through our state. Our town was destroyed. Saw FEMA providing a lot of supplies for the "Out of state" contractors they brought in to clean up debris (would not hire local contractors) but they did nothing for the local people that lost everything.

Went with a neighbor to the FEMA headquarters to see about getting some assistance. He had severe damage to his property, barns, buildings, fence, and etc in which his insurance did not cover. The first question the FEMA worker ask was if he had insurance. When he said yes and explained that his insurance only paid about 1/3 of the cost go repair; the worker said that FEMA could not help anyone that insurance.

So for the most part, neighbors banded together and helped each other clean up and rebuild without any FEMA assistance.

Want to send out a great big thank you to everyone that helped or sent donations. The United States has fantastic citizens! I wish I could say the same for our state and federal leaders; but I can't.

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