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    Cellulosic Ethanol Plant?

    The magical system is nuclear! If someone told Einstein 50 years ago that we would be focusing on wind, solar, and ethanol he would laugh or think the Apocalypse happened. Wind, solar, and ethanol are all a political joke! Drill the ocean and develop nuclear!
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    How did open-minded become Liberal Ideology?

    they demand everyone believe exactly what they believe, i call that fascist. also what they believe is whatever the media tells them. open minded or thinker should never be used to describe liberals. maybe feeble minded.
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    sex link chicks?

    Thank you.
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    sex link chicks?

    I have a friend that has rhode island red hens, is there any rooster he can get that would make the male and female chicks different color or any other easy determined trait?
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    Entering the poultry (broilers) business?

    A small independent operation with hormone and antibiotic free can make some money. I just raised 100 cornish rocks. Your only limited by the size of your market.
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    Diets suck!

    Go cut some firewood.
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    Fed cuts funds rate 75 basis points

    Abstract? This is a real problem and I am saying it should be dealt with in a real way, not by covering our eyes and hope it gets better. People will loose money, your example may happen, I understand perfectly. I may be cold about the whole situation, but down the road that $2500 may become...
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    Fed cuts funds rate 75 basis points

    The meltdown will happen but lowering the rate will only delay the meltdown but not for long and make it much worse. It is like getting in trouble with your parents and lying about it, the beating is delayed a short time, but it will be much worse.
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    Fed cuts funds rate 75 basis points

    Where is Jimmy Stewart when you need him?
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    Fed cuts funds rate 75 basis points

    Don't get to excited I said these are things I read and heard and not my original thoughts. I think the top problem is a spoiled society living over there means that needs a government that will tell them NO and thinks are going to be bad. This bandaid they are stairing at needs to get ripped...
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    Fed cuts funds rate 75 basis points

    From what I hear and read this will make the dollar worth even less and the correct thing would be to take our bruises and stop feading the storm and making a far larger problem in the future.
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    It would be the first time a president served more then 8 years because of war, maybe it could happen again.
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    Pondering Again.

    Just because you don't winter cows doesn't mean you can't have a cow calf operations. You said you know what you are doing at auctions so buy older cows and sell 3-1's and run feeders as well. Soon as this snow melts and the ground dries out I will be back at it.
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    Pondering Again.

    Switching to stockers because of the upfront costs of fertilizer and fuel? What about the upfront cost you will have buying stockers! You have to spend money to make money, as long as you are making money.
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    name your breed

    My cow herd is mainly Scotchmen and brahmandler.
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    A bit of Trivia

    I think you underestimate the Aribs! They would cut production if that happend, they stand together agaist the west! $2.00 gallon wont ever happen again, unless they make a hydrogen car.
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    A bit of Trivia

    With the free market economy if it will save money or make money don't count it out.
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    A bit of Trivia

    I heard this the other day. I think a better comparision would be how many miles a gallon per ton by semi's then passenger cars in comparision to the rail.
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    a lil humor..................

    Most of this stuff is things you want to do. Men don't care about your shoes or sending cards to friends or most of this. Most women do not do anywhere near as much stuff as on this list. Why even list it, sounds like that dairy farmer from a little whils back that worked 27 hours a day.