Artic Air from Aaron

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Stocker Steve

Well-known member
May 2, 2005
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Central Minnesota
Have -9 and up to 30 mph wind this AM. Artic vortex? So, time to get out the winter clothes. Never want to wimp out when it is above zero because then what can you do when it does get cold???
The boss wants to go south for a while in January, so I signed up for a two day organic conference in St. Cloud, MN.. We have found that the food and the people watching are much better at organic events. See you there?
Aaron":2qdhap3g said:
Nesikep":2qdhap3g said:
-21C here this morning (-8F or so)

Same here, but only for another day or so. Warmer weather is on the way next week.
Yeah, you're shipping even more of the cold stuff south to us next week!
Was in your general area the other day - western Ontario.

There's a big new barn/building with hay stacked around it west of thunder bay.. But in an area where there are no fields for miles and miles.

Talking to feedlot out west, they thought it may be for new rules coming where cattle can only be on a truck for so long, and will need a spot to unload and spend some time before finishing the trip. Hear anything of the sort out there? Pile of cattle pots on the move out that way.
Supa Dexta":14oypn07 said:
Was in your general area the other day - western Ontario.

There's a big new barn/building with hay stacked around it west of thunder bay.. But in an area where there are no fields for miles and miles.

Talking to feedlot out west, they thought it may be for new rules coming where cattle can only be on a truck for so long, and will need a spot to unload and spend some time before finishing the trip. Hear anything of the sort out there? Pile of cattle pots on the move out that way.

You were in "Northwestern Ontario". Western Ontario is Bruce/Grey/Huron counties. For a second there, I thought maybe you were lost.

Is this the building you saw?!1sBgUtBK5MluywycwqLrjCfg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

If so, that is the in-transit building where you offload western cattle for feed/water/rest, before they make the rest of the trek through Ontario or vice-versa. Otherwise you could have cattle on the road for 36+ hours straight.

That building has been there for about as long as I have been alive, maybe longer. It goes under the name of "Central Canada Feeding Station Ltd"
Looking at that it doesn't jump out as being the same place, but I think it did have a red roof. I'd have to do some digging to see where exactly I was at the time.

And to me, those 'western' counties look like they're in the most eastern quarter of the province. ha
Aaron":3lwoaapp said:
that is the in-transit building where you offload western cattle for feed/water/rest, before they make the rest of the trek through Ontario or vice-versa. Otherwise you could have cattle on the road for 36+ hours straight.

Most of our cull cows end up in MN or WS. Most of our fats end end up in Nebraska eventually.

Why do they haul cattle for east or west for 36 hours rather than taking a short cut toward the corn belt ?
Stocker Steve":23fjdagk said:
Aaron":23fjdagk said:
that is the in-transit building where you offload western cattle for feed/water/rest, before they make the rest of the trek through Ontario or vice-versa. Otherwise you could have cattle on the road for 36+ hours straight.

Most of our cull cows end up in MN or WS. Most of our fats end end up in Nebraska eventually.

Why do they haul cattle for east or west for 36 hours rather than taking a short cut toward the corn belt ?

All about buyers. Southern Ontario is the equivalent of feeding in IA, IN, IL, etc. Lots of corn and lots of small feedlots. Probably 1/2 or better of the cattle in Canada are fed there. Majority of Ontario calves, a good chunk of Frenchie calves and a bunch of Western cattle are fed there. Even when you figure a freight bill of over $.10/lb to haul them from Manitoba to those feedlots, they still outbid American orders on a regular basis. Nobody knows how they make them pencil and no one cares. A good chunk of my calves have traditionally been bought on order for Amish families in the Ottawa Valley (Bez's stomping grounds). Apparently those Amish love to feed good Hereford steers and I love their money. :D

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