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Shopping is a novelty to me as hubby does the grocery shopping in Beaudesert as it is cheaper than Boonah.

Although the new IGA in Boonah is a lot more competitive than in the past.
Suzie, I have a cousin that buys and collects trinkets, she has shelves and cabinets full of them, every horizontal surface in her place is covered in them, nothing gets dusted, just too many. I just shake my head when I see them, she tells me their worth money but I don't know.
Well I got the calves down to Warwick, 14 heifers and 13 steers, the steers look real good as do the heifers, just a bit more variability in size.
As I expected it was a big day, I had to keep going the whole day. I went around and picked the 8 up from my other place as well as preg test the 8 cows there. I then got all the cattle in, weighed and let the cows out, replaced the management tags with Angus Assured tags. I left home at 3.00pm with the heifers and got the steers down there just 10 minutes before the 7.00pm curfew. There wasn't much room for any hickups, I only got 20minutes for lunch. A bit of a shock to the system, as I always like my snooze at lunchtime.
Here are some photos, Bo likes handling the young ones, they don't talk back as much as the cows.

These are the steers.


They got a bit of a reprieve, didn't go untill the second load.

The heifers all loaded and ready to go.

I'm heading down to Warwick today to see them go through, must be a big sale, they are not expected to go through until after midday.
The weaners look great Ken, a real credit to you. A shame you havent received more comments about them from folk on the Board. They're the end product of all the work you put in! Will be waiting to hear what they weigh and what money they come back at. Black weaners are the "mickey mouse" item for cattle buyers these days!
Hubby has just headed to Longreach with a load of dry red brahmans. I won't be missing them, that's for sure. A few of them gave us a real run yesterday when we mustered. They just go flat chat - ears clacking, humps wobbling, tails jammed or curled - right down to the back of the paddock, about three miles. Roos set them off before you even get near them. When you do get them under control, they're sulky and stodgy to shift. Very sulky to draft too and will lie down in the race if they get peeved enough. One good thing about them is that they pack up a lot more on the truck than charolais do, you can fit more on! They're quality brahmans, very stylish to look at, but just not producing enough calves. Will be interesting to see with the ones we kept, the ones that do have calves, how long before they produce another. We still have to do more drafting and brand all the calves, brahman and otherwise, so had better water some garden and do other jobs before hubby is back.
Hope that monsoonal rain is still coming next week, we're hanging out for it. They keep putting it on the map one run and taking it off the next. Havent got a clue in other words.
Thanks for the compliments Jilleroo. I might post the photos on the main part of the forum where they can be seen. With regards the Brahman, I think your lovely Charbray have more than enough Zebu for you. Actually I like your straight Charolais best of all.
Well the calves sold well, they made 3 pens of the heifers, heaviest to lightest made 214, 220& 220 cents /kg. The steers were in 2 pens and made 234 & 240 Cents /kg. Not the highs of last year, but I have had the feeling for several weeks now that the high prices were struggling a bit from the pressure of the dollar. These calves were also significantly heavier than last year, so it makes it harder to get get the higher cents /kg. The pleasing thing was that mine made about 15-20 cents more than the rest of the market. They certainly stood out as one line with their distinctive yellow Angus Assured tags. They were in the last row to be sold, a lot of people hung around to see them sold.
I did not hang around to get the weights, they were a fair bit behind with the weighing. I'll ring tomorrow. I think the heifers might average out at just under $600, I think the steers might just nudge $700. It was a big sale, they had cattle going through from the Allora Cattle Drive. If I had known that, I probably would have put off selling them untill next week. Overall I am happy, getting above the average for the class of cattle on the day and getting lots of good comments. Makes me feel that I am on the right track.
Here are some photos of sale day.





Tell her to get a power duster Ken. You don't have to move the trinkets to dust them. Most of my trinkets do something like they are an egg cup or a decorative meansuring spoon or cup or something. The bells of course could be rung if you wanted them to, but hubby has a air horn in the cupboard and he uses that if he wants me to come to the kitchen. Usually for food so of course I respond!!!

We are getting a new Manager at work which is hopefully a good thing. We are understaffed and the guy who is the Manager at the moment has virtually been working 7 days. So he is going to step down to just a Salesman, which is what he wants to do. = Less Responsibility!!! and more time going out and visiting Customers.

The guy coming is not from David Evans and the guy filling in for our Manager knows him and wonders why they poached him as he doesn't think he is any good and has had 3 jobs in the last 3 years.

Oh well hopefully he is a forward thinker. We need to get it as big as it used to be so as it doesn't fold and I lose my job!!!

