breaking news::Bin Laden is dead

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houstoncutter":26jnsuxh said:
TB, I dont like the dude, but in this case he did pull the trigger. If Bill Clinton would have had a set, this thug would have been a minor blip in the history books
He did giv'em the go ahead but I meant "you'd think he was on site". But I agree with you 100% on Clinton. No nutsatall. This disaster could have been prevented long ago. Where is the Inquisition when we need it. :lol:
TexasBred":1p1yz7rt said:
houstoncutter":1p1yz7rt said:
TB, I dont like the dude, but in this case he did pull the trigger. If Bill Clinton would have had a set, this thug would have been a minor blip in the history books
He did giv'em the go ahead but I meant "you'd think he was on site". But I agree with you 100% on Clinton. No nutsatall. This disaster could have been prevented long ago. Where is the Inquisition when we need it. :lol:
That's cause Billery had 'em... :)
1982vett":2ntok32v said:
TexasBred":2ntok32v said:
houstoncutter":2ntok32v said:
TB, I dont like the dude, but in this case he did pull the trigger. If Bill Clinton would have had a set, this thug would have been a minor blip in the history books
He did giv'em the go ahead but I meant "you'd think he was on site". But I agree with you 100% on Clinton. No nutsatall. This disaster could have been prevented long ago. Where is the Inquisition when we need it. :lol:
That's cause Billery had 'em... :) could I forget so soon??? :lol2:
peg4x4":3hsr91p6 said:
I wanted to see his body dragged through the streets of New York,behind a tank.. I wanted him dipped in pig s**t and then stuffed with raw pork.. I wanted his body desacrated in every way.. With no body all sorts of myths will spring up..
come on Peg tell us what ya really think :clap: :clap:
I might one day,but I don't use words like that :roll:
I am thinking that he was dropped over board quickly before anyone noticed the bullet hole in the back of his head complete with powder burns. There are some who would make a big deal over that. But the crabs at the bottom of the ocean don't care.
Looks like they are not going to release photos. I believe it to be true, why would they fake something only to see him come out in the future.
Well, I wasn't going to join in on any bin Laden threads, but after sorting out my feelings for the past couple of days, I'm gonna go ahead and get this off my chest. So this is for the one or two of you that might give a rip what I think:

When I heard the news Monday morning I felt satisfaction, relief, and pride, but most of all sadness. Not sadness because of bin Laden's death, quite the opposite. I felt sadness at the thought of all the heartache this one man has caused, and all the death and destruction that will continue long after he's been gone. This thing is far from over.

I heard today that they're not going to release any photos. As much as my morbid curiosity would like to see them, I have to agree with that decision. What purpose would it serve? Proof? Anyone with any common sense already has all the proof they need. The pitiful, paranoid conspiracy theorists wouldn't believe it if bin Laden's body were dumped in their front yard. They live in a different world than most of us. They're going to believe what they want to believe no matter what. All the pictures would do is upset a lot of people for no good reason.

For those of you that think this thing was politcally motivated, I disagree. If it had happened a week before the election I'd be suspicious, too, but not now. Sure, Obama's poll numbers will go up, but that won't last. The election is 18 months away and that's an eternity in politics. Not that anyone will forget, but it won't have the same effect as it does now. If Obama wins re-election, I seriously doubt it will be because bin Laden was killed on his watch.
Those of you that have been around for a few years know that I'm not a big fan of our President. I can't think of any circumstance that might get me to vote for him, even now. But I'll give him the credit he deserves. Yes, it was years of hard work and the actions of a few brave men that eventually got bin Laden, but ultimately, the President had to make the call. None of this would have happened if he had backed off. He deserves credit for that. As much I have lost faith in politicians in general, sometimes they do things simply because it's the right thing to do. I believe this is one of those instances.

As for bin Laden himself, I hope the last thing he saw was the American flag patch on the arm of one of our boys right before they blew his head off. Now they're saying he was unarmed. I don't care. If it came out that they tied his hands behind his back before they shot him I'd be OK with that, too. I'm not normally a bloodthirsty or vengeful person, and I don't take killing another human being, or even animals, lightly. But this is different. This is a special case. Normally I would feel some shame for thinking such things, let alone saying them, but I feel no remorse. I smile when I think of his soul burning in Hades and his sorry ass carcass rotting at the bottom of the ocean. God forgive me.
Well said, Van.

The Seals, the US Navy and many others who took part in this operation are most certainly not going to take part in any hoax or conspiracy.

To me, much of this is just continued evidence of the largely racist opposition to anything the President does, even leading the apprehension of the most wanted murderer and criminal in the world. This operation took guts from all parties.

I think the President and others involved in this operation have handled it very well. We don't need pictures. Why not just a quiet moment of thanks for justice done and let's move on with other important aspects of life. jmho.

I'm with you Van, the only thing that pictures will prove is that we are on his (Bin Laden's) level. I sincerely hope we are above that.
Well said Van,no Navy Seal would lie about it,if they would talk about it.. "Just doin' my job Mam/Sir"
SRBeef":1brp45q4 said:
Well said, Van.

The Seals, the US Navy and many others who took part in this operation are most certainly not going to take part in any hoax or conspiracy.

To me, much of this is just continued evidence of the largely racist opposition to anything the President does, even leading the apprehension of the most wanted murderer and criminal in the world. This operation took guts from all parties.

I think the President and others involved in this operation have handled it very well. We don't need pictures. Why not just a quiet moment of thanks for justice done and let's move on with other important aspects of life. jmho.

Well I guess as long as we have folks willing to attribute virtually everything to racism then we will be OK. Don't suppose it ever occured to you that there are folks that just don't like him! Since you want to play the race card maybe you could enlighten the rest of us racists as to just exactly he LED the Seals to Bin Laden. He ran against the whole process that got us the intel to catch him in the first place. If you want to talk about who had the guts to do what was right you better skip back one President. I am sure this will get deleted or locked but Jim you can't just go throwing around words like racist and not be called on it.
Nice rebuttal. :clap: Well thought out and to the point. :tiphat:
.........."To me, much of this is just continued evidence of the largely racist opposition to anything the President does,"...........

I am so sick of these "race-baiters" that I could just puke. What would the excuse be if someone just happened to disagree with Bill Clinton's policies? That's the one thing about racism, you need NO proof, just say it and it's true.

This administration and all its imagined race issues have set back race relations in the U. S. at least 50 years.

As far as believing all the various versions of what may or may not have happened--------he doesn't have a real good track record when it comes to honesty and transparency..........
Gelbvieh 5":2obbhzcr said:
If you want to talk about who had the guts to do what was right you better skip back one President.

hmmm a war in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and...

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

Published: :rtarrow: :rtarrow: :rtarrow: July 4, 2006

WASHINGTON, July 3 — The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday.

The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.

more: ... intel.html

with that I better stop, think this is why I stepped away from here and shut myself off from a lot of my neighbors. Kinda lonely being a Democrat in a rural area these days. :frowns:
"Hippie Rancher"

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

I have to assume you know what putting quotation marks around a sentence means. I really wish you would listen to your YT link again and see if the bold part of your quote is there. I listened four times and failed to hear it. Also, taking excerpts out of context to make your case is a little tacky.
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