A Texas Size Thank You

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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With this post I wish to give a big Texas THANK YOU to a lot of folks here for sharing tips, tricks, information about the best of things, etc. Let me explain why.

Always have done things as least expensive as I could, using what I had at hand. Well, when it came to working with cattle, i.e., given meds, branding, grooming, etc., I've always done it with rope, muscle, reliance on an old often repaired work coral, well worn wood/metal stanchion, and other somewhat primative inventions. As I work alone and my 6 ft.4 in., 210 lb, 60 yr old body is now gettin a little tired, and as cattle somehow seem to be gettin genetically bigger and fiestier, I decided it was time to update some things around here to make it a little easier on me for the next 20 years.

So I searched through this here forum and found a wealth of information about manufactured squeeze chutes, working pen and chute designs, and who of ya thinks which manufacturer of such equipment is best built and best priced and why. So taking some cash out of the savings which one day will be my son's inheritence, I headed to the co-op ranch'n farm store and got me a brand new Priefert SO4 squeeze chute with AI/Preg cage, bunch of premium panels of varying sizes, fancy new gates and a sweep setup. Decided on Priefert 'cause of what many of you had to say good about the brand. Took the 30 ft flatbed in yesterday to pick up the stuff and will spend most of today unloading it. Will spend next week putting it together. I can remember somewhat the first Christmas that I have recollection of opening presents (about 4 yrs old, 1952), sort of feel that way now. With your help and that of the always friendly and helpful co-op folks, work just might get a little easier, just might.

Anyway, not to get off subject, just want to say thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Doing such made it a lot whole easier for the ol' man to make an informed decision. :cboy:
Sounds like you finally wrote a well deserved paycheck to yourself. You need to do that for yourself every now and then. Good luck in setting it up and compliment you on your brand choice.
glad we could help you decide to update your corral system.i know what it is to work with an old corral.youll really enjoy your new corral setup.
I hate to break this to you its not the cows getting faster,bigger or fiestier. I had that same light bulb go off about ten years ago on the Tiger girls. Thats the reason for migrating to something that moved a little slower, like the Cattleman is now doing.