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Thank you for your concern TexasBred. I think those of us who post on CT should be safe. Our property (ranch) is about 300km from the Blue Mountains fires which are massive. Its mostly national park which is burning. The eucalypt trees are full of oil and there is a lot of dry undergrowth. I don't believe houses should be built in such areas but councils allow it. I would be a nervous wreck with forest so close. A cooler change has moved through, with strong winds but unfortunately no rain. The fires could burn for months in inaccessible terrain as tree roots burn underground and flare up weeks later.
heavy rain is the best hope.
Stay safe those near the fires.

Sim was on 3 legs yesterday. 4 legs today. I gave him some bute tonight and have some more. I will see how he is in the morning. I have locked him in the cattle yard so he doesn't go tearing around while the bute masks the pain.
Hope you guys are getting some good rain atm! We got 50mm a few wks ago its greened our paddocks up just need another inch to kick it into gear!
diana55":11q49bme said:
Thank you for your concern TexasBred. I think those of us who post on CT should be safe. Our property (ranch) is about 300km from the Blue Mountains fires which are massive. Its mostly national park which is burning. The eucalypt trees are full of oil and there is a lot of dry undergrowth. I don't believe houses should be built in such areas but councils allow it. I would be a nervous wreck with forest so close. A cooler change has moved through, with strong winds but unfortunately no rain. The fires could burn for months in inaccessible terrain as tree roots burn underground and flare up weeks later.
heavy rain is the best hope.

Good to hear you all are ok. Maybe heavy soaking rains will take care of the fires.
Good chance you might get a bit more rain today from storms if your lucky Havinago. We got a lousy 5mm from the lot going through yesterday, they just moved through too fast up here. Seemed to slow down and form up a bit more east of us. Oh well just have to wait for the next lot and hope for the best but the pattern of where they are going through this year is not looking good.
I only have my stragglers left to inseminate now. I have been watching out for them returning to the bull, have had a few disappointments with a couple that I had hoped would take but overall not too bad. Of the cows I haven't had any that I have not got a good insemination on so any failures would only be related to the timing.
I am off today bull hunting, neighbour down the road I lent a young bull to a neighbour for his couple cows, they all went through his dam when feeding on the green weed and ended up in the neighbours the cows came back but he has kept going and is over the back in another property. After we get that sorted we need to locate one of the bulls down at Dales paddock at Braeside. My guess is that he is sculking up the back somewhere after losing a fight with his mate.
So fencing today is on hold while we track these blokes down.
Hey Ken, we only got about 5mm ourselves last night it was only light rain unfortunatly. I feel/hope the coast will continue to get showers. Luckily no more have died i really appreciate the advice given in relation to that. I think the fact that feed is low so they are into whatever looks edible. Ive been getting feed delivered so hopefully they all survive now. I feel for others here with very large holdings having to constantly dip into there pocket for feed. Ive had a few seperate parties wanting to buy some steers off us but id like to get a bit of condition back on them before selling any. With prices so low and im new to this is there any chance with rain prices could lift back to say $1.50 kg by xmas? Thanks Havinago.
I ended up hair testing 34 calves that are in my main cow mob that are to be kept. Of them 6 calves are PI, 4 from heifers I purchased and 2 from home breed heifers. So think I will test their mothers to determine their status and the cull all PI animals. I have a few good heifer calves on cows I was going to sell as CAF units but I might test those calves then wean and keep them for replacements, the money just isn't good enough to sell them.
Diana I was roughly in your part of the country last week, we travelled down Obley rd from Dubbo to Yeoval and further on to home via Cowra . It was part of our trip to Broken Hill and back. I noticed and have heard that a lot crop has been frost damaged and is going to be made into hay. Not good news for those who have lost the grain but I think it is already having an impact on hay prices.
I am in the process of costing a project, a hoof and hook steer for Canberra Show next year. It will be a calf that's currently on a cow so the pair will be fed, in fact I might feed 4 pairs so I have options and I would like to take one to Sydney if I can get it passed the bosses. I have some feed on hand that I would like to use but it's only 10% protein and 10 MJ of energy from memory. I am wondering if I can lift it up with some lupins or other grain? Or maybe I will feed it other cows and get something better for these cattle.

A few good heavy storms around the central highlands but none near us yet. Good to see something though.

Well we've got 40 tonnes of waste wine product coming next week - grapeseed, skin, pulp etc. Hope the girls like it! Have 25 tonnes of CS yet to come, no more available after that so will mix some with the grape stuff and eventually switch them over. The grape stuff is half the price but I'm sure it will attract every pig, emu, kangaroo, cocky, pigeon, brolga etc etc from miles around. At least CS is not attractive to birds etc. Another tanker of M8U this week and a roadtrain of wheaten hay.

