Dumb chicken question

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2006
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ca.mojave desert
I know this is a cattle board but....
My daughter bought my Grandson some chickens to show at our county fair. The problem is we have no idea how you show a chicken :oops: :oops:
Does anyone know of a website that could help us? We have found alot that tell you how to raise them but I can't seem to find any about how to actually show them.
Our county extension only has one tape and they can't find it. I have ordered the poultry book but it's on backorder and fair is only 6 weeks away.
Any Ideas??
I started showing chickens in 1972 and did it off and on until just a year ago. Got too many irons in the fire to continue it. Showing chickens consists of a whole management plan including proper nutrition, housing, conditioning, handling, and washing. If you've read about raising them, then housing and nutrition have probably been covered. The actual exhibition aspect consists of pening the birds for a couple of weeks in a pen about the size of the one that they'll be exhibited in at the show. They need to be handled so that they tame. Feed them according to what type of birds you have. Soft feathered breeds need a mash type feed. Hard feathered birds like Games need corn. The day before the show, the birds may need to be washed. White varieties in particular may need to be cleaned thoroughly. Put the chicken in a tub of warm water and use ivory soap to gently clean the feathers. Wash the scales on the legs and feet. Clean the face, comb and wattles. Rinse the birds in a second tub of warm water and if they are white birds add a little blueing to the water. Rinse them again in a third tub. After you remove them, you can use a hair drier on them or better yet, put them outside in the yard on clean shavings or grass and let the sun dry them. Colored varieties may need little washing if any at all. To transport to the show, each bird needs an individual compartment bedded down with shavings. You can use cardboard boxes or make a carrying case. When you arrive at the show, remove each bird and give it a "going over." Use a handkerchief to smooth any ruffled feathers and apply a THIN layer of vaseline to the legs, comb, and wattles. Place the bird in the designated pen, make sure it has feed and water, and let the judge do the rest. Before judging begins, you can handle your birds and do any touch ups that are necessary. Showing poultry isn't like showing livestock. You don't have to lead them or pose them for the judge. the judge will handle the birds and look them over and evaluate them according to the breed standard. For more info Google the American Bantam Association and the American Poultry Association. Good luck and hope I've helped you.
Yes you helped me alot!!!
I wasn't sure if the boys have to hold the chickens while judging or how that worked :oops: I know nothing about showing chickens!
Thank you soooo much! I will go google now :lol:
Out here, for the market pens, you hold 'em out upside down by the legs. You hold em up high in front of your face and the judge comes and feels them. When the judge isn't near you, you cradle the chickens in your arms but when he gets close, you put em up high. I'd still google or something to find out how they do it in your area.
My experience is like jaydill said. I showed chickens for 6 years at our county show, we always held them upside down. The judge would feel of them and look at them. Just my two cents.

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