Going to that Service Meeting really helped me a lot. I realise we are not alone and have help and I had more of an idea of what I should be doing. My figures came out for Febrruary and were virtually double of 6 months ago, but of course we have had our busy season and now we will go into our quiet season. Hubby said we will start to see more chainsaws as people start cutting firewood.

I love your photos Ken. I have been so slack with the camera. I will have to get out and get some photos one of these days. I see Oyster has had a calf and there are probably more and I haven't taken my 1 day old pics that I usually do.

We are getting a new Manager at work which is hopefully a good thing. We are understaffed and the guy who is the Manager at the moment has virtually been working 7 days. So he is going to step down to just a Salesman, which is what he wants to do. = Less Responsibility!!! and more time going out and visiting Customers.

The guy coming is not from David Evans and the guy filling in for our Manager knows him and wonders why they poached him as he doesn't think he is any good and has had 3 jobs in the last 3 years.

Oh well hopefully he is a forward thinker. We need to get it as big as it used to be so as it doesn't fold and I lose my job!!!

Going to that Service Meeting really helped me a lot. I realise we are not alone and have help and I had more of an idea of what I should be doing. My figures came out for Febrruary and were virtually double of 6 months ago, but of course we have had our busy season and now we will go into our quiet season. Hubby said we will start to see more chainsaws as people start cutting firewood.

I planted out some stuff last night and is that a shower on the roof I hear. I won't have to water again this morning!!
Ken, the cattle look fantastic. Congratulations on getting a higher price. Your considerable effort paid off. Suzie, just keep on shopping. The economy needs shoppers to continue to recover. We all should go out and buy some stuff. So glad you are back Jilleroo, I missed your posts. Did I understand you to say that the reds ran to the back of the paddock which was 3 miles away?
Yes Melking, those brahmans can scat that far real quick! The grass is very long and thick here at present and there's dangers lurking in it - fallen trees and stumps are everywhere, as well as sandstone rocks, so you can't get up a lot of speed to catch them.
Trouble is with that particular paddock, you really have to go through it to get to the back of it, no easy way of getting around it so you can sneak up on them! Early in the morning, they can hear you a couple of miles away. They're not that bad really, we're just lazy and spoilt with the dumb old char.

Branded the brahmans' calves this morning. We had joined the lead of them to senepol and kept a couple of these as bulls to be used over heifers. The rest calved to Palgrove charbrays. Also branded some composite calves - they don't have the weight of the charolais but are still quite nice and quiet too.

Suzi, I did notice we hadnt heard much about your cattle lately - you'll have to get amongst them and update us!
Jilleroo, I wonder if a helicopter would be a viable option for you. That is a big distance and to try and sneak up on them would be difficult. I can just see it in my mind. The cattle are huddled together and there is a discussion among them as to which way "she" will come from this time? They send out guards to keep their flanks from becoming steaks. All of the sudden they here a great noise above them and this strange looking bird shows up out of nowhere. OMG the lead bull says "she" has outfoxed us again. I guess it is grinder time for us.
We are going to open up the gate to the creek again on the weekend and let the cattle down there. I haven't been home much with working 8 - 5 weekdays, delivering hay and cleaning and fixing things at Mum's on the weekend.

Doh I managed to forget to take my lunch yesterday. How I don't know as it has become a habit to pick up both bags. I packed it put the ice block in it to keep it cool in a soft esky and then went to work without it.

It was the other girls birthday and I was given a great big piece of chocolate cake. I think I wolfed it down a bit too quick! Even with me telling myself to eat it slowly!!! Bahahahahahahaha
I got the weights yesterday, steers just on 300kg, heifers a tad lighter than I expected at 256kg but overall around the mark. I have kept two bull calves and 7 heifers, naturally enough the heifers I kept were the cream of the crop and that with the couple of stragglers soon knocks the average weight down.
On hearing the market report from Roma, my prices don't sound real flash. I was definately a bit peed off with the exposure I got. The calves didn't get to a pen until an hour before they went up, they were in a holding yard down the back so not many buyers got to walk past them, plus they were among the last pens to go through. The cattle from the Allora cattle drive got the prime exposure and selling time. As well they didn't get weighed till late in the day leaving more weight in the yards.
Oh well its done now, I certainly did get above what most calves were bringing on the day so we will move on now and look to marketing a couple of bulls next.
The paddock looks empty now with the cows strung out I keep looking for the rest of them.
I'm off to Brisbane for a couple of days now, its Pam's 60th birthday today.
Ken, your calves look great. nice getting what yo expected from them. Hard work does pay off. Suzie, hope the mew manager is working out.
He starts on the 26th maryk. The grandson of David Evans rang to talk to me on Friday. He is the guy who hired me and just rang to see how I was going and to talk up the New Manager a bit. He hoped I wasn't upset about him being hired.

