Vicki, That is an excellent explaination. I always knew there were "different" discharges, but never could explain the difference to anyone else. But you're right, it is VERY elastic - would never have thought of that way to explain it. Thanks Jeanne <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>
> There are two different mucous
> discharges which you are lumping
> into the same category. #1 Thick
> slime, often yellowish in colour
> produced within the last 1-2
> months pre calving, usually scant
> but can certainly slime the tail
> #2 Cervical plug; thick,
> colourless, clear to opaque,
> ELASTIC which will wrap around
> tail and anything else nearby, can
> hang to floor...ONLY found when
> cervix is dilating, generally
> within the immediate calving
> process (stage 1 of labour)
> To me they're not interchangable
> and easy to tell apart. The
> cervical plug rarely seems to get
> coated with manure...thus always
> looks CLEAR to OPAQUE and is
> always ELASTIC. If you see it,
> almost 100% of the time she's
> calving, and will go within 24
> hours.
> Clear as mud? V
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