Australian Talk.

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Big storm here last night. Lots of debris still laying around. I got my pets in early and we didn't have any damage. Underground traino was flooded as was a fair bit of Perth. More coming apparently. Not as bad though.
Keep safe. We have another stable day here. Its nice and green and just a bit autumn like. The trees are changing. The oaks are turning brown as are the poplars. Bet further south in the high country they are browner than here. I'm heading to tamworth friday so I'll see what it looks like. Going to call in at a friends place to have a look at their cattle. They have their entire herds of red Brahmans and their beautiful Gyr herd for sale. I might be able to con them in to selling me a few of their Gyr cows if I'm lucky. I've decided to use a British White bull over some of our heifers this year because we'll need our good young Angus bull over some of our Herefords to breed a few balck baldies ( some of our girls are a bit long in the tooth) Wish I had a few more thousand acres to experiment.
will be out of action for a while had surgery on my right rotator cuff (right shoulder) 3 days ago. arm in sling for 6 weeks then no work much for 3 months or so. it's bugging me already. can't just go outside and do as i like. now have type one handed (left) i'm right handed.
the weather is progressing into autumn. trees are browning off, grass is slowing down in it's growth. darn buffalo fly are still about, till it frosts.
Best wishes for a quicker than expected recovery Colin. Must be very frustrating for you to know you'll be restricted for so long...

Great unexpected rain in western Queensland last night! Some places had over 6 inches in a few hours! Our very dry northern country scored a good 4 inches so we're ecstatic - thought we'd missed the boat. We had another 300 steers to truck out on Thurs but they will be delayed at least ten days now (they were sold in the paddock.) We're glad most of them are already gone so now their paddocks will have a chance to get away a bit. The grass will still grow but it'll be slow. Hopefully the cows will be able to go through the year in their usual paddocks.

Good rain here too....I do commission painting (I like to do animals but get all sorts of things) so will be able to have a lovely day at the easel!
Pain getting better each day. Still horrible not being able to help my wife do the jobs. Have paid help a couple of times a week. Jobs don't wait for those days unfortunately. Have nice group of weaners in the yards at present. Stil have another batch to wean yet. The next batch are Brahmans,South Devons and South Brahvons. Still chasing a fitter for a team for Brisbane.
wish I could say I'd fit at the ekka for you at brisbane colin, but not sure I'll be able to get the time off my new job ... what would the dates be, and would you be interested if I was interested and able? I've always wanted to see the ekka

so anyway, I have a new job, and I'm moving to gippsland. anyone know anyone with a rental down there where I can keep a pony and a couple goats?
had a bit of a showery day ended up with 7.5mls. Supposed to be a cold front coming through. Don't think it will reach as far up to us. Still green and looks ok here. many places are very very dry going into winter. These places aren't too far from us. Our biggest advantage is that we get lots of coastal influence by way of showery misty weather. Though it gets cold and windy here at times. Good luck in the west Keren. Monterey Greys are good cattle over there. I have seen some of their bulls on properties over here.

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