The old bank account is looking a bit sad! On a happier note, the feedlot heifers are due out in a week's time so the cows will be able to eat their way through the proceeds of their sale. Quietly freaking about the 250 heifers on agistment which start to calve next week - no use whinging about it and making hubby's life miserable. We're having M8U tankered to them and son's cows on agistment. Our second calvers on agistment are not due to calve for a couple of months and are doing okay yet - they're on a different property.
OME those heifers you bought PTIC were a fair way along when you got them so must have been exposed to pesti at the crucial stage prior to delivery. It is good to identify and eliminate the PI's now however most of the damage has been done and you would find that your entire herd other than the PI's would be immune now as the PI's never get immunity. It is always the clean naeve (I can't spell it) herds that are hardest hit with pesti but it sounds like you had a bit ticking over in your herd as well which probably saved you from having a lot of cows failing to calve or did that happen.
With that sort of exposure everything should be immune and you should be safe for a while however from now on I think start vaccinating your retained heifers with Pestigard and follow up annually as they move into the herd.
The current recommendation for monitoring the situation is to do serology on about half dozen of your replacement heifers before joining and if no antibodies vaccinate. If antibodies then it means there is a PI somewhere so you start looking.
Jilleroo at least your cows are going to be happy having their wine every day. Is it red, white or bubbly. That road train of hay sounds awfully expensive.
My cows have only another week I reckon before I might have to tip them in the tin mine and start them on a bit of grain.
I have been working on the front fence at my other block and have finally got the old one wound up, layer upon layer of old patched up fence by the previous owner so just got to get it cleaned up now push as much sheet onto council land as I can and then start stringing it out. I feel a bit vulnerable with it down.
Ken we everything you've suggested is Pretty much what I've done or will be doing. I made the mistake 3 years ago when I thought we might have pesti, I tested some heifers and old cows and was nieve then but I had the previous manager fill my head with crap about it being an expensive vaccine and 'she'll be right' and I didn't vaccinate. I asked a few people about vaccinating pregnant animals and was then left confused, particularly by the rep.
I'm using a bit of to try to extend the grass a bit. If we get some rain at the end of this week it will give me some fresh feed but it's going to be a while before it gets in front of the cows again, I'm fairly well stocked currently.
OME, the first batch of Pestigard I bought several years had in the insert not to vaccinate pregnant animals. The next batch I bought the following year said it was OK for pregnant animals which is what I would expect being a killed vaccine. I guess initially they had not done the work to prove its safety in pregnant animals. It certainly makes it easier to give the annual booster if you don't have to be so pedantic to get them all done between calving and conception. I still try to get them done after calving but like this year I had a couple of heifers that were late calving and I just gave them their booster about a month out at the same time as the others.
I started feeding mine a bit of grain today, there is still a bit of grass around but is very burnt off, a bit of greener stuff under the trees around the rocks but they have to forage for it but it still is not of much quality so a couple of kg of the custom cow mix should help keep them up there. A couple of bull calves born early July were 216 and 204kg when I weighed them on Friday and most cow weights were Ok but I get the feeling things will go downhill from here if I don't help them a bit or better still the rains come. A couple of ants on my kitchen bench yesterday so is a good sign. I ordered a raincoat on ebay the other day and I think it is at the post office now so I better pick it up it might just get things going. I have needed some new wet weather gear for a while now but was never game to buy in case it stopped the rain so I thought that since it is dry now buying one might just kick things off.
I might run out and buy a raincoat too Ken - don't think we even own one! Forecasting a few storms around E of here today - no frogs croaking here so don't think we'll get anything.

Melbourne Cup day - off to a local gathering - on my own, hubby is too busy working on a fenceline with Cowboy Ken. He will still wheel me in to line up and put in the steel pegs though as he considers that to be my job in any fence we do - he's such a fusspot, woe betide me if a peg is out of line!! He gives me a good bomb to start off with to liven me up and then off we go - don't know why I put up with him!

I have a very sick heifer. She's been extremely dopey and dreary for a few months and is now close to calving. The last week she has been HUGELY bloated, mainly on the one side, her back arched up and she can't lie down comfortably. Strange. My vague suspicion is that she has two calves in there and they're pushing her stomach out. She eats and drinks slowly, no scours. The heifer is small, hasn't grown at all. I'm thinking of inducing her as it can't really make things worse. Have actually asked for someone to shoot her but it falls on deaf ears of course.

