Frankie, I've bought far to many cattle with good EPDs from prestigous breeders that have fallen apart when put in my commercial conditions. My advice to Kevin was to help him avoid going down the same road I did. I think it is very irresponsible to advise someone to go buy cattle based on EPDs alone and without reguard to the breeder and his philosophy on raising cattle. I hope your observations of cattle are better than they are of me. Have a good day.
> From my observations of
> RobertMac's posts over the years,
> it seems he doesn't understand
> EPDs very well and doesn't want to
> understand EPDs. When he says EPDs
> have nothing to do with
> reproductive efficiency, he's just
> wrong. While you should never
> select for extremes, daughters of
> bulls with larger scrotal
> measurements reach puberty at an
> earlier age than those sired by
> bulls with small scrotal
> measurements. Heifers that calve
> as two year olds will be more
> profitable than those calving as
> three year olds. Paying attention
> to Mature Height & Weight EPDs
> will help you keep your cow size
> where you want it. Retaining
> daughters of bulls with moderate
> birth weight EPDs will build a
> herd of easy calving cows. A cow
> that is able to have her calf
> unassisted is more likely to get
> it up and nursing more quickly
> than one that has a prolonged,
> difficult labor. And she'll breed
> back sooner, thus more likely to
> stay in the herd for a longer
> period of time. My cows work
> pretty hard to raise their calves
> on native grass so I try to keep
> the herd milk EPD at less than 15.
> But if you have improved grass and
> lots of rain, you might want a
> bull whose daughters will be high
> milking cows. Heavy milking cows
> need more feed than low milking
> cows, but they wean more pounds of
> calf. So use a bull whose Milk EPD
> fits your environment. I am most
> familiar with Angus EPDs, but
> other breeds have included more
> direct EPDs for maternal traits.
> Red Angus has a Fertility EPD;
> Simmental has a Calving Ease EPD,
> Limousin has a Gestation Length
> EPD. There's a lot of information
> in EPDs on maternal traits. I've
> posted a link to a list of Angus
> breeders in Kentucky, including
> Keeney Angus. Good luck…
> <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>
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