As of Wednesday, the doctors have come to agree on an ablation, and then a pacemaker immediately afterwards, scheduled for Monday. That is if she can survive some of the nurses, and hospital doctor. Wednesday morning, we called a nurses attention to the fact that she was about to give her medicine that had been taken off her chart unless her blood pressure was a certain high rate. She argued that she had given it to her 3 days prior, when she was there. She finally agreed to go look at her records, and she came back in and said, "Sorry my bad." The same nurse, 3 days prior had not looked at the records, and came in and asked my mother if she had taken her medication already, not a good idea I don't think to ask someone trying to recover from a stroke if they have taken their medicine. We were very fortunate to have some really good proficient, and professional nurses in between times. There have been a couple nights that we were very nervous about leaving Mama in some of the nurses care. She is in a Neuro ICU, you would think that their would be cream of the crop staff there, but apparently not all of them. One night, we really suspected that the nurse was on some kind of drugs. Thankfully she hasn't been there anymore and hoping she isn't again. Yesterday she had to be given electrolyte type fluids because they dehydrated her with diuretics the day before. We tried to explain to them that she is feeble and easily dehydrated but they insisted that being a little dehydrated was good for someone with her condition. They gave her multiple doses, and then the genius idiots were surprised at the results, gee tried to tell ya, so now my mother had to endure getting poked again for another IV because of their stupidity. Sorry for the rant but after a near month of this crap we have all about had it physically and emotionally.
I apologize for posting these negative posts about our experiences, but am doing so in a PSA manner. There is so much that we were not prepared for when Mama started having these issues, at first we took everyone at their word, within reason, Then learned that within reason was a subjective term as all of them are experts in their own minds and few truly are in reality. Some of those medical professionals do truly care and try their best to do their jobs, some go above and beyond. Unfortunately others are so into themselves that they don't care about anything or anybody, and will tell what ever necessary to suit their needs at that moment. My wife said the other day if something happened to her just take her to the vet, she said he is an honest and caring person.