facebook link..whattya think?

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dieselbeef":3alukygo said:

yall come on in and say something silly...see if it works. :lol:
I probably spend way too much time on FB already, if CT were there too..... I'll have to hire someone to clean my house!
well i was asking around about how to grow my biz nd everyone told me toget a page there..wifes got one so i linked it offa hers but otherwise i dont bother..guess i will be now
Hmmm, we gotta come up with a catchy name for DBs page....

How about "Sex Toy Farms". That Should get popular real fast. :lol:

Cou could take your customers on guided "Treasure Hunts". :lol:
I'd be interested to see how it works for you DB. I'm not a FB user, so maybe my perceptions aren't based on the reality. FB has always struck me as more of "white pages" than a "yellow pages" when it comes to business. If they already know about you, it seems FB can be a great way to communicate with them, but if they don't already know about you, how do they find you?? Links to others pages would be a good start, though.
Can you get linked to other business pages that would be complimentary to yours?

As for a critique on your page....just my :2cents: from the standpoint of a consumer/potential customer (if I lived in your area, of course)....

I would not emphasize that it's a part time Biz for you. To a consumer, it can give the perception that you're not as committed as people may want.
Personalize it. Explain why you started this and why you're targeting small producers. I know you say some of that on your page, but be more specific. If the idea arose from your own problems in finding affordable feed as a small producer, tell people that. Let them know that you're a small producer too. It can help build both trust and loyalty becoause you're in the same boat they are.
Tell people what both you and your product can provide them that your competion can't/won't.
Again, make it personal for them. Consumers don't just buy a product, they buy a company and the people behind it as well.

Good luck....let us know how well it works.
I would really like to hear some feedback about FB as a marketing tool for targeting new clients.
yeah..cf thanks//thats the kinda feedback im lookin for..ill work on that...

ios idk..it'd be populr alright but d be sellin the wrong kinda feed i think..

i have no idea how itll work out...asked some college boy about a biz plan and he gave me some advice..undersell the competition if poss..which i can and did do already..and starta facebook page

we shall see..ill be lettin yall know..for now tho i could use the likes...or friends or whatever

I think facebook is quite necessary nowadays because nearly all information can be found there. People don't write e-mails anymore, they prefer to write fb messages! And if you're looking for a company you will find it on facebook too! You get event information and music recommendations- and groups about every topic. Yes this sounds nice. Although you have to be very skeptical about this.
Good start. I too am curious how this page works out for you, been considering it myself.

I did notice there was no information on your location and the area of service. I also agree with CottageFarm that a more in depth description and reason why the customers should buy from you is needed. Think of as many questions that the customers may have and try to answer them on you page, answering the FAQ would save alot of time for you and the consumer which is always good!
I think facebook will help your business. I have just started my business page too. It takes time to build up a following. Our vet has had her page for a year or two now and has just gotten to 200 likes.
Give it time to let get the word to spread, and send a link to your facebook friends to get them to like the page. They can choose to like or not.
Best of luck
all that is in the info..prices vary as its a commodity driven feed. i make the deals over the phone usually.
I think you should put a business name on the top. Maybe add some pictures of the feed. Nutritional analysis, how it's sold ( bag, drum)
Maybe add some anecdotal adg from your cattle if you have it.
On something like this more info would be very beneficial. Just look at how we scrutinize every little detail on this board. Most cattle people do the same and that's what they'll be looking for
I would like to see the price, per bag, barrel, an by the ton. Good luck DB, you gotta start somewhere.
I like it! I started a FB page for my horse farm and have had lots of interest. It has helped me connect to people that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. Good luck!

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