Contracted tendon?

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Jun 5, 2011
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I recently purchased a 2 yr holstein from a local dairy. the story with her is she had a calf 2 months ago, was put in with a few bulls and then owner noticed her walking with hunched back and on tip toes (back legs only) with pasterns not flexing back like they should but with the joint being pushed forward like she is trying to keep tension off tendons. I prob should of let her go to slaughter but she is able to get up and down and is walking and eating/ drinking good and I work at a vet clinic for small animals and have seen amazing stuff happen with just rest and time. I have looked up contracted tendons and is this likely on mature cow or more likely post breeding injury-- Nerve damage is a concern as she sometimes places feet like she doesn't know where they are. I live in AK and not a lot of cow docs here so any thoughts would be appreciated. If it is nerve damage any chances of her ever walking normal? she doesn't appear to be in pain and is bright and alert, gave her Banamine for 2 dosed but didn't seem to do any good/I didn't see any difference. She is currently being milked and may be pregnant so I didn't want to use steroids in case she is pregnant. Is low selenium a possibility?
:welcome: to the boards from New York.
I have only heard of contracted tendons on newborns. My thought would be she was injured from the bulls (knocked down?). "Sounds" like nerve damage in the spine. You might give her B-12 for the nerves.
Even the small animal veterinarian you work for should know more about this than most of the folks on this list - and he/she is right there and can actually see what this cow looks like and what she's doing. Have them look at her.
sounds like the bulls roughed her up. i'd give her a couple of weeks rest and re-evaluate.

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