Big Snake

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Dusty Britches

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
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Branchville, Texas
I'm not sure if the stats are right, but this is one big snake. Anyone have a different story on it?

West Texas Rattler 9'1" weighs 97 pounds.

holy moly guacamole!!!!!

That is one big snake.(understatement of the year)

How was it killed? Looks like it was shot just behind the head? Whoever it was, did they have to clean themselves after???
My middle daughter, Emma, watches the nature channel with us regularly. She (at 7 years of age) has already decided that she will never go to Africa because there are too many bad animals there, and she's getting ify about Australia.

If she saw this picture, she would then say, I don't want to go to Texas. Having lived in Austin for 6 years, and vacationing there 2 of the last year 3 years, that would pose a problem.

The mind of a 7 year old.
cypressfarms":1s8hm3pt said:
My middle daughter, Emma, watches the nature channel with us regularly. She (at 7 years of age) has already decided that she will never go to Africa because there are too many bad animals there, and she's getting ify about Australia.

If she saw this picture, she would then say, I don't want to go to Texas. Having lived in Austin for 6 years, and vacationing there 2 of the last year 3 years, that would pose a problem.

The mind of a 7 year old.

The living in Austin for 6 years could pose an even bigger problem. Good thing you left before they got you too. :p :lol:

In Austin the scorpions were actually a bigger threat than the rattlers. They would/did come into the house, and the next thing you know your walking along barefoot and bam.

My brother got popped while we were in Austin. That was a while back, though. Dad was in the airforce, and we lived at Bergstrom air force base in Austin. I've always loved texas. What other state can you go from swamps in the east to hills in the central, to mountains and deserts in the west?
cypressfarms":1fsa8bcx said:

In Austin the scorpions were actually a bigger threat than the rattlers. They would/did come into the house, and the next thing you know your walking along barefoot and bam.

My brother got popped while we were in Austin. That was a while back, though. Dad was in the airforce, and we lived at Bergstrom air force base in Austin. I've always loved texas. What other state can you go from swamps in the east to hills in the central, to mountains and deserts in the west?

Your right about all of that, but Austin is, in my opinion, not the best City to live in, in Texas.
Hope this isn't another one of those "Hogzilla"

Based on photo, snake was probably 8-9 feet long. But...94 lbs? I don't think so. Unless that guy has two Bionic Arms, there is no way he could hold up 94 lbs with outstretched arms, considering the size of him.

Snake probably 30-40 lbs at max???
That photo is acutally me. That is my work clothes. I normally dress much more business like. That is my pocket knife clipped to my pants. Those are my earth shoes. That is thanksgiving dinner in my little round belly. That is my snake catcher and that is the neighborhood I haunt . Some good times there. Snake weighed 24lbs.
ollie'":2wld49jd said:
That photo is acutally me. That is my work clothes. I normally dress much more business like. That is my pocket knife clipped to my pants. Those are my earth shoes. That is thanksgiving dinner in my little round belly. That is my snake catcher and that is the neighborhood I haunt . Some good times there. Snake weighed 24lbs.

why ollie', you are quite the snappy dresser. you might want to consider finding a lid now that the weather's getting cooler. at least until the Rogaine brings the rest of it back. ;-)
What a strange neighborhood. All the houses painted the same, and that sidewalk that leads to nowhere. Is that a tidal zone?
This snake was found recently south of Fritch, Texas at an old gas plant.
It was close to nine feet in length.
He was caught at the old Turkey Creek Plant which is located just south of the Alibates Turnoff on Highway 136 south of Fritch. This is just a reminder that these creatures are actually out there.
cypressfarms said:
My middle daughter, Emma, watches the nature channel with us regularly. She (at 7 years of age) has already decided that she will never go to Africa because there are too many bad animals there, and she's getting ify about Australia.

I work in Africa 28x28. As a matter of fact I'm posting from over here right now - leaving to come home tomorrow (yeah!!).

This is the time of year that snakes are the worst. The cool temps at night and the heat during the day get them moving. We have several varieties of cobras, and a bunch of puff adders. But the worst are the green and black mambas. Their bite can kill a healthy man if they don't get immediate medical treatment, and the green mamba is very agressive. They will in fact chase you down if disturbed, and they are pretty fast. Not a good deal! Africa ain't for everybody!

That has got to be the biggest and most terrifying snake I have ever seen. I would sure hate to come up on one anywhere near his size. Must be a perception thing because a smaller one could do as much damage. The venom ER doc says the smaller one is less discriminatory in injection venom than the more mature ones. Apparently it is how aggitated they are as to when/how much venom anyone of them injects.

Not an inviting sight.
cypressfarms":3szzlfd1 said:
Hey Bull,

Have a good trip back. Bring a green mamba back for me.

Thanks Cypress, but I don't think the customs officer would be too pleased with that plan. Besides, if that thing got loose down there in coonass country y'all wouldn't have any nutras left!

bullred Besides said:
Nutreas, hell bring 3 or 4 mambas. I hate nutreas, They are a big rat. I take extra time to pop them when hunting. They're not native, and destroying some of the habitat and pushing out other native species.
A friend of mine was bit by a little rattler - maybe 6". It didn't even have any rattles. My friend was 20 years old at the time. That snake liked to killed him. He spent 6 weeks in the hospital and his heart stopped 3 times in the first few hours. He was bit on the fleshy part of the hand between the thumb and finger. The scars are 1/2" wide and run from his hand up the outside of his arm, around the inside at the elbow and past his arm pit. He watches the ground very carefully before picking something up.
That picture made me feel better today, thanks! I have been procrastinating going out to do the chores today because it is
-28 degrees Celsius (-18.4 fahrenheit) with windchill today. Now I'm ready to go to work. I don't like this kind of weather but neither do the snakes. No chance of me running into anything like is in that picture anyway! You've all successfully talked me out of visiting Texas. :p

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