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  1. W

    Fair Value for Rented Pasture

    The guy that rents our crop land told me that 20 years ago he rented pasture for 45-60 per acre and although we still do 1/3 share, we get the equivalent of 130/acre on our crop ground. Some people are getting 200.
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    Sacrifice area for Hay

    What's wrong with them eating fescue in your sacrifice area? How is the manure wasted on your not so good pastures? Isn't this where you need the manure the most? I think it's important to either, move the cattle regularly while feeding hay, or pick a small paddock to sacrifice. When Joel...
  3. W

    At what point do you just let them wander in MIG?

    That's not exactly true, a pasture that is managed in a particular way has more or less ability to deal with drought and to deal with rain. The more carbon (dead grasses manure etc.) that is accumulated through grazing and management such as MIG or Mob Grazing, the more moisture can be stored in...
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    What to do with grass/hay

    This guy might not have done a good job of it, but "grazing hay" in different paddocks can build up the soil and add nutrients from the hay that was trucked in. I would agree with the last post, unless you're going to fert. alot haying is not the right direction. Rotationally grazing would be...
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    grass fed website got some good info

    This farm is a few hours from me, but the processing plant that they bought is only 20 mins from here. We're thinking of having our first 2 hogs butchered by them but we've heard some REALLY mixed reviews. When my family first got excited about grass fed beef and started looking into...
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    Fall/winter Grazing, MiG

    This is my first year with cattle, first year for our pastures, and first year doing MiG. We're moving the cows everyday to a new paddock and our rotations have taken around 55 days but we added a few cows 2 weeks ago and our rotations are now probably going to take 46 days (just estimating...
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    MaxQ Fescue

    hhhmmm, I believe that lab tests would be necessary to tell the difference.
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    MaxQ Fescue

    Yeah Steve, the endophyte is what helps fescue to do so well so if you just take out the endophyte, it's not as hardy of a grass. What MaxQ has is another endophyte that doesn't seem to have any negative effects on cattle or horses. If I had a good fescue field I probably would just add clovers...
  9. W

    Winter Pasture

    We've also got 2 acres of bermuda that we planted in the spring. There is alot of weeds and volunteer foxtail and johnson grass. Do you think that grazing it after the bermuda has gone dormant would work to take out alot of those cool season grasses and weeds? I know that my horses won't touch...
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    MaxQ Fescue

    Dun, I'm guessing that you meant that K31 will win in the battle for space and out live the Max Q?? Alot of people worry and claim that the endophyte from K31 will infect endophyte-free or friendly-endophyte fescues but from what I've read, this is impossible. I do believe that an endophyte...
  11. W

    Winter Pasture

    We just planted our pasture late this spring (it was too wet to plant early). We drilled oats with orchard, ladino clover, and a grazing alfalfa. This fall we added MaxQ Fescue but it's not coming up yet. We rotate our SMALL herd to a new paddock everyday and have gotten between 50 and 60 days...
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    Ideas for changing times

    Go to and look up Joel Salatin If you search google for videos you can find some of his talks, but his books have more information. All his ideas are low input and direct marketing of meat or eggs.
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    I make a new paddock each day, but with the sq footage I'm using for a paddock now, I've basically got 54 paddocks on 10 acres. I need more cows to be able to get back to a paddock sooner, but hopefully this will let us stockpile alot for winter. What I don't know is, should we stockpile...
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    If you have a couple of hours to work the cattle, moving them shouldn't take much of that... It's hard to know without knowing your setup though. I have to string a poly wire across 200' with a reel and put 2 or three step in posts on that line, then moved their trough by hand and plug it back...
  15. W

    Value of Raising Alfalfa vs. Red Clover Mixes Today

    I agree that without even adding manure back into the soil, it SEEMs impossible to continue year after year. You can at least cut down on money spent on Nitrogen with legumes though. It's funny that the link 2 posts up seemed to discount legumes doing much of anything for the other plants around...
  16. W

    Value of Raising Alfalfa vs. Red Clover Mixes Today

    Bigbull, Do you rotationally graze? on the hay fields also or are the cattle "running" on separate pasture? My point is, are you adding manure to those hayfields with the cows? or do they just site untouched until you cut hay again next year?
  17. W

    Value of Raising Alfalfa vs. Red Clover Mixes Today

    I'm no expert, but it's well known that legumes put Nitrogen into the soil, from the air, without needing to be tilled in or left as green manure/mulch, whatever.
  18. W

    MOB GRAZING pics

    Right now mine don't have shade everyday. It's not as hot as it's going to be in the next couple of months, but I'm sure they'd be doing better with shade always available. I'm going to be building a shademobile. I'm either going to use an old hay wagon gear or make a heavy tricycle gear and...
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    Video on Forage

    Not exactly focused on the small time pasture based farm. I wonder how much beef or milk the small farmer would have to sell to pay for that loader, much less the silage storage areas!
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    Too Late for Manure?

    Thanks Chris