bad back legs

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2007
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NW Fla
i've found a super calf that is just the right size for our show. he is super long and almost alien looking he is so muscular. :shock:

His back ankles pop, its like they catch in the joint.

Would it possibly be okay to buy and show him, we've always raised our own but i almost can't resist this calf except for those back feet!

Help :?: :idea:
Im not sure I would buy him. Structural problems usually only get worse with age. However, if you do buy him you can have his feet trimmed a certain way. Have the person who is trimming the feet take down the back heel. This streches out the tendon that is back there (not sure what it is called). Most of the time cattle pop in their back legs becuase that tendon is too tight.
thx 4 the advice, his rear ankles do have a straight set to them and that might help.

I had those same thoughts about the structural problems but he's bin growin real fast and thought it might be from that but it hasn't gotten better :(
I know it looks tempting, but unfortunately it's very true that if he is unsound now, it's going to get worse as he gets bigger. And heavier.

A friend had a Maine that was structurally unsound... did well for a couple of shows, then was so bad they couldn't show her anymore. Think of all the $$ and work you'll have invested.

Why is it that the really good ones seem like they have SOMETHING wrong with them? :roll:
Boy, is that a big Amen!!!!! It seems the really good ones always do. We had a really awesome maine bull we were going to show, they were dehorning him, putting in the last two stitches, and he fell over dead!!!!! There are not words to say how we felt. That was year before last. This year my son spends a lot more on a steer, than he ever has we watched that steer travel and move for over a hour in the pen looked great no stiff stride no nothing, 30 days later we find out the nerves are pinched in his back legs....So, my advice is don't buy him...I will say we had a steer one year started doing that in his ankles, we called it "knuckling over".... but he was about 1150 lbs when he started it , exercise, and glucosamine/msm put in his food got him through. When we butchered him he weighed 1585 lbs and hung 936 lbs so we were lucky. I would not buy one though that is doing it already. Hope it all works out....

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