Asking for more prayers for my mother

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Ky hills

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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Clark County, KY
Friday morning, my mother had a fall and was not able to walk or stand on her own. She was taken to our local hospital by ambulance because we weren't sure we could get her in and out of the car without hurting her. She was diagnosed there with having bleeding on the brain. She was transferred shortly to UK hospital. She has had a hemorrhagic stroke. She had an eschemic stroke in March but was able to come home and function some after that. Not sure what the future holds this time around, but she is much more debilitated now. She had shown some improvement, and from what little information we can find out recovery can take 6-8 weeks for the blood to clear up. It has stopped bleeding. She can move but it takes her a while to coordinate just to move her arms or legs, and she has to be prompted to do anything. Our bodies are so fragile and uncertain. Just the day before it happened she had got in and out of our 3/4 ton truck to get her hair done, and had attempted to make her locally famous pumpkin roll that night.
Been a rough year here with sickness, sister in law had to stop working because the cancer treatments took so much out of her. A work hand and friend had been battling cancer for a while and looks as if they are discontinuing treatments for him.
The weather and down cattle markets just seemed to pile on. My wife and I have been reminding each other that surely better days will come.
"My wife and I have been reminding each other that surely better days will come."

You better believe it!!! Prayers sent for your mom.
You have my deepest sympathy. Look forward to better times, my friend. When you look back, there will be tracks but the trail ahead surely holds some better times.
Recently a friend had a stroke and was unable to walk or talk for a couple of months. Six months on you would not even know, he has even started playing golf again. Hang in there, life can be rough but the best thing you can do is stay positive and control what you can control.
Prayers said.
Was watching a tv program last night on the brain..all brains actually , and how they, especially ours adapts and changes which part of itself does what if there is an injury.
(my brother had quite a bit of brain material removed during surgery to remove a tumor 2 different times, and he never skipped a beat.)
It can take some time, but quite amazing what a brain is capable of doing all on it's own.
Sorry to hear that Ky. I hope she can get the best out of healing. Times like this you just have to put one foot after the other until you get through things.

Thanks y'all we really appreciate your prayers and well wishes as well as the encouragement. It's tough seeing her in this shape.
Prayers and positive thoughts sent your way. It makes me realize that my folks will not always be here too, with some health issues and being 7-800 miles away from them. We have had some very trying times this year also. Will write about it in a bit, am still trying to process and work through the last 2 tragic deaths in a month. It has helped to try to put it out of my mind when I go on here and try to "be normal" for awhile.
Thanks y'all she does seem to be making progress. She has been moved to another room and was able to walk to the bathroom with help this morning.
It's been about 18 days since my mother started having another bout with another stroke and stroke related issues. It's been a wild and tough ride for her and us too. The hospital that she was first transferred to after being sent from the local one here in town, treated her solely for neurological issues and didn't do much at all honestly, except get her what they called stable which was just for the moment apparently. From there we got her into a nicer rehab facility, but they were going off of new medicine regimen that the other hospital had started, so within a few days she was taken to another hospital, and has been there since Tuesday night. She has been having reactions to medication, and complications due to Afib. This hospital seems to actually be trying to find the cause of the problems and working to find the way to correct it. Now they are talking about a pace maker. She doesn't seem to be too upset, I think she has been so scared and had such a rough time throughout this ordeal that she is comforted by seeing the possibility of being helped. I am concerned about it due to her age, going on 90, although until this spring she was doing quite well for someone her age. Also am concerned about the possibility of infection. It seems very common for folks who have procedures done to also have infections which can take a serious toll as well.

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