Calf is driving me out of my mind !!!! Help !!!!

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Sorry I didn't make myself clearer.
Actually I meant both.
I was referring to both its nutritional value and its medicinal value when administered after 24 hrs.
Absorbing Antibodies • There are several types of antibodies present in the cow's colostrum. Their absorption rate and role in disease prevention varies depending on the class of antibody (IgG, IgM, IgA). Some are designed to be absorbed immediately and directly through the calf's intestinal wall, where they enter his lymph system and bloodstream to be ready to fight disease organisms, while others stay in the gut and attack any pathogens found there-such as E. coli bacteria.
This is why it is important a calf nurse quickly-to be able to absorb the immunoglobulins that must go through the intestinal wall before it thickens and continue to have some colostrum during his next several nursings to keep the other type of antibodies in his gut to protect against scours bacteria he may ingest from the cow's dirty teats or a dirty environment. The remaining antibodies in his mother's dwindling supply of colostrum (as it becomes diluted with regular milk) can continue to be of benefit to him even though he can no longer absorb them through the gut lining.
Update !! I believe Chippie is right. I believe this calf has an imune problem. But ! He is now 3 months old and after all this time he still only wants his bottles once a day. He now has a great routine and he now comes up every night crying for his bottle which he never did until a couple weeks ago. He still is real slow but can show momentum when he wants or has to. No more wet chin although all the hair came off where is was wet all the time. What concerened me is when I quit giving him the Side Kick in his milk, he would get the snots !!! But I cut down putting it in his every 2 days and he seems to be stronger. I know it could be a waste of time..but to me if you do not try , evaluate you would never know if it was the right thing to do. He is the mascott of the farm and he has been an absolute joy. I would do it again if the chance came along. In horses, it is most easy to diagnose. Cattle ? Bizzare !! and yes jkwilson !! I lose so much sleep overy these calves..haha but I just love to try and save a life. If he does die at least he got to roam, eat grass and yes I do know that the tame ones will kill you when grown. I walk away when they are turned out for good. Thank you all !! and I still believe that if I did not use Side Kick..that he would be dead for sure. I will never be without that product. It Rocks !!!
We had a calf once that was born in a clean area, navel dipped, etc, and started going down hill, walking stiff etc having problems getting up. No swelling in the joints,- nothing.
We gave him selenium ( which you have done) and gave him trivetrin as if he had joint ill and said a prayer.
He came around and grew up to win best semmintal in the district 4-H club, and 3rd best carcass out of approximately 70 steers, so don't give up, but don't spend a fortune either..
Nite Hawk

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