Big udder

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May 29, 2019
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I am probably just being paranoid but my cow had a calf today and I'm concerned about her behaviour and udder. Her udder is huge. She is half Holstein tho. But it's very tight. Teats are big. Not saying it might not be normal but it's definitely the biggest I've had in my herd.

Calf was up and running right away. Has attempted to nurse multiple times. I can't see if the calf is getting any but it is not crying out and it's head butting, seems to spend 5-10 mins there at a time. The calf then went for a nap and I later tried to get it up and it was really lazy. I stood it up and it didn't stand on its own until I propped it up a few times. Mama stood there mooing at me like crazy. Finally the calf wobbled away and went off to nurse.

The thing that's bothering me is the cow continues to hysterically moo. Also has this huge udder. Calf was also not spooked of me at all after it was about 12 hours old which has me concerned about if it's getting anything when it's nursing.

Is this mooing normal? She moos at it constantly when it sleeps and when it's doing anything but on her udder. I wish I had better udder pics but this is all I could get. Does this seem unusual?

Lots of milk! Her teats do not appear to be overly huge, I'd say the calf will figure it out, if he/she hasn't already. I'd monitor it for a few hours and make sure calf is suckling. That colostrum is THICK stuff and doesn't come out as quickly as milk.
Udder looks fine based on pics. Calf should be able to latch on those tits with no problem. I think all will be well.
Does the calf wag it's tail when its nursing? Usually a pretty good sign that there happy, getting something.
When in doubt get the cow in and see if her tears are open.
SBMF 2015 said:
Does the calf wag it's tail when its nursing? Usually a pretty good sign that there happy, getting something.
When in doubt get the cow in and see if her tears are open.

It's funny but it's tail points straight back. Is that a similar sign?
cowgal604 said:
SBMF 2015 said:
Does the calf wag it's tail when its nursing? Usually a pretty good sign that there happy, getting something.
When in doubt get the cow in and see if her teats are open.

It's funny but it's tail points straight back. Is that a similar sign?

Hmm, not sure. It just seems like when they are happily
nursing away they wag there tail. It's not a very scientific way to tell. Have you seen the calf poop? Maybe try separating the cow and calf for several hours and watch them when they get back together.
SBMF 2015 said:
cowgal604 said:
SBMF 2015 said:
Does the calf wag it's tail when its nursing? Usually a pretty good sign that there happy, getting something.
When in doubt get the cow in and see if her teats are open.

It's funny but it's tail points straight back. Is that a similar sign?

Hmm, not sure. It just seems like when they are happily
nursing away they wag there tail. It's not a very scientific way to tell. Have you seen the calf poop? Maybe try separating the cow and calf for several hours and watch them when they get back together.

Ya this cow is just a fence jumper. I don't want to corner her. The mooing is what's also throwing me off. Is that a behaviour you have seen?
Most of mine moo at their new babies for quite a while. Most of em for the first day dont leave the babies side.
If I had doubts about the calf getting milk, I would put mama in the chute and make sure her teats are working.
cowgal604 said:
SBMF 2015 said:
cowgal604 said:
It's funny but it's tail points straight back. Is that a similar sign?

Hmm, not sure. It just seems like when they are happily
nursing away they wag there tail. It's not a very scientific way to tell. Have you seen the calf poop? Maybe try separating the cow and calf for several hours and watch them when they get back together.

Ya this cow is just a fence jumper. I don't want to corner her. The mooing is what's also throwing me off. Is that a behaviour you have seen?

Yeah, some cows just worry. It could be that her udder is sore and she wants the calf to nurse to relieve some pressure, but if she has that much milk the calf may be full. Does the calf look sucked in or is it's belly full.
You said the calf isn't afraid of you. Have you tried to see if it will suck your fingers?
I would say that she just has a lot of milk, and a calf that young can't drain more than a quarter, if that. So she is a bit uncomfortable.

Like another poster said, put her in the chute and check her tits and see if she is open in all of them.
In the pics, agree the udder looks fine, but teats don't look nursed. Also agree with seeing if the calf will suck your finger. If it's hard to get her in the chute is she docile enough to let you check in the pasture? Sometimes I'll give mama cubes to keep her occupied and get the calf up to nurse - less likely to kick if her calf is there - and check the teat(s). When in doubt, give the calf a bottle or tube.
I think the udder looks fine. I started crossbreeding angus and Holstein when I started and yes some of the cows had way more milk than their babies could drink. Teats look like they are easy to find for the calf. I like to see some white foam around the calf's mouth when they suck which tells me that they are getting milk. The mooing sounds normal to me also. Cows udder may be full and uncomfortable for her so the mooing may just be her trying to encourage her calf to suck more.
TCRanch said:
In the pics, agree the udder looks fine, but teats don't look nursed. Also agree with seeing if the calf will suck your finger. If it's hard to get her in the chute is she docile enough to let you check in the pasture? Sometimes I'll give mama cubes to keep her occupied and get the calf up to nurse - less likely to kick if her calf is there - and check the teat(s). When in doubt, give the calf a bottle or tube.

I have posted about my one crazy cow that jumped the chute. That's this one. She is also now acting super crazy that this calf is here. Not aggressive but loud and look at me. I am worried the calf is not getting anything. I think ill try feeding the calf today and see what it does. I have never had a calf that was being fed take a bottle but I haven't had a calf that wasn't being fed refuse a bottle.

I don't see white foam. I also don't see her dripping milk. All my Holstein X cows drip milk even before the calf is born. I have seen no milk from her, just this giant udder.

Her first calf was stillborn. So, this cow hasn't been issue free.

(and I know I should cull her but I am a sucker and I care for her as she was an abuse case)
Problem solved. I think she was clogged up. Calf is covered in milk now its a flowin. Pooping like crazy and bucking all over the field. Mama is still mooing like a lunatic but things seem to be normal now. Phew.

Shes a sweet little thing. My bull has also only ever produced 1 bull calf. This is our 9th calf out of him and the 8th heifer. We named this one Corona.
cowgal604 said:
Problem solved. I think she was clogged up. Calf is covered in milk now its a flowin. Pooping like crazy and bucking all over the field. Mama is still mooing like a lunatic but things seem to be normal now. Phew.

Shes a sweet little thing. My bull has also only ever produced 1 bull calf. This is our 9th calf out of him and the 8th heifer. We named this one Corona.

All good! Especially now knowing she's the fence jumper!

Mmmm, yeah, I have a Corona and Covid this year. But you gotta have a little levity to make life bearable ;-)
TCRanch said:
cowgal604 said:
Problem solved. I think she was clogged up. Calf is covered in milk now its a flowin. Pooping like crazy and bucking all over the field. Mama is still mooing like a lunatic but things seem to be normal now. Phew.

Shes a sweet little thing. My bull has also only ever produced 1 bull calf. This is our 9th calf out of him and the 8th heifer. We named this one Corona.

All good! Especially now knowing she's the fence jumper!

Mmmm, yeah, I have a Corona and Covid this year. But you gotta have a little levity to make life bearable ;-)

If we cant have fun at our own expense than you're really missing out haha.

Thanks for your help as always. I have 4 more calves so that's probably 4 more panic attacks and 4 more posts for me this calving season :help:
Glad your problem has been resolved and everyone is happy. Sure fire proof of a cow being or having been sucked are shinny/glossy tits.

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