Divorce Pending??

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Alan, I'm glad you feel that way. It means you have been blessed and have never met my X. She just was never the same after the house landed on her sister. And yes, she would complain about anything and everything.
Umm... Kitchen is wifes department id just tell her get what you want and then pay for it that way no one to blame but herself...
She's a hefty version of a lady I once knew. If it wasn't her idea it sucked and she made no bones about it. Problem was most of her ideas sucked worse.
john250":dumqrda6 said:
The ladie's first objection is to the color. This is spot-on. Once bought a cattle trailer, and the first woman I told said "does it match your truck?"

Most en would answer yes. They re both paid for. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: