Church group aiming to picket bus victim's funeral.

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Oct 31, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I am not going to comment besides the fact that there are a lot of usless peices of crap in this world that have their heads up their buts. ... ml?ref=rss

Border guards turn away church group aiming to picket bus victim's funeral
Last Updated: Friday, August 8, 2008 | 12:23 PM CT
CBC News
Canadian border guards are under orders to prevent members of a fundamentalist American church from crossing into Canada to protest at the Saturday funeral for a Winnipeg man brutally killed on a Greyhound bus last week.

Westboro Baptist Church, a controversial Kansas-based sect, intends to picket the funeral of 22-year-old Tim McLean to tell Canadians his slaying on July 30 was God's response to Canadian policies enabling abortion, homosexuality and adultery.

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church wave protest signs outside funeral services for a soldier in Iowa in 2006. (Charlie Neibergall/Associated Press)"God is punishing Canada for passing laws against WBC — by exposing Canadians as cannibals and highway decapitaters," the church says in a news release on its website, which refers to McLean as "The Headless Canadian."

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day's office sent an alert to border patrol to "look out" for people with signs and pamphlets consistent with the messages that the church promotes and to keep them out of the country, Winnipeg MP Pat Martin told CBC News on Friday.

"Entering Canada by a U.S. citizen isn't an absolute right, and if you're coming here only to disrupt the social order and to promote what we consider to be bordering on hate crimes or hate language, they shouldn't come into Canada," Martin said.

"We're not going to allow these people to compound the tragedy of the McLean family loss, and Canadians simply won't tolerate these lunatics disrupting what should be a respectful service."

Freedom of speech is not absolute, Martin said.

"Your freedom to swing your arm in the air ends when it touches the end of my nose," he said. "What these people were going to do was hurtful, harmful and disruptive to the peace, order and good government that we guarantee to our citizens, so they have no place in this country."
now that just makes me Ill...Hope the border guards make it a long and miserable day for any of them that try and get thru...
I would let them across the border and allow them to congregate, then open up the 50 calibers on all of them. :mad: :mad: :mad:
MikeC":2arl4vxx said:
I would let them across the border and allow them to congregate, then open up the 50 calibers on all of them. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I am trying to spin this so that this group of loons and the PETA freaks are in an area where I can saturate them all with my neutron ray device.


Then again, maybe just putting the neutron nozzle on spray setting and doing the whole planet would be better.

I wonder how many friends this group has made for christianity and the church.
john250":9smk0e29 said:
The biker veterans usually deal with them here.

Yeah, the Patriot Guard keeps that nonsense to a minimum here.

I can't believe a so called group of Christians is doing this. What gives them the right? What of tolerance and love? The cornerstone of faith is that we should love one another. There are a lot of nuts out there hiding behind the cross to do some pretty unchristian things. And people will follow them. I work with a woman, if her pastor told her to do something like that, she would because her pastor told her to. Sheeple.
Thats the same bunch of wackjobs that tried to protest the military funeral of a soldier up here in CNY a few months ago. The Patriot Guard was well represented but it still got in the paper and on the local news. Some people have real strange hobbies!?!
Religious zealots come in all shapes, sizes, cultures, colors, economic class, on and on and on. And the only thing I'm able to find in common with them is hate. Religious zealots are dangerous in the extreme and scare the extreme be nice outta me.

From Wikipedia...

While its members identify themselves as Baptists, WBC is an independent church and is not affiliated with any known Baptist conventions or associations. The church describes itself as following Primitive Baptist and Calvinist principles, though mainstream Primitive Baptists condemn Westboro Baptist Church and Phelps.[7] The views that distinguish Westboro Baptist Church are views that most Baptists and Calvinists do not recognize, and do not consider to be in any way characteristically Baptist or Calvinistic.

If you're unfamiliar with these knuckleheads, google the church name and go to the Wikipedia site for more information.
When a church bases it's doctrine in something other than scripture this is what the result is . These are not Christians (little Christs), they are aimless, mindless nut cases, that imagine that they are a church .

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of this poor young man. Both PETA and this "church" should be ashamed of themselves to seek publicity at the expense of a family during their tragedy.
That poor family. Not only must they deal with such a tragic loss, but they must now deal with the slimiest, belly crawling, self serving bunch of you know whats.
Both these groups should show some respect for this family, but we all know they have no respect for anyone or anything.
Cool Hand":2mexg4e5 said:
Alice":2mexg4e5 said:
Religious zealots come in all shapes, sizes, cultures, colors, economic class, on and on and on. And the only thing I'm able to find in common with them is hate. Religious zealots are dangerous in the extreme and scare the extreme be nice outta me.


Alice please define Religious zealots according to the BIBLE. Then define rligious zealots according to your left wing manual.

What are the anti war protesters, the pro abortionists, the gay rights protestors, the ones that protest with uncle jesse and uncle sharpton. the national organization of women that protest also? Are these people zealots? I will answer for you they are ones that every day that goes by inhibit our rights to free speach all the while being politiclly corect and acceptable to the left wing liberals. . Yea these are people you have no problem with. You condone anything they do any and all of their actions thats what the leftist liberals do.! I am not for these protestors trying to protest the canada funeral anymore than I support your groups.

