Calves with weepy eye.

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This sounds consistent with exposure to a toxin. Often the right side is more affected than the left side, like you mentioned with the right eye being the most often having the yellow drainage. I saw this issue on many of the accident killed animals I necropsied and on live wild animals like deer when I was doing studies to find the prevalence of birth defects on wild grazing animals. Those animals were being exposed to the chemicals that were in the rain and sprayed on fields they lived near, especially in late spring and early summer. The eye or eyes usually clear up in two or three days unless the animal is extremely sensitive and continuously exposed. Also the cattle not wanting to eat the straw would suggest it was sprayed or treated with something the cattle do not like. If the field was sprayed with Roundup/glyphosate just prior to harvest, it would definitely be on the straw. And the glyphosate is on all of the grain harvested and so is in anything made from the grain, including flour, cereal, other human foods, pet food, food for lab animals that are used to test chemicals (ironically), and of course grain for livestock. When animals eat straw, hay or any other foliage with glyphosate on it, it kills the good bacteria in their gut which make up a ruminant's primary immune system. And being a patented mineral chelator, it disrupts the ability of an animal's cells to uptake needed minerals. Glyphosate has also been shown by many studies to cause cancer. Not sure who could have possibly thought it would be a good idea to allow the use of glyphosate in a way that guarantees that it will in much of our food, especially cereal made for children and the food of our livestock and pets.
Big Pharma maybe, the importance of gut bacteria and the stomach bacterial ecosystem in relation to animals and peoples health isn't widely known by everyone and I suspect the big chemical companies and big pharma would like to keep it that way because the truth is if we ate and lived closer to how nature intended the amount of illneses and health issues would be dramatically less in many areas.

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