Background check

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Mar 7, 2009
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Central Texas
Can a company do a background check on an employee after they have been hired. If so does the company have to have the employees permission.
Yes, a company can require a background check at any time. For example someone is being considered for a promotion.
I don't believe that it can be done without the employee's permission.
Yes, to both. Although there can be some state laws that come into play as well.
Some employers have employees sign that authorization form at the time of hire, even if they don't intend to perform the check right away.
An employer is also, under many circumstances, within their rights to require it as a term of continued employment for the employee.
Just know my circumstances thru the years. Worked for a bunch of contractors. Maybe 1 W-2 a year. As many as 6+ a year. For 35 years.
Most had language addressing background checks in any application, prehire paperwork, etc. Once signed, I have agreed to the conditions of employment. That's what I'd review first.

What would it matter ?
Unless the person has something to hide, in that case a man needs to own up to whatever he's hiding

But now days we elect crooks, liars, thieves so maybe my way of thinking is wrong
What information shows up on a background check and how current is the information? For instance if someone was just hired and then the rumor starts going around ,the person is being investigated for a felony, would that current information be on the report.
Shanghai":22w6ac3u said:
What would it matter ?
Unless the person has something to hide, in that case a man needs to own up to whatever he's hiding

But now days we elect crooks, liars, thieves so maybe my way of thinking is wrong
I hear that....heck I was fingerprinted and prints sent to FBI before I could be hired at one job.
TexasBred":sivnd5br said:
Shanghai":sivnd5br said:
What would it matter ?
Unless the person has something to hide, in that case a man needs to own up to whatever he's hiding

But now days we elect crooks, liars, thieves so maybe my way of thinking is wrong
I hear that....heck I was fingerprinted and prints sent to FBI before I could be hired at one job.

That's very common. There are ranches that do back ground checks before you can come on.
They check me once a year. Update fingerprints every 5 years.
Random drug if the computer picks me. That part is sort of a pain. Have to keep a list of any and all meds given to me at any hospital procedure.
That depends on the check being paid for. Most are only getting a report for criminal convictions.
Some also request credit backgrounds. If there is an active police investigation, and one is determined to track down a whether a rumour is based on fact, the info may show up on a current police blotter. If there is a pending criminal charge, it will show up in current court documents that are generally open to the public. News org's may also have the info. Lot's of ways to get information if one is determined and willing to throw time and or money at the situation.

Shanghai, with all due respect, it matters, because there are lots of things that are none of an employers business. We are losing our right to privacy on too many fronts. It's a pretty fine line to walk, and it gets trampled regularly. Yes, a felony background is something that an employer should have a right to know about but there are lots of things checked on that are irrelevant to employee performance.
Yes they do credit checks on me too. They actually called me and asked me if I knew that I was being sued. I didn't. Daughter had knee surgery. Doctors were paid. Hospitals were not. Three insurance policies. Wfie's from her work. Mine from my work. Daughter blew her ACL in high school basketball and there was insurance from there. The insurance companies were arguing over which one would pay.

I had not kept up with it. Had it covered I thought. So I put it back on the company. "I am paying insurance. You are not covering an obligation. You are ruining my credit score. Now you're threatening my job?". It got paid. Think some heads rolled too.
If its just a rumor they won't find anything. If its just being investigated they won't find anything. If charges have been filed they will find it. I would just tell them I didn't need their job and do something else. Only people that check me is the cops.
Back in my employed days because of the type of clearence I had they used to do a check every 2 years. After the first full background check I didn;t get nearly as many calls from people asking me what I had done that I was being investigated for.
cowboy43":30ndweyg said:
What information shows up on a background check and how current is the information? For instance if someone was just hired and then the rumor starts going around ,the person is being investigated for a felony, would that current information be on the report.

A felony conviction is going to be on the persons record.
An indepth background check will go back to a person's 18th birthday. Most minor traffic offenses and other misdemeanors are purged after eleven years.
I didn't mind them too much. After you get thru the first one the next employer usually just goes back to your last check's completion date.

backhoeboogie":2hxyodgs said:
They check me once a year. Update fingerprints every 5 years.
Random drug if the computer picks me. That part is sort of a pain. Have to keep a list of any and all meds given to me at any hospital procedure.
Do they really think those prints are going to change?
I can do a background check on anyone I wish publicly. Where you get into trouble is if you filled out your job application and lied on it. They can fire anyone for that if they have cause.

You could work for a company that you did not list, and your current employer find out that you had sued that company for something, and you did not report it why you left the business. They can fire you for that too. Anything that is not on your application that should have been answered.
TexasBred":2r9xlocs said:
backhoeboogie":2r9xlocs said:
They check me once a year. Update fingerprints every 5 years.
Random drug if the computer picks me. That part is sort of a pain. Have to keep a list of any and all meds given to me at any hospital procedure.
Do they really think those prints are going to change?

I don't know. A whole lot of things don't make sense. Every truck with a tool box has to shut off the engine unlock and open the tool box at the check point. Pull thru in a car, show your badge, and you are waved thru. A trunk is much bigger yet they don't look unless you draw the full inspection at random. Full inspection includes the engine compartment and white glove explosives wipe.

Spread fertilizer a few years ago in the one ton. Drew the inspection on Monday. They busted me for explosives after the wipe. Lots of written explanation and gave a photo copy of the receipt.

There's quite a line to get thru the checkpoint during refueling outages. We bring in about 1,000 contractors. It adds a lot of time to your day.
Probably the reason they check fingerprints every five years is to make sure no one has killed you and taken your place? Some people work for a company for years and are so low keyed they would not be missed if someone replaced them. I worked a few employees who I wished someone had taken over their identity. :lol: :hide:
cowboy43":ukywol0j said:
Probably the reason they check fingerprints every five years is to make sure no one has killed you and taken your place? Some people work for a company for years and are so low keyed they would not be missed if someone replaced them. I worked a few employees who I wished someone had taken over their identity. :lol: :hide:

Wouldn't that be nice.

Just wish they'd lose my phone number. There, here, everywhere. Pretty bad when folks from other states call wanting to know how to fix something. Don't even get paid for those consultations.

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