I went around some of the further out cows yesterday, havent seen them for two or three weeks and they looked pretty good, lots of calves. There's certainly not much grass where they are, its just black stubble but they still head out grazing and seem busy. A credit to hubby's management really.
Jilleroo, it could be just about anything with that heifer but my guess is that the bloating your seeing is ascites. Could be crook heart from wire, tumour, anything but doesn't sound good.
Thanks for that Ken, will ask hubby again to shoot her......but he will say do it myself and I've bonded to her now, oh dear....
I'm not tough enough.
townfarmer":284b25iz said:
How are we all? It's been a while since I've posted here but I've enjoyed reading everyone's updates. I've got Thursday and Friday off work this week and will be at the Ekka for those two days watching the cattle judging. Who else will be there?

You're bulls look awesome Ken! I love the depth and capacity of the third bull you have pictured. it's a pity he didn't make it to the sale and a shame the prices didn't reflect the quality of bulls on offer.

Jilleroo I really feel for the hardships you guys are enduring at the moment and i really admire the resilience and perseverence you obviously have a ton of. I read a post by one of the cattleman on the "hereford talk" boards and he was reflecting on the severe drought that he went through a number of years ago. He said that at the time it nearly killed them but he looks back on it now as a positive as it forced them to cull really hard leaving only their best genetics and to change their management for the better. Hopefully some advantages will come out of this for you guys as well.

I can't believe how mild the winter has been in Stanthorpe this year. We were dreading this winter as we had to move the fireplace because of solar panels and we hadn't got around to putting it back in. So far so good with just the little kero heater. We're not there all the time but has felt more like spring weather.

Good preparations will always deliver..Even I have got solar panels and heater as my winter preparations.
Well Ken there was two calves in that little heifer - there was no easy fix, all three are dead and buried now.

The cows are liking the grape product - just as well, as there is 40 tonnes of it.....When first confronted with it, they displayed shock and horror, us expecting them to each such muck! But they soon discovered it's yumbo and are cleaning up every last grapeseed. It smells very strongly, a rich honey aroma but tastes slightly bitter. We've got 30t of CS left, 25 of which is yet to arrive and are mixing it through the grapes to slow them down. The grape product looks just like, and has the same texture as, potting mix. 20t of lick to come next week, we're okay for hay.
We're trucking the small weaners to a feedlot on the downs where they'll go onto a maintenance ration of 23% barley 10% CS, the rest silage - we just can't hold them here any longer. The first lot of feedlot heifers have been killed, havent got the figures through yet. The rest of them have gone today. Will be interesting to work out the final figures when we get the last of the bills through. Certainly not expecting any great profit from it but at least it got rid of them off the place.

Hubby has been tankering M8U to most of our agistment cows and is going N to get another load on Monday and will feed them on the way back through. We had another load delivered here during the week. Hard to keep track of all the comings and goings!
A roadtrain coming in during the night hooked onto our road grid and wrecked the wings. In our spare time, we've redone it all and then decided to renew the whole fence which we've done. Just painting the steel post and rail entrance, grid and gates and our big sign. Doing the sign fluoro orange - how about that!! As well, I'm drawing up, painting and jigsawing out a giant sleigh, santa and reindeers to go on the gate over xmas as the family are all coming, a bit of fun for the little kids. Hubby says the deer (and probably poor santa too) will only get riddled with bullet holes or stolen! I've also got four painting commissions to finish before christmas and try to work on them at night. At the moment, I'm supposed to be catching up with the bills so had better get off here!
Ken did you go to the Ascot bull sale yesterday? Just wondering how it went. I think we're buying his hay when he gets its baled but there was an issue with getting the trailers into there, not sure what the outcome was, must ask hubby.
DarnellBowen":2itjhfbj said:
townfarmer":2itjhfbj said:
How are we all? It's been a while since I've posted here but I've enjoyed reading everyone's updates. I've got Thursday and Friday off work this week and will be at the Ekka for those two days watching the cattle judging. Who else will be there?

You're bulls look awesome Ken! I love the depth and capacity of the third bull you have pictured. it's a pity he didn't make it to the sale and a shame the prices didn't reflect the quality of bulls on offer.

Jilleroo I really feel for the hardships you guys are enduring at the moment and i really admire the resilience and perseverence you obviously have a ton of. I read a post by one of the cattleman on the "hereford talk" boards and he was reflecting on the severe drought that he went through a number of years ago. He said that at the time it nearly killed them but he looks back on it now as a positive as it forced them to cull really hard leaving only their best genetics and to change their management for the better. Hopefully some advantages will come out of this for you guys as well.

I can't believe how mild the winter has been in Stanthorpe this year. We were dreading this winter as we had to move the fireplace because of solar panels and we hadn't got around to putting it back in. So far so good with just the little kero heater. We're not there all the time but has felt more like spring weather.

Good preparations will always deliver..Even I have got solar panels and heater as my winter preparations.

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