I assured him that I was not at the least upset, that our Manager has been working way too long hours and too many days a week, that we needed someone to lighten the load. My Manager has been on Holidays since Monday and came in Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until his wife whisked him away and he then rang us on Thursday. Then I found out that the granndson was also ringing me on his Holiday so another one who can't turn off!!! I guess I am a bit like that too. Dreaming at night and I went in again this morning, but this time not for work I left my phone and a parcel for me there so I will have to put my keys with things I want to bring home if not with my bag and lunch esky as I just pick them up and bring them home when it is time to go.

Have fun in Brisbane Ken and we will see you when you get back.

I have been a good girl today. Cleaned the kitchen and the TV room. Washed my clothes, went shopping...

I took Elmo back to the Salvos as I couldn't get him to work. Tigger 'tumbles' (does cartwheels) and is quite cute so he gets to stay until my friend has her baby. I swapped Elmo for a little brooch that is a baby blessing. I gave her one when her first was born and I don't believe in favouritism so the new baby will get one as well.

I bought a lot of stuff that you will probably call junk at Salvos. LOL A running gag of presents at Christmas time to hubbys sister and new fiance to do with wine. For $2.00 I got a neck glass that you hang around your neck and can't put down on a table so noone can spike your drink and you can't lose your glass. A black and white cow that when you pull under the tail it opens its mouth and is a torch. A turning wind thing for the garden. Stuff like that and I spent $10.00

Over $100.00 at the Mitre 10 sale. Chain and bolts and washers for hubby, who went to work this morning and has been fixing the gates in the cattle yard this afternoon. I bought batteries and a solar light gnome and some Easter moulds for me. Silicone so I can make ice with them not just chocolate.

Amicide from Farm Craft so more poison bought!!!! and football socks for hubby who refuses to wear jodhpurs and has gouges in his legs from riding in jeans. I am guessing the football socks will also rub his legs and his wounds, but he won't listen so has to learn the hard way.

Back home and I dismantled the incinerator and moved the big plastic but there and put some water in it and the canna lillies who I think are looking much happier this afternoon. I also put the solar fountain in but it will only work in sunlight and it is raining at the moment. So I still don't know if it works or not.

I went out and spread out some bark in between showers but have been chased back inside because if I get my hair wet and into the night I risk getting sick with it being so long. Hubby has come back inside as well.

Oh well at least the garden is getting watered...... and the lucerne....... and the grass.

I haven't been down to check the electric fence so I guess the cattle will be up here for another week. Oh well if we put them down there when we wean the calves when the cattle yard is finished there is quiet a lot quicker.
Well I made it back from the bigsmoke yesterday arvo, not a moment too soon, stinking hot and sultry down there. I got a bit done, had to take out the garbage disposal from Pams sink and the put in a new waste and replumb it. Jo's car had a noise in the front fet wheel that had to be looked at, she had spent $2500 on it 2000km ago having brakes overalled and new front wheel bearings. I don't believe the front pads were replaced, the calipers were rubbing against the rotor, I did not have the gear with me to do much with it, I have organised for her to take it to a local mobile mechanic who is very genuine and honest. He is the guy I told her to take it to in the first place, but she went ahead and booked it into one of those big advertising ripoffs, an exhaust shop. Anyhow Rick will tell us for sure if the brakes were done as she was charged for. Next on the list was to put up some bike hoists for the kids new racing bikes for their triathlons. It hangs the bikes from the ceiling so they don't get damaged, they are pretty fragile. The final job was to cut off 9 of Pams palm trees that she lost in a lightening strike back in October and bring them back home to burn.
Well today I will yard the cattle and wean the remaining calves. I see one heifer bulling today that was bulling when the bull calves were still in with them, so it looks like i was lucky there, he must have missed her.
It sounds like you are back for a Holiday Ken.

I spent the morning moving bark and planting stuff. I finally planted the rose. Hubby was still working on the gates.

The next thing he asks me to come and get Twiggy????????

He has opened the gate and let the herd in. Sim is in with them and really stirred up and chasing them out again. If he had moved him first he could have just shut the gate and he would have had them all in.

