Australian Talk.

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I hear the Russian Pacific fleet is bearing down on you guys and your Abbott guy is going to beat an apology or explanation out of Vladimir Putin.
Any truth to any of this?
Well I think the Russian ships are there in neutral waters but apparently when their president is overseas, they always head in the direction of the country where he is. Why? I don't know. As for Abbott having it out with him, I doubt that will happen...
Most brisbanites have headed to the Gold Coast or the Sunshine Coast for the weekend, the city is a ghost town.
Cowboy ken turned up back here today, ready to work in the 45deg heat tomorrow. We carted hay and pellets to the agistment cows again today. The agistors will put feed out again in three days time, then we go back with another load. 5 hours on the road each time, crazy. When is our cutoff point going to be?? Hubby has truckloads of hay booked to tide us over Christmas..... getting very weary of all this. My beautiful garden is dying quickly now, its not liking the borewater. Each day something else has turned up its toes.
I sent a reply to Greybeard's post yesterday but it doesn't seem to have shown up. I think our navy has gone out to meet the Russian navy towing their illegal immigrant lifeboats behind them. They might come in handy.
We had 15mm on Tuesday and got a little response from it but that has all frizzled up today and tomorrow will be the end of it. We are getting just too much heat and dry winds for any of these small rainfalls to do any good. I am getting them all in tomorrow and going to wean most of the calves, another 7 I have earmarked to sell as cow/calves as soon as possible. This should put me in a better position and certainly give the cows a bit of a chance.
14 arrests over the whole of the G20. Police handing out water and line dancing.

Over 50 arrests first day of Schoolies and a big brawl the next night with more arrests mainly from Toolies.

Hubby had a week off and didn't stop except to drive to his Sister's 50th Birthday. We cut just to get rid of the rubbish and he baled 45 loose Lucerne bales while I was at Mum's.

He also finished ploughing and seeded and it threw down over 40 mm the next day.

Before that we weaned some and took them to a sale, which we wouldn't have done if we knew the rain was coming.

They were straight off their Mum's and we were told they were the largest there.

He has also been working on the arena and wants to finish it before Christmas.
V8 Super Cars

Anyone that follows them how about keeping me posted via PMs on how Marcos Ambrose does now that he is returning.

I don't really follow them Dun, just sort of out the corner of my eye, listen to the headlines. The safety car coming on every 5 minutes killed it for me. If he does any good I will certainly hear of it and I'll let you know Dun. He struck me as a pretty cool driver before he went away, looked after his car well yet got lots of speed out of it, a very smooth driver.
wbvs58":e6tez8bw said:
I don't really follow them Dun, just sort of out the corner of my eye, listen to the headlines. The safety car coming on every 5 minutes killed it for me. If he does any good I will certainly hear of it and I'll let you know Dun. He struck me as a pretty cool driver before he went away, looked after his car well yet got lots of speed out of it, a very smooth driver.
Thanks, I became quite a fab while he was driving in NASCAR
Well we've had rain, 5 days in a row we've recorded something, mind you the first day was only 1 mm but the total to date out here is 82mm. We have been very lucky storms have been coming from the south and just getting us and up until yesterday morning in town had virtually missed out. Dale just got his first good storm yesterday arvo.
I haven't got much in my dams yet they usually fill from underground seepage and so far the ground has soaked everything up and not let it out but that is OK I have plenty of water. I think at least another 60mm before you see it runing out of the banks etc. The place has greened up pretty good. More is forecast but at least they can't take away what we have already got. It would be great if the dams did fill because I have a couple of Trailco irrigators and I would put a bit of nitrogen on a couple of paddocks and water them when they get dry again.
I weaned most of my calves a few weeks ago now and they are going pretty good. I weighed, vaccinated branded and tattooed them this week and most were around the 200kg mark which considering the conditions is pretty good I think. The SAV Thunderbird bull calves are real standouts and I have a few of them.
Ken I am so very glad to hear some of you are getting the much needed rain! I have been following this thread from the beginning and it tears at my heart to read what some of you are going thru.
Thanks for that mwj, it has been a big relief to at least get some summer growth going. The outlook for summer is pretty ugly but at least we have this bit in the bank. I am in the SE corner of our state and we usually get a reasonable summer plus I am doing this more as a hobby. Jilleroo is the one that really needs the rain and as far as I know they have not received anything significant. It is absolutely heroic what they are doing up there, unbelievable the feed they have brought in to keep their line of charolais cows going and in pretty good nick too. Generally the rain we get before Christmas is from thunderstorms which are very much hit and miss, we hang out for some significant event early in the new year often a result of rain depression after cyclones cross the coast.
Well Ken I'm so relieved to say we can finally report some rain! Only 15mm here but we had 50mm on our Barcaldine agistment, those cows are fully handfed, calving and in critical condition. They were well fed yesterday and we should be able to get hay to them again this arve. Our Roma and Blackall agistments have had rain. Our northern country had 60mm over half of it on Tuesday. All those cattle there fully handfed on hay and M8U. Whether or not that rain will bring anything remains to be seen, the ground is so dry, it didnt even looked like it had rained a couple of hours later.
Hubby is out on the bike now here looking to see if we had anything heavier on the place. All these cattle are fully fed too and are looking up the road for the hay wagon, it's almost dried enough to go now.
We've stockpiled hay for over the christmas/new year period and the transports have been rolling in from the Tablelands and NSW. We will still be needing it, in the short term at least.
People are still doing it very tough but this has provided some relief and, for some folk closer to the coast, has been droughtbreaking. Christmas is going to be a lot better than we thought it would a couple of days ago!! Although I know next post I'll be whinging no grass has come...! Would you believe the spur throated locusts arrived through the west last week in anticipation!!
Those critters are a lot smarter than the weather bureau Jilleroo. So good that there is some good news but yeh a long way from getting something that can be eaten, I sure hope there is some follow up, those locusts are a good sign even though they are bad news themselves. It is just great that there is that bit of optimism.
We have been very fortunate here, I got another 85mm last night, that makes just over 200mm over the last week and a half. It has been like you say Jilleroo the ground being so dry has taken it all and even with all that rain no sign of the ground being saturated which is great for growing grass. None of my dams are overflowing yet but my biggest only has another 150mm to go, my dams usually fill from seepage through the ground rather than overland flows and we haven't had that yet.
The place is looking nice and green but the cows are still looking very hollow, I am leaving them in each paddock only for 2 days. I am going to put some straw out for them tomorrow to see if they are interested. When you look across the paddocks things look uniformly green but when you stand over it things are very patchy and sparse but getting better every day.
This rain should set up our summer well as now even when we get a dry spell we will still have that moisture underneath. When things were so dry even if we got 20mm rain a couple of days the heat would have that moisture on the surface dried out.
The ants have been very active around the place so you never know we might have some more coming yet.
jilleroo":1enqls3a said:
And thanks mwj for your interest and well wishes!

You are very welcome. I often think of you as I look around at thousands of acres of corn stubble without a hungry cow for miles. Your gals would be in heaven if they could get a chance at it. The weather is one enemy that can not be outmaneuvered even by our best efforts. I am so proud that you and your family are doing the very best for your cattle. May the rain keep falling for you.
We have have had rain here as well.

We have just cancelled the load of road base and sand coming on Monday as the arena is too soft to take 45 ton trucks.

The land has mostly sucked up all the rain but we are seeing a little bit of mud here and there, mainly in places thst don't have any grass.

A local told me that we would be flooded before Christmas.

The grass is growing. Our tb is loving it and not wanting grassy hay at the moment.