Something for anyone who cares about what they support. If you are toting a A.A.R.P. card or purchasing their insurance. A.A.R.P CONTRIBUTED 600 MILLION IN 2005 TO GAY RIGHTS GROUPS AND PRO ABORTIONIST GROUPS.

Alice I would even bet if you were alive when the pilgims came here you would have stayed behind. One more question for you were the pilgrims religious zealots or people with convictions and principles? or were they people that wanted to conform and fall for and believe in anything and everything? What say ye Alice cat got your tounge?

What say ye Alice cat got your tounge?

What say I? This time and this time only I will say that I do not acknowledge personal attacks...nor do I suffer fools gladly...altho I do gladly ignore fools. And, that is all I have to say.

Cool Hand":q7y4o7m7 said:
There is no worldly way to serve GOD theres only the BIBLICAL WAY.

This is what worldly people who could read told illiterate people who couldn't.

There are a lot of wonderful servants of God who have never seen a Bible.

Living the life is a lot harder than memorizing the word.
Well it looks like they got their free publicity. ... 1-sun.html

One of our politicians had announced 2 days ago that Canadian authorities could not guarantee their safety if they showed up. Looks like 600 folks were there to make sure it happened ( and I am sure they would have got a stomping ).

Tragic, crazy incident right from the beginning. Hopefully the family will get some peace and not have the media harangue them for years.

Alice[/quote] Heres the truth I would have bet a thousand dollars you did not have what it takes to defend your beliefs. Notice the questions I asked all you could do is call someone a fool. In my book there are two definitions of a fool one who stands for something wrong just to be politically correct. The other is one who thinks they are doing the will of GOD and professing 1/2 beliefs all the while standing up for the devils imps and workers. SCRIPTURE alice few be it that enter in not everyone that calls on the name of the lord is home free. I believe it also says at the judgment SEAT HE WILL SAY DEPART FROM ME YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY I NEVER KNEW YOU. they will cry out but did we not do this and that in the end he tells people where to go plain and simple. There is no worldly way to serve GOD theres only the BIBLICAL WAY.[/quote]

Those who know themselves and their beliefs do not need to defend them to anyone.

What these freaks are doing is wrong, plain and simple. Its like the loons who go to servicemens funerals to say they are making a point, disrespectful, plain and simple. They don't have any reason to be there-plain and simple.

GMN":os5hyuxn said:
Heres the truth I would have bet a thousand dollars you did not have what it takes to defend your beliefs. Notice the questions I asked all you could do is call someone a fool. In my book there are two definitions of a fool one who stands for something wrong just to be politically correct. The other is one who thinks they are doing the will of GOD and professing 1/2 beliefs all the while standing up for the devils imps and workers. SCRIPTURE alice few be it that enter in not everyone that calls on the name of the lord is home free. I believe it also says at the judgment SEAT HE WILL SAY DEPART FROM ME YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY I NEVER KNEW YOU. they will cry out but did we not do this and that in the end he tells people where to go plain and simple. There is no worldly way to serve GOD theres only the BIBLICAL WAY.[/quote]

Those who know themselves and their beliefs do not need to defend them to anyone.

What these freaks are doing is wrong, plain and simple. Its like the loons who go to servicemens funerals to say they are making a point, disrespectful, plain and simple. They don't have any reason to be there-plain and simple.


Thank you for that... :wave:
I am not going to get into quoting the bible here, but I do believe if you are doing something that you feel just a little guilty about, you need to back away because it's wrong.

And Cool, I don't know what you,re thinking is. You have been on CT only a short time and already cutting people down. Maby that's why you joined,Idon't know.
I don't know you and will not try to figure you out. None of my buisness.

I will say that cutting members down will not impress anyone here. We've had several in the past who done the same thing and pretty soon they were gone.
We that's been here for a while respect each other for their thoughts and beliefs. Although we don't always agree. Have you ever stopped to think that just maby your thoughts might be wrong?

Now these are my thoughts and mine alone. So you can go ahead Cool and let me have it.

Disrupting a Christian burial, or any farewell ceremony of the family of a loved one, is a desecration that would only be committed by sicko's blinded by hate.

Persecuting and harrassing innocent family, before, during and after the loss of a loved one is an act that only those devoid of the love of God could commit. And up here could land you in jail, because it is criminal.

GodHatesAmerica , GodHatesCanada etcc... their hate filled web sites - twisted - evil. Nothing to do with God. A bunch of freaks looking for attention and crying they didn't get their way.
GMN please reread my post what rights are these listed below intitled to that the church protestors are not intitled to. PLEASE PLEASE CLUE ME IN WHERE ONE GROUP WITH WARPED VALUES IS INTITLED TO ANY THING MORE SO THAN THE FREAKS LISTED BELOW. AGAIN PLEASE TELL ME.

What is it that you didn't understand about what I said? I think I said it plain and simple. I think these folks hide behind their religions, try to justify what they do and how they do it, and in the cases of protesting funerals, etc.. they are in the wrong 100%, I don't care what religion they are, or what beliefs they have, they can't justify their actions with ANY kind of religion, their actions are contemptous and should not be allowed.


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