I refused. 2 weeks ago we booked a lesson at DP and he told me to cancel it as I said we didn't have time to get the herd in and sort them. I am not cancelling something we have booked in for 2 weeks because he tries to go ahead and do something without discussing it with me first. To wean the calves I will have to run them all through the race and will take a couple of hours easy. We had 40 minutes to leave for DP and he hasn't packed the ute yet.

He will have to learn to think ahead and think of other people and not just himself. They were supposed to be weaned months ago. Another week isn't really going to matter. Or he can take a day off work and do it then. Or he can stay here and I will take the ute, deliver the hay and go and visit Mum.

Yay yay yay.

Weigh in again today and I didn't go up. Neither did Hubby. Actually hubby has been very good since the last time back from the Doctor and is now down 8.5 kgs.

I am now down 23.5kgs.
Your a tough woman Suzie. I do aggree about the weaning though, you need to be prepared for it especially on a small block where you can't put much distance between them.
I got the cattle in today and weaned the rest of my calves. I put the heifers up in the western paddock, I have already had one go through a two strand electric fence to get closer, she still has a couple of fences to go. The bull calves are in with the bulls behind the house, they mixed well and the bulls did not pick on the calves, the only problem is it is right behind the house and may not be conducive to a good nights sleep. The cows are in my most eastern paddock and I have put up an electric fence at the start of the laneway up to the yards. I have had one breakthrough but have made an adjustment and so far they are holding. Tomorrow is the critical day when they will have a last desperate attempt to get back together, no doubt there will be some breakthroughs.
I preg tested some of the later cows and all pregnancies were confirmed, only one open cow here that I previously found though on checking her I think she might be early pregnant to one of my calves, any way she goes as she would be too late.
We put ours in the cattle yard for a week Ken. How high is your electric fence? If ours accidentally get separated they won't go back to their Mum's with the hit they got going through. I have to go down and put them back manually. From the yard they get their first booster and go above the house. From there when it is time they get branded and their 2nd booster and go below the house. Electricity is the only thing that keeps them from their mothers above and below the house. I like a minimum of 5000 volts, however the Gallagher says that a reading on 3 on that will keep them apart.

I mentioned to hubby that I could take half a day off work probably to wean the cattle if he wanted, but he said no we will do it on Saturday. Now we are booked into DP on Saturday so it will be Sunday.

I moved the canna lillies to the other side this morning as they kept falling over with the breeze. I picked up two rocks at Mum to put in to keep them standing from Mum's but I haven't checked whether they made it home on the back of the ute yet.

The clothes on the line were twisted all around the wires on the clothes line, so I presume the canna lillies have fallen over again.

In the morning I planted out the rose and the geraniums and a lily of some sort. I finished moving the bark onto the paths. That took me 5 weeks and it is not light work really. How the &#@& I moved a whole ute load of bark at Mum's in one day I have no idea!!!!

Onto DP and we had a lesson. Dodge is looking really good now, muscled and has put on a lot of weight. Hubby did his first lesson on canter on a 20m circle and actually he did quite well, as I have seen Dodge drop out of canter with more advanced riders. Even the instructor commented that he was surprised he kept him in canter for so long as he did more than a circle in canter.

Ken was lovely of course. I did ask for travers and half pass. He doesn't understand bless him, but when he did step his rump in I immediately released, said good boy and scratched him on the neck. While hubby was cantering on the 20 m circle. I cantered half a circle away from him. I was just cantering and not really working as was just keeping out of Doges way. Nope caught out by instructor and he had me half halting and releasing to improve his canter.

We are booked in for next week as well, so that is better than once a fortnight.

On to Mum's and we were moving concrete slurry, which is I suppose is 5 times heavier than the bark I have been moving. We shoveled it onto the back of the ute and then drove down and put it in a stable that had eroded about a foot. 7 loads we put in there and I was wiped out before the end of that. Hubby is just so strong and keeps going. I watered it afterwards and there is no horse in there at the moment so hopefully it will pack down with time.

Then hubby did another load for the gate he had to come through, and went over it with the ute. WOW didn't that make a difference. I hope it stays like that even with a horse walking on it.

The concrete slurry was delivered free of charge from a concrete place.

A little tiny ache in my back, so I put on the machine I bought on acupuncture mode. I have just moved it to my tummy for weightloss and ........... Suzie Q moves in her chair, forward, back, sideways, bend, twist. The ache has gone. I wonder if it will still be gone when I get up.

Mum keeps her electrodes on her and just takes the machine off, then reattaches it when she sits down!

