4 month old calf suddenly unsteady on back legs

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Apr 6, 2008
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We've got a 4 month old calf, up until a few days ago was absolutely fine. When we moved our herd to a different pasture a few days ago, we noticed she was a bit unsteady on her back legs, like they were occasionally twisting to the side on her. Or like she was crossing them slightly when standing, or like they weren't holding her weight well and shifting a bit on her.

She was able to walk, even run, but did trail behind the rest of the herd. We've been observing her for several days and have not noticed any improvement. Otherwise, she looks fine, is alert, eating and generally hanging out with the other calves whether laying down or walking though the fields. We run a completely grass-based operation using rotational grazing. Any help would be appreciated.
It sounds to me like it could be an injury - another bigger beast has been riding her, in play, and temporarily hurt a nerve in her back. Time will tell.
a few weeks ago i posted a question on here about bull twins that i was going to look at.

well, i did look and while i was there one of them started limping a little bit. and within about 10 minutes of that he went to walking with a stagger in his rear end. unstable in his rear end with it swaying from side to side as he walked. that was the first time they had noticed anything wrong and you could see it that day getting progressively worse from the limp to the sway. never seen anything like that before. at the time all i could think of other than injury was maybe his nerves, although he was not very excited or stirred up at all.

to date he is still swaying. he was as i remember about 15 months old when i saw him.

the owner thought it might be some kind of injury at the time, but now doesnt know.

good luck
