We lost 2 cows before we knew what was happening. They linger under trees eating acorns and start shrinking almost before your eyes.
When they start arching their back to urinate, their kidneys are already shutting down and there's nothing you can do. I searched online and found that Acorn Posioning (Tannins) sickness starts 8-14 days after they start eating them. They have a poor appetite, dull, quick weight loss, constipation followed by profuse diarrhea, trouble urinating, dehydration, and after 3-7 days of clinical signs, goes down and cannot rise. If she doesn't die, it usually takes 2-3 weeks to recover. Animals with a low protein diet can't tollerate acorn posioning. Antidotes for "Tannins" is feed with hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) and Protein. We didn't know anything about acorn poisoning, but we tried drenching our cows for dehydration, but they died. You can find a lot more information at:
http://www.tamu.edu/ and search Acorn-Poisoning. I've read a lot about it since our cows died, but luckily haven't had any more cases.