A beautiful tea. Mum cooks different stuff to what we are used to and it is just so lovely. We both went back for seconds last night as it was so nice and it is the first time we have gone back for seconds for anything since losing the weight and only because it was so yummy and we had done so much work.

Hubby commented on the sweetness of the pineapple and she said it wasn't sweet until she put sugar on it. LOL I have given up sugar, but I guess one day won't kill me.

I wrote down the recipe. It is called a beef and pasta bake. I have some chicken mince in the freezer so we can use that instead.

I also wrote down the recipe for Apricot Chicken. DOH why didn't I think of that when hubby isn't allowed to have red meat? I love apricot chicken! I also wrote down the recipe for her Quiche.

We will both be going back to work today for a rest.

I moved the canna lillies to the other side this morning as they kept falling over with the breeze. I picked up two rocks at Mum to put in to keep them standing from Mum's but I haven't checked whether they made it home on the back of the ute yet.

The clothes on the line were twisted all around the wires on the clothes line, so I presume the canna lillies have fallen over again.

In the morning I planted out the rose and the geraniums and a lily of some sort. I finished moving the bark onto the paths. That took me 5 weeks and it is not light work really. How the &#@& I moved a whole ute load of bark at Mum's in one day I have no idea!!!!

Onto DP and we had a lesson. Dodge is looking really good now, muscled and has put on a lot of weight. Hubby did his first lesson on canter on a 20m circle and actually he did quite well, as I have seen Dodge drop out of canter with more advanced riders. Even the instructor commented that he was surprised he kept him in canter for so long as he did more than a circle in canter.

Ken was lovely of course. I did ask for travers and half pass. He doesn't understand bless him, but when he did step his rump in I immediately released, said good boy and scratched him on the neck. While hubby was cantering on the 20 m circle. I cantered half a circle away from him. I was just cantering and not really working as was just keeping out of Doges way. Nope caught out by instructor and he had me half halting and releasing to improve his canter.

We are booked in for next week as well, so that is better than once a fortnight.

On to Mum's and we were moving concrete slurry, which is I suppose is 5 times heavier than the bark I have been moving. We shoveled it onto the back of the ute and then drove down and put it in a stable that had eroded about a foot. 7 loads we put in there and I was wiped out before the end of that. Hubby is just so strong and keeps going. I watered it afterwards and there is no horse in there at the moment so hopefully it will pack down with time.

Then hubby did another load for the gate he had to come through, and went over it with the ute. WOW didn't that make a difference. I hope it stays like that even with a horse walking on it.

A little tiny ache in my back, so I put machine on acupuncture on it. I have just moved it to my tummy for weightloss and ........... Suzie Q moves in her chair, forward, back, sideways, bend, twist. The ache has gone. I wonder if it will still be gone when I get up.

Mum keeps her electrodes on her and just takes the machine off, then reattaches it when she sits down!

A beautiful tea. Mum cooks different stuff to what we are used to and it is just so lovely. We both went back for seconds last night as it was so nice and it is the first time we have gone back for seconds for anything since losing the weight and only because it was so yummy and we had done so much work.

Hubby commented on the sweetness of the pineapple and she said it wasn't sweet until she put sugar on it. LOL I have given up sugar, but I guess one day won't kill me.

I wrote down the recipe. It is called a beef and pasta bake. I have some chicken mince in the freezer so we can use that instead.

I also wrote down the recipe for Apricot Chicken. DOH why didn't I think of that when hubby isn't allowed to have red meat? I love apricot chicken! I also wrote down the recipe for her Quiche.

We will both be going back to work today for a rest.
Chicken breasts have been on special at IGA lately Suzie, $5.99/kg. I got some in the freezer too. I would not worry too much about those canna's Suzie, once they get going they grow like weeds, hard to contain, especially in damp areas.
I went around to the shed today and started work on putting new skids on the slasher. I got one side finished. I have blocked them up with 25x50 rhs to give me an extra 25 + 10mm max height, should work well. I just used mild steel for the skids (10x50mm), but I might pick up some spring steel to weld on the bottom for harder wearing. I shouldn't have have to bend the ends of it as the shape is already formed with the mild steel.
There hasn't been too many dramas with the wening of the calves. The cows got through the electric fence as expected this morning, but are just bellowing at the top of the laneway near the yards, they can see their calves. I just left them to their own devices and got out of the place today, this evening they don't seem as desperate and are going away a bit to graze.
Here are a couple of photos of the heifers heading up the back.


One of the bulls, the fellow at the front is the better of the two I will be selling later in the year, the bull calves have settled down better than the heifers.


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