I raise a few head just as a hobby . Where is the best place for me to sell ?
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<br>(User Above)":25t7gave said:: I raise a few head just as a hobby . Where is the best place for me to sell ?<p>My first question is what kind of cattle are they? If they are a "novelty" type cow, like longhorns, they can probably be sold for more through classifide ads or to a breeder of that kind of cow for more than you would get at a sale barn. Basically, most weekly sale barns, in my experience, are mainly culled cows that could not be bred. However, at times one may see a quality animal go through the sale. For this reason I would advise you to try to sell your cattle through another avenue. Tell me what kind of cattle you have and I will tell you my opinion of where you should sell them....thanks<p>
<br>(User Above)":sw359o2e said:: I raise a few head just as a hobby . Where is the best place for me to sell ?<br>Another good question, where are you located some states such as Virginia have state graded calf and yearling sales which bring buyers from many places mainly by phone. The type issue is very important as well. Like others have said let us know the type of calves you will be marketing and we'll give opinions.<br>mike<p>