Epic Hunting Trip

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
South Georgia
Been scouting a nice trophy buck. Located a perfect spot where two creeks come together. Located the feeding area, bedding area and the major trails, rubs and plenty of scrapes. Rubs were on 6" dbh oak and cedar trees and were rubbed higher than normal. Understory has a light cover which offers good concealment for the deer but little to no concealment when viewed from above. Definitely a honey hole.

Placed a stand there a few weeks ago and have been waiting for the rut to get in full swing before I followed my bright pink flagging tape back to my stand so I could get that wall hanger. :D

I awoke at 3:00 am this morning with no alarm clock and made a pot of coffee and some chicken salad sandwiches while thinking about how best to have that big boy mounted. :D Since it was going to be cold, I layered with clothes so I'd be nice and toasty in my stand and headed toward the bay. Roughly a quarter mile from the deer stand I parked and began walking slowly so as not to break a sweat or make my presence known. I knew this trail well but was going to rely on flagging tape and my NEW ECO-FRIENDLY FLASHLIGHT I bought at WALMART to guide me to my stand. Don't know if you have seen these eco-lights or not, but they are similar to a maglite but they say they will last TWICE as long on the same batteries. (I bought one cause I'm a tight-wad. Not cause I'm a prairie fairy or tree hugger)

Well, I'm not a rocket scientist, but I would expect a flashlight to last twice as long if it only emitts a queer blue light and only a quarter of the candle power as my regular maglite. And did you know that blue and pink makes an eerie green which is very simlar to all the vegetation I was walking through? Anyway, I trugged on trying to do the best I could to find my stand. After doing three full circles and spooking what sounded like 30 deer I FINALLY made it to my stand. Judging from the amount of sweat I had rolling down my back I'd say I walked at least three miles all tallied.

Finally, as day is breaking, I get to my stand and the dang flashlight won't turn off. I unscrew the base and dump the batteries. I'm fuming! Finally, I ease up into my stand and as my blood goes from a boil to a simmer - I began to FREEEEEEEZE.

Wish I could say I killed the big one but me and my ECO-LIGHT sure were friendly on the wildlife this morning cause we ran them to safety. Oh, for those of you who are wondering - eco-light WAS MADE IN CHINA. :mad:

To add a cherry to the cake, when I got back to my truck there was a deer standing twenty feet from it. :shock: I think the deer knew where the bottle was. :oops:
Well joe you ever notice how some year's you just can't do nothing wrong and out of the blue it switche's around i do think i would set that ECO light up on a fence post and pop a cap in it's Butt. :D

rattler":10ftvdmo said:
Well joe you ever notice how some year's you just can't do nothing wrong and out of the blue it switche's around i do think i would set that ECO light up on a fence post and pop a cap in it's Butt. :D


Seems I "forgot it" in the woods. ;-) :lol: Did remember the batteries. I guess it will be part of the ecosystem instead of landfill filler which is all the thing is worth.

Mike, I looked at those at the electronic store a few weeks ago. Came close to picking one up. Looked like good quality.
Sorry Joe, Didn't sound like you had the best day in the woods :(
Sure did enjoy your story though. :lol: :lol:
My friends criticized me for spending $100 on a streamlight stinger hp. Now they all want one. One of my best pieces of gear. Holds long charge and bright enough for almost anything.