Black Baldies

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We own 34 black baldies and we were wondering what kind of bull do yall recommend to use on them? We do have a few herefords still(12) We had just got rid of our hereford bulls so we are trying to get a new bull. What would yall recommend!@
I would recommend a black Simmental bull. You would keep your black color, plus get the added heterosis from crossing british with continental. No matter what breed you get, be sure the bull is good quality, remember he represents 1/2 your genetics. Jeanne

Simme Valley in NY
[email protected]
Continental Breeds Black Gelbvieh Black Limousine Black Simmental, etc... This will let you take advantage of hybird vigor with many positive aspects...high yielding carcass, easy birth, heavier weaning weights, etc....
I would something continentel such as Gelbvieh or something exotic such as Key or Maine Anjou
If you're in the hot humid or hot dry south try Brangus, otherwise Gelbvieh or Simmenthal

dunmovin farms

> We own 34 black baldies and we
> were wondering what kind of bull
> do yall recommend to use on them?
> We do have a few herefords
> still(12) We had just got rid of
> our hereford bulls so we are
> trying to get a new bull. What
> would yall recommend!@

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