crusty scabs

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Apr 1, 2012
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florida gulf coast
Hello from florida,
I have to ask this question,I dont think its a health issue but maybe overall a wellbeing issue.There is crusty scabs at the tail head and sides of vulva. They even get them further down the inner hams over the bag.When I scratch the scabs the cows stand and even twist their heads as if it feels good.Boy o boy I hope non of my neighbors are watching haha.The scabs fall off very easy and the skin underneath is raw and doted with blood specks.Would this be mites and if so do I put them on an ivermectin regiment of shots to kill the mites any help to this issue will be greatly appreciated.

Sure sounds like you are describing an external parasite. Without seeing it, it is hard to tell exactly which one you are dealing with.
I would recommend you start a regiment of ivomec plus. ( injection )
Thanks for the response to my question.I will start reading on methods and amounts asap.I noticed a cow that I took to another pasture to get breed had little scab bumps around her neck and I could scratch them off.Then started the tail head scabs.Now all the cows are infected.The only good thing is they are all very tame.So working them is't an issue.
Treat for mites .

If that doesn't fix it- it COULD be a fungus .If you had a summer like we had(hot and wet) it makes sense. I had two horses that broke with something that sounds just like you are describing and it was a fungus.It started on one horse then spread to the other.
there is some stuff called M-T-G- for Horses
Try rubbing some of that on the spots(every two or three days for a week)- if they clear up its a fungus.

- fungus is tough to get rid of. Sure hope that you don't have it.
You have to treat every spot on every animal for 6 months or more till you kill out the cycle. Miss a spot and add on another six months.
Hey,Thanks for the fungus advice.I really want to get this taken care of.I used dawn on the dog for fleas and it kills the fleas on contact.I tried mixing up a gallon of water and dawn and washing the spots.It cleaned up the scabs and then I dabed with my finger straight dawn on the spots.But the scabs came back,I dont know if it will reach the mites under skin or if retreatments every day or really what.I am excited to see others having the same issue.I dont have many cows we just have six and one young bull.We want to keep them healthy and happy.
Not sure about what parasites you have in that area, but when ever we see scabby animals in this area, the first thing we think of is lice. The Horses up north used to get them every year withoug fail even though they were isolated from other horses.They can be brought in by wild animals- deer etc, checking out your feeders in the middle of the night.
Try the least harsh treatment first, I would go with the Ivomec like it was suggested earlier, before "blasting" them with who knows what.The life cycle of lice and sheep /deer keds is 18-21 days, so sometimes you might have to re-apply about that time.
Speak to some of your local farmers /and or vet, and ask what sort of other parasites in your area might cause that problem, if they have been around for a few years they will have a good idea what "bugs" are around and what to do for them.
If they're small in diameter it's probably lice, if they're large and irregular shaped it's probably ringworm. If it's ringworm be real carefull cause you can get it from the cows.
Thanks for the answers Im getting from everyone,I really appreciate everyone on this fourm.The crusty scabe basically crumble when you scratch them and the skin underneath is raw and there is no said shape to them.I got a cow back from another property and when you rubbed her you could feel tiny bumps pretty much all around her neck.little scabs,very little.If it is mites can anybody tell me how much ivermactin to inject and should I go im or sub
Chet :banana:
We've never used ivermetin, it's a grubacide so you may not want to be using it for while. Ultraboss would be my preference
Ivermectin ( ivermec) works pretty good on alot of parasites, but not ringworm which is a fungus.
Works on mange and what we call "the winter itch" which looks like mange, and may be related don"t know. Winter itch seems to be more of a deficiency / low immune system, that allows some sort of bug to cause an itch and causes the cows to scrape off the hair in patches. Sunlight and vitamins seem to help it, but a blast of ivermectin also helps.
Lice usually have a small scab that you can peel off, sometimes with a very small tuff of hair in the scab, with a small sore underneath.
Even though lice and Keds prefer their animal host, they can head your direction so be aware of that. I have pulled keds off of family members after they were handling sheep, even though they are not supposed to attach to humans. Guess they were so hungry they grabbed what ever they could find.
Nite Hawk
What you are describing to me sounds like fly bites. Our cattle get it right around the tail, where the tail goes into the body, and when we scratch it they LOVE it! It is caused by little flies, that can get in that area and bite the cows, causing the crusty scabs. A real pain for the cows. Fly spray in that area works wonders!
I'll add my :2cents: . I would guess it is lice and/or mites. Around the vulva area down towards the udder is a good place for the mites. I have found sort of lumpy white patches (like cottage cheese) - and yes, the cows LOVE you to scrape it off & itch them.
You need to read the label. I'm not sure if POUR ON Ivermectic will get mites, but I do think the injectable will. Again, you will have to read the label, but I believe Ivermec is IM. But both will get lice.
The bumps, scabs around the neck sounds more like lice.
thanks to all of you for responding to the post I am out of town and just got to the hotel and couldnt wait to see if anyone responded anymore to it.I'm thinking lice because of the fact that the cow came home with those little scab bumps on her.Now all of them have it.When I get home I am going to treat for that I will keep everyone posted to the progress
If you have a lactating milk cow that you are drinking the milk from, don"t treat her with Ivomec as the withdrawl time is too long, (think it is like a month or there abouts)
Although most people do not hesitate to give lactating beef cattle that have calves on them ivomec.
Believe it or not Ivomec used to be used in Africa for River blindness years ago as there was no other medicines for the condition I am told, but it is frowned upon for general human everyday use..
Nite Hawk
my cows get them in the summer from flys,also in front of the udder and navel area , I have milk cows so am looking at thoes places alot
Fly's I started treating with a fly spray and started seeing results right away.I cant believe it because there was never a real problem as far as I could see.I would say the flys were less then 50 per animal and that # is high.Hay at lease now I know a little more now.
Thanks to all you great people out there
